
Wednesday May 01, 2024
John Lee Dumas - Encore Careers are Being Launched with Podcasts at Every Age
Wednesday May 01, 2024
Wednesday May 01, 2024
John Lee Dumas explains that in many cases age 50+ people are in a better position to be a Podcast host than their younger counterparts due to their extra years of experience.
To learn more about starting your own Podcast visit Podcasters' Paradise

Friday Apr 05, 2024
Stephen Lynch - How to Create a Business That Can Outlive the Owner (K2817)
Friday Apr 05, 2024
Friday Apr 05, 2024

Friday Mar 27, 2020
Swami Tirtha - How to Reduce Stress (K1217)
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Swami Tirtha is the Author of "The Hip Guru's Guide", and for the past 40 years he has been helping business owners and their families with natural health and stress management.

Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
Dean Roberts - Retraining Yourself After Retiring (A0518)
Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
Dean Roberts retired from his business in his mid 50's and has learned a thing or two since then. He talks about his book "I'll Fix My Head Before I'm Dead" (available on Amazon and Kindle) and answers questions such as:
Questions Answered
1. What do you see as the most important thing someone can do to continuously improve their life?
2. What books had the greatest effect on your life?
3. What are your favorite quotes?
Contact info:
Email: dean@restlesstrader.com

Thursday Jan 04, 2018
Building a Portfolio - Bill Ellermeyer (A0418)
Thursday Jan 04, 2018
Thursday Jan 04, 2018
Host: Bill Black Audio Library: www.ExitCoachRadio.com
Listen to Daily interviews and tell your Business Owner friends!

Thursday Nov 09, 2017
Diane Conklin - Turning Your Knowledge Into Profits (K0917)
Thursday Nov 09, 2017
Thursday Nov 09, 2017
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Saturday Oct 14, 2017
Tony Pelusi - Change Often Starts With a Difficult Conversation (J1417)
Saturday Oct 14, 2017
Saturday Oct 14, 2017
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Tony: I get a call from a gentleman, he wanted to know if I can come in and talk to him and his partner, and I was pleased to do that. When I got there, I found out they were having their best year yet, financially, but their worst year personally. The business was 20 years deep and they had lots going for them, but the fun was gone. And they hardly talked to each other inside the office anymore, let alone outside the office. They wanted to know if I could help, and I told them I would, as long as they were willing to think outside the box. So we did some investigation and identified their goals, and we created a plan that we could put into effect. And the first, and most important, piece was for them to have the conversations that they so often avoided even though they knew they were going to be helpful, because they were uncomfortable. So I was able to facilitate discussion and get them to open up, and that really caused their relationship to warm up and flourish. Then, we turned to some of the different things, the procedural, and logistic, and strategic concerns within the business.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Monday Oct 02, 2017
Preparing for Your Encore Career (1m) Marc Camras (J0217)
Monday Oct 02, 2017
Monday Oct 02, 2017
Marc Camras, President, MVision Consulting discusses some of the factors that go into deciding what makes for a good fit when thinking about a new business opportunity for the next chapter in your life.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Saturday Sep 16, 2017
Pina Di Cola - Why Selfies Can Be Bad for Your Peace of Mind (H1617)
Saturday Sep 16, 2017
Saturday Sep 16, 2017
Bill Black, Host of the Exit Coach Radio Show, conducts this interview.
Pina Di Cola, a Photographer and Owner of Pina Di Cola Photography in Los Angeles, discusses a fading art form - the skill of a true photographer to capture your essence in the age of the selfie, and she discusses her book "You are Photogenic: Discover Your True Self with Photo-Image"
Contact info:
Email Address: pinadicola@gmail.com
Website: pinadicola.com
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Wednesday Apr 19, 2017
Sasha Laghonh - Are You Sure You Are on The Right Path?
Wednesday Apr 19, 2017
Wednesday Apr 19, 2017
Sasha is the Creator of Sasha Talks, where she engages listeners and clients in Life Strategies, Wellness and Professional Coaching. To complement such coaching for individuals, intuitive insights are also available.
We upload new interviews and tips every day! Share this episode with your friends and be sure to check out our episodes on iTunes!
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Saturday Apr 08, 2017
Carolyn Rosenblatt - The Pillars of a Healthy Retirement
Saturday Apr 08, 2017
Saturday Apr 08, 2017
Carolyn Rosenblatt of www.AgingParents.com discusses 2 of the 3 Pillars of a Healthy Retirement.
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Saturday Mar 18, 2017
Marnie Swedberg - Finding Time for You
Saturday Mar 18, 2017
Saturday Mar 18, 2017
Marnie has been a restaurant and retail store owner and the online mentor to over 14,000 leaders from over 30 countries. She also has authored 12 "How To" books, and in this episode she shares tips of how you can do it all and still have time for yourself!
And be sure and get the free e-Book "Business Continuity: 5 Steps to Protect your Family", a True Story of a business planning tragedy and steps you can take so your Family does not become the Victim of an Unplanned Business. To Download it FREE Click Here
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Saturday Dec 03, 2016
Liz Bentley - Succession Planning
Saturday Dec 03, 2016
Saturday Dec 03, 2016
Liz Bentley is the President of Liz Bentley Associates, a business focused on Leadership Development and Organizational Consulting. Today, she will discuss succession planning strategies.
Questions Asked:
1. Why do so many companies need help with succession planning right now?
2. What does your team of consultants to help navigate succession planning
3. What is the biggest struggle you see?
Contact Info:
Website: www.lizbentley.com
Email: liz@lizbentley.com
Bonus Material:
DiSC Assessment to assess leadership style at www.lizbentley.com
What can you do RIGHT NOW to work on making your Business more Sustainable, Transferable and Valuable in the future? Visit our Online Planning Links at www.ExitCoachRadio.com/links
Sponsors: Exit & Retirement Strategies, Inc. | BEI |Jeffrey M Verdon Law Group | Albert J Rasch & Associates | Ghassemian Law Group
Listening from an iPhone or iPad? Get our App in the App Store: click here

Friday Nov 04, 2016
Richard Katz - Transitioning from Lawyer to Author
Friday Nov 04, 2016
Friday Nov 04, 2016
Richard Katz is a retired trial lawyer turned author. Today, he will discuss the finer points of writing and how he was able to change his career path through research and following his own personal desires.
Sponsors: Exit & Retirement Strategies, Inc. | BEI |Jeffrey M Verdon Law Group | Albert J Rasch & Associates | Ghassemian Law Group
Listening from an iPhone or iPad? Get our App in the App Store: click here

Thursday Oct 13, 2016
Mike Burleigh - Don’t Count on Inheritances to Save Your Retirement
Thursday Oct 13, 2016
Thursday Oct 13, 2016
Visit ExitCoachRadio.com for Audio, Videos, Books and Interactive Tools to Grow Your Business Value, Protect Your Family and Prepare for your Future Transition.
New! Get our iPhone app at the App Store - search for Exit Coach Radio. Grow your business value by up to 71% - take a free assessment at www.BizGrowth123.com

Thursday Sep 08, 2016
Paul Cronin - What Will Your Life Be Like After You Exit?
Thursday Sep 08, 2016
Thursday Sep 08, 2016
In this 1 minute highlight, Paul Cronin, Partner & Director of Business Development of the Successful Transition Planning Institute discusses 3 basic questions to contemplate as you prepare for a fulfilling life after Business Sale or Transition.
Paul: There are a few essential questions you need to answer, and these are really existential questions. Okay, what's next for me? Number two is, what should I be doing with my business? Number three is, what should I be doing with my life? And when you have a very straightforward process to answer those questions, you end up creating new ideas, new opportunities, and then from there, you can start making decisions about which of these great new ideas are really good and which of them maybe aren't so great after all, until you make better decisions, more thoughtful decisions, or, what we call, more balanced decisions. And whenever you do that, you are more likely to come out with a better outcome, a more satisfactory transition from being the business owner to whatever this new life it is you've decided on.
Visit ExitCoachRadio.com for Audio, Videos, Books and Interactive Tools to Grow Your Business Value, Protect Your Family and Prepare for your Future Transition.
New! Get our iPhone app at the App Store - search for Exit Coach Radio. Grow your business value by up to 71% - take a free assessment at www.BizGrowth123.com

Friday Jul 15, 2016
Pat Peason - Pairing College and Retirement
Friday Jul 15, 2016
Friday Jul 15, 2016
Since Pat’s focus is on serving the needs of retirees and pre-retirees, he offers conservative strategies that seek to minimize risk to principal while maximizing income.His process helps each client understand how much risk is appropriate in determining the optimalasset allocation for them. This strategy has served Patrick and his clients well; his success has garnered him some of the industry's most prestigious awards. Additionally Pat has hundreds of happy clients across the state. An award winning national speaker, Pat also instructs top level executives to help them become more effective communicators. This will be an entertaining, informative and dynamic program!
Among the many challenges unique to today's generation of working parents trying to save for retirement is the fact that college tuition costs have never been higher. According to figures from the College Board, the average cost of attending a public university (including tuition, fees, room, and board) for the 2013-2014 academic year was $18,391 for in-state students and $31,701 for out-of-state students. For private, non-profit colleges and universities, the average was $40,917.*
So daunting are those numbers for most parents that a majority of them admit they aren't even trying to save for their children's college. In a report released recently byCertified Financial Planner (CFP) Board of Standards, Inc., more than two-thirds (69 percent) of 1,003 parents surveyed said that they have not started saving for their children's higher education because everyday living expenses have left no additional funds.**
It's a sad finding, of course, but not really surprising when you consider that those "everyday living expenses" may include not just food, housing, and utilities, but a multitude of other financial demands and predicaments that are - in many instances - unique to today's generation of working Americans.
Is it Any Wonder?
As I've noted in previous columns, some of these predicaments have arisen in just the past few years as part of the fallout from two major stock market drops since the year2000, the collapse of the housing market, and the onset of the Great Recession. In the wake of the recession, for example, many Americans were forced to refinance their mortgages. At the same time, basic middle-class living costs have gone up while incomes have stagnated. And here's the biggest irony: according to the CFP survey, nearly half of today's working parents (an estimated 48 percent) have fallen behind on their own college loans and are still struggling to pay off their student debt! So, is it really any wonder that junior's college fund has been forced way down on the priority list?
Interestingly, though,the CFP survey also indicates that among the priorities most Americans put ahead of college planning, the top two are: building an emergency fund and saving for retirement. That's interesting because it suggests the assumption that college planning and retirement planning need to be, or ought to be, separate things, which is not really the case. On the contrary; people should be aware that comprehensive financial planning can enable you to meet your current needs while working toward all of your long-term goals - including college and retirement - simultaneously, and often in ways that are mutually beneficial to each goal. Conversely, separating and prioritizing long-term goals can very often cause you to miss out on opportunities to enhance or expedite the growth of your assets overall, or to protect them from unnecessary losses. This requires strategy, however, and financial planning expertise on an expert level.
Tax Breaks
To clarify that point, let's look at those CFP survey respondents who reported that they were, in fact, saving for their children's higher education. Among them, the majority (61 percent) said that they were doing so through a savings account, while 40 percent said they were using a 529 plan and 33 percent said they were using "investments." Now, these strategies may all be ideal for these individuals depending on their situations, and provided they are part of a comprehensive plan that also incorporates retirement and other long-term goals. If not, then these individuals may not be saving for college nearly as effectively as they could be. They may, for instance, be losing out on tax breaks or opportunities to maximize returns on their 529 plans and investments. Also, hopefully these parents are aware that certain investment tools undercut financial aid eligibility while others do not. That's important when you consider 56 percent of people surveyed said they were"counting on" some level of financial aid to help cover their children's college costs.
The bottom line is that with so many unprecedented financial challenges facing Americans as they plan for retirement, it's understandable that for many, the prospect of saving for college might seem too daunting to even think about. But the fact is,professional guidance and comprehensive financial planning can help you not only put the kids through school, but simultaneously prepare for a comfortable retirement marked by financial security and dependable, lifelong income.
Visit ExitCoachRadio.com for Audio, Videos, Books and Interactive Tools to Grow Your Business Value, Protect Your Family and Prepare for your Future Transition.
New! Get our iPhone app at the App Store - search for Exit Coach Radio. Grow your business value by up to 71% - take a free assessment at www.BizGrowth123.com

Wednesday Jul 13, 2016
David Heath - The Journey That Started a Passion
Wednesday Jul 13, 2016
Wednesday Jul 13, 2016
Years ago, David Heath, an Adventurer/Traveler and Photographer, set out on an adventure. Little did he know it would become his passion.
David has created a book "Burma - An Enchanted Spirit" - it's a coffee table art book that will expose you to a different pace of life.
Questions Discussed:
1. What brought you to Burma ( Myanmar)?
2. What have you learned from the people of Myanmar?
3. How has Myanmar changed in the last few years?
Contact Info:
Visit ExitCoachRadio.com for Audio, Videos, Books and Interactive Tools to Grow Your Business Value, Protect Your Family and Prepare for your Future Transition.
New! Get our iPhone app at the App Store - search for Exit Coach Radio. Grow your business value by up to 71% - take a free assessment at www.BizGrowth123.com

Saturday May 21, 2016
Bill Ellermeyer - Unretirement, the Future for Work
Saturday May 21, 2016
Saturday May 21, 2016
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Bill Ellermeyer discusses why it's important to develop your digital profile, and why the most successful owners never stop building their social media network.

Saturday Apr 09, 2016
Paul Cronin - Start Planning Your Post-Sale Life with an Assessment
Saturday Apr 09, 2016
Saturday Apr 09, 2016
In this 1 minute highlight, Paul Cronin, Partner/ Dir. of Bus. Dev. - Successful Transition Planning Institute discusses an Assessment tool that many business owners have used to learn about themselves and create a clear picture of what might make for a fulfilling lifestyle after selling or transferring their business.
The interview was conducted by Bill Black, The Exit Coach, on The Exit Coach Radio Show - the Information Station for Age 50+ Business Owners contemplating Business Succession and Exit Planning.

Friday Apr 17, 2015
Exit Coach 20M Interview: Investing 101 - Kris De La Pena
Friday Apr 17, 2015
Friday Apr 17, 2015
Host: Bill Black. Kris De La Pena discusses retirement, purchasing power, and the importance of hedging your portfolio with the rising cost of living. Audio library: www.ExitCoachRadio.com. New content daily - check back often!

Saturday Dec 06, 2014
Julia Stiles - Your Call to Adventure
Saturday Dec 06, 2014
Saturday Dec 06, 2014
Julia is a health and transformation Coach who helps people bring a sense of adventure and curiosity to a major life change. Listen t her story and her approach to life -- it's fascinating!

Friday Dec 05, 2014
Maura Sweeney - What Makes You Smile?
Friday Dec 05, 2014
Friday Dec 05, 2014
Maura Sweeney is in the business of inspiring people to live happy - from the inside out. In this 20 minute interview she talks about exiting our comfort zones in order to create midlife (or Third Act) careers that are filled with purpose and fun.
Check back daily to hear more tips, ideas and precautions from top Advisors, Authors and Thought Leaders!

Tuesday Dec 02, 2014
Swami Tirtha (20m) Reducing Stress Boosts Creativity and Production
Tuesday Dec 02, 2014
Tuesday Dec 02, 2014
Listen to Swami Tirtha with an open mind. For the past 40 years he has been a breakthrough expert and is the author of "The Hip Guru's Guide." Here he describes the catalyst that led him from being over-worked and over-stressed to helping business owners and their families and employees to reduce stress and boost creativity. He offers Natural tips for Health, Wealth, peace and Joy.

Monday Nov 24, 2014
The Journey to Find Purpose - Roget Laidig
Monday Nov 24, 2014
Monday Nov 24, 2014

Sunday Nov 23, 2014
End of Life Planning - Chris Hill
Sunday Nov 23, 2014
Sunday Nov 23, 2014
Host: Bill Black Audio Library: www.ExitCoachRadio.com

Thursday Nov 13, 2014
Staying Valuable After Retirement - Raj Tumber
Thursday Nov 13, 2014
Thursday Nov 13, 2014
Host: Steve Beatty Audio Library:

Friday Oct 17, 2014
Exit Coach 20M Interview: Goal Identification - Scott Miller
Friday Oct 17, 2014
Friday Oct 17, 2014
Host: Bill Black. Audio library: www.ExitCoachRadio.com.

Thursday Oct 16, 2014
Exit Coach 20M Interview: Working After Retirement - Mark Kravietz
Thursday Oct 16, 2014
Thursday Oct 16, 2014

Thursday Oct 09, 2014
Exit Coach 20M Interview: Wealth Management for Farmers - Randy Long
Thursday Oct 09, 2014
Thursday Oct 09, 2014
Host: Bill Black. Randy Long discusses wealth management, inheritance, and exit planning for farmers. Audio library: www.ExitCoachRadio.com. New content daily - check back often!

Monday Oct 06, 2014
Monday Oct 06, 2014
Host: Bill Black. Devon Blaine discusses the importance of visibility, business publications, increasing sales, and predictability when planning an exit strategy. Audio library: www.ExitCoachRadio.com. New content daily - check back often!

Saturday Sep 13, 2014
Saturday Sep 13, 2014
Steve Beatty's guest shares tips & ideas for age 50+ business owners. New content daily - check back often!

Saturday Aug 23, 2014
Exit Coach 20M Interview: Exit Preparedness - Don Burzen
Saturday Aug 23, 2014
Saturday Aug 23, 2014
Bill Black interviews Don Burzen who shares tips, ideas and precautions to help business owners and their families leave their business, while enhancing and protecting the value of the business in the aftermath. We upload new content daily so check back often!

Saturday Aug 02, 2014
Exit Coach: It's Time to Retire the Word Retire (20m) Kerry Hannon
Saturday Aug 02, 2014
Saturday Aug 02, 2014
Bill Black interviews Career and Retirement Expert Kerry Hannon, Columnist and Contributing Editor for The New York Time, Forbes, AARP, and PBS, and Author of "What's Next? Finding Your Passion and Your Dream Job in Your Forties, Fifties and Beyond" and "Great Jobs for Everyone 50+: Finding Work That Keeps You Happy and Healthy ... and Pays the Bills". Kerry offers many valuable insights on the topic of life after age 50, and offers insights regarding opportunities, as well as some tips and precautions.
We'll be back tomorrow with fresh new content, so please check back! And don't keep ExitCoachRadio.com a secret -- that's not nice!

Saturday Jul 12, 2014
What to Know Before You Buy A Franchise (20m) Josh Brown
Saturday Jul 12, 2014
Saturday Jul 12, 2014
Are you thinking about buying a franchise business? Listen to this and get in touch with Josh Brown first!
We upload new content every day - please check back often!

Saturday Jun 07, 2014
Surviving Retirement as a Couple (20m) Miriam Goodman
Saturday Jun 07, 2014
Saturday Jun 07, 2014
Miriam Goodman of MG Consultants discusses some of the issues couples face when one or both spouses retire.
We upload new content daily so please check back often!

Friday Jun 06, 2014
Creating your "What's Next" (20m) Roberta Taylor
Friday Jun 06, 2014
Friday Jun 06, 2014
Roberta Taylor helps people create a fulfilling post-retirement life and shares ideas and tips in this 20 minute interview.
We upload new content daily so please check back often!

Wednesday May 21, 2014
How to Transform Wall Street (20m) Kim Ann Curtin
Wednesday May 21, 2014
Wednesday May 21, 2014
Kim Ann Curtin, www.TheWallStreetCoach.com discusses how she has coached many professionals who needed to transition from one career to the next and what she has learned about their experiences. Watch for Kim's new book "Transforming Wall Street: A Conscious Path for a New Future"
See the Index for more on this Topic or by this Guest. Listen on iTunes: iTunes.ExitcoachRadio.com .

Saturday May 10, 2014
Bigger is Not Always Better for an Encore Business (1m) Marc Camras
Saturday May 10, 2014
Saturday May 10, 2014
Marc Camras, President, MVision Consulting discusses the importance of thinking about your goals and objectives and factors that go into your business selection if you want to "re-wire" your business life after selling your existing business.
We add new content daily, so come back often!

Thursday May 08, 2014
Retire or Re-wire? AARP Has Resources For You (17m) Jean Setzfand
Thursday May 08, 2014
Thursday May 08, 2014
Jean Setzfand is Vice President of Financial Security at AARP. She leads AARP's educational and outreach efforts aimed at helping Americans have financial peace of mind in retirement. She discusses the many factions of the over 37 million AARP members and the many ways that AARP can help no matter what your path to retirement.
We upload new content several times daily, so please check back often! You can also subscribe to us on iTunes at http://iTunes.ExitCoachRadio.com

Sunday May 04, 2014
The Post-Business-Sale Transition - Matthew Capell
Sunday May 04, 2014
Sunday May 04, 2014
Matthew Capell, January Partners, discusses what is normally expected of an Owner who has sold their business after the close.
We add new content daily, so come back often!

Saturday May 03, 2014
Always Let Your Values Drive Your Actions (1m) Tony Pelusi
Saturday May 03, 2014
Saturday May 03, 2014
In this 1 minute Highlight, Tony Pelusi, Tony Pelusi & Associates discusses how he begins to understand what his clients need by comparing their values against their actions.
We add new content daily, so come back often!

Sunday Feb 02, 2014
(20m) Tony Pelusi - It's Time To Find Your Balance
Sunday Feb 02, 2014
Sunday Feb 02, 2014
In this 20 minute Interview, Tony Pelusi, Tony Pelusi & Associates discusses how he helps clients transition from being overly focused on the office to living a life of meaning and balance.
The interview was conducted by Bill Black, The Exit Coach, on The Exit Coach Radio Show - the Information Station for Age 50+ Business Owners contemplating Business Succession and Exit Planning.
Check back to listen to other content by Tony- See the "ADVISOR INDEX" on right from the Home Page
Or listen to our many other top Advisor Guests' 20 MINUTE INTERVIEWS and 1 MINUTE AUDIO TIPS
To get updates on new content and a Weekend Summary , text "EXIT" to 22828 or CLICK HERE
We have over 125 Advisors booked and we add new content daily, so come back often!
Please mention Exit Coach Radio to your friends!
ExitCoachRadio.com - Come Listen for a Minute!

Sunday Feb 02, 2014
Transition Choices -- Paul Cronin
Sunday Feb 02, 2014
Sunday Feb 02, 2014
1. You are GOING to leave your business someday. You only have two choices for transitioning:
a. Plan your transition on YOUR terms
b. Let OTHERS plan it FOR you (i.e., family, governments, courts, lawyers, etc.)
2. Most business owners think of retirement as one of two choices:
a. Die at their desk (because they can’t think of anything more meaningful to do)
b. Retire to a boring, meaningless life (i.e. “The Golden Years” our grandparents retirement)
i. We say: no there is a third choice – The Platinum Years℠, a dynamic life, full of purpose and meaning, the best 10,20 or 30 years of life
3. Leaving your business is NOT a “Do It Yourself” project. Depending on the size of your business, you will need at least 4 and as many as 17 different advisors
a. Why? Because the skills and knowledge you have gained to start and run your business, are NOT the same skills and knowledge that you need to leave your business, and you don’t have 20 years to learn them all
Successful Transition
Planning Institute
F. Cronin
Google+: pfpcronin