
Friday Nov 10, 2017
T. Phillip Boggess - Start With The End in Mind (K1017)
Friday Nov 10, 2017
Friday Nov 10, 2017
T. Phillip Boggess of TPB Financial discusses the necessity of thinking of your future when starting a business.
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Bill: Where do you start to plan when you have a new business? Here's T. Phillip Boggess.
T: Almost everyone, when they start a business, wants limited liability, so let's make sure that we create the entity that's gonna have limited liability so we aren't opening the door for any litigators to pierce the corporate veil. At the same time that's happening, we have to plan our exit strategy, because trying to plan for that later is too difficult. So we need to create some sort of buy-sell agreement or some other way for these business owners to know, when it comes time that I want to leave or that I have to leave, that here's how it's going to work. It's going to protect everybody, it's going protect people who are staying in the business, because they're going to get to have the business and run the business as they are without necessarily being in business with their former partner's family, and it's going to protect the former partner's family because if something were to happen to him or her, it makes sure they are going to get what they deserve.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Thursday Nov 09, 2017
Jack Bass - Your Business, Your Franchise (K0917)
Thursday Nov 09, 2017
Thursday Nov 09, 2017
A 1 minute excerpt from a recent interview with Jack Bass. Hear the full interview by entering 'Jack Bass' into our search index at www.ExitCoachRadio.com. We upload new content daily so check back often!
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Wednesday Nov 08, 2017
Joan Pounds - Getting Your Message Out Correctly (K0817)
Wednesday Nov 08, 2017
Wednesday Nov 08, 2017
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Joan Pounds of Monetization Magic discusses how she helps internet-based businesses get started.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Tuesday Nov 07, 2017
Bill Lilliquist - Have An Elevator Speech Ready For Every Size Building (K0717)
Tuesday Nov 07, 2017
Tuesday Nov 07, 2017
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Bill Lilliquist of Welcome Sales Services Inc. and Springboard Business Consulting and Coaching discusses the importance of always being ready when a marketing opportunity presents itself.
What can you do RIGHT NOW to work on making your Business more Sustainable, Transferable and Valuable in the future? Visit our Online Planning Links at www.ExitCoachRadio.com/links

Sunday Nov 05, 2017
Sunday Nov 05, 2017
Jeff Karges, Partner - Relationship Matters Consulting Group discusses his experience in dealing with family business dynamics, and that the best way to tackle the issues is head-on.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Saturday Nov 04, 2017
John Grace - There Goes the Neighborhood (K0417)
Saturday Nov 04, 2017
Saturday Nov 04, 2017
John Grace, President, Investor's Advantage Corp. discusses a trend in housing that suggests that "bigger is not better" for the future.
John: All of us bought the big house in the same 20 year period. Well, let's see, that means that the eldest of the Boomers are 68, the youngest is 50, what's going to be next? Is it reasonable, in your opinion, that if we roughly bought all of the big houses on the big lots in the same 20 year period that we might be getting out of those houses, for various reasons, in a similar timeframe? It's reasonable to me. So, what we're saying is, to those, like I say the 50, 60, and 70 year olds, put paint on that thing and sell it, put that house up for sale, get your cash, do not wait, because you may find that we're in the beginning of another downturn, as far as real estate, that might be more than 10%, it might be 30%, and who would like to see that happen again when you need the money?
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Friday Nov 03, 2017
Friday Nov 03, 2017
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Bill: One things for sure, when you're planning your exit strategy, a cookie cutter approach is just not going to cut it. Listen to this expert advice from planner Steve Beatty.
Steve: You've got to look at what the owner's particular needs are, what their particular situation is, what their goals, and what their fears are. You've got to take all that into account and come up with customized solutions. A solution that we've used a lot, that I think is underutilized, is an ESOP. The benefits of having a readymade market, the employees of the business, to enjoy the tax benefits that ESOPs can provide, and create a lot of potential wealth for those employees, it's a win-win solution that I think a lot of people don't use because they simply don't understand how it works and what the benefits are.
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Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
Buck Blanton - When You Sign as 401k Trustee You are Responsible and Liable (K0117)
Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Buck Blanton of ECM Group discusses the importance of being aware of your responsibilities when you sign as a Trustee for a Retirement plan.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Tuesday Oct 31, 2017
Tuesday Oct 31, 2017
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Bill: You know, a lot of business owners would probably start the planning process a lot earlier if someone talked to them with the clarity of this gentleman. Listen to expert planner Joe Siecinski.
Joe: By far, the biggest challenge that I see, is time. I mean, the foundation for any business, you've got kinda four pillars of your businesses. It's Time, how you use your time, your Destination, where you want your business to get to, you can't get there if you don't know where you're going, Delivery, which is about consistency in the delivery of your product or service, and Knowing Your Money. Before we can do anything, we've really gotta free up some time. So, I have a system called the Small Business Countering System, which is in my book, called Brain Share, and I really try to get 8 hours back in their work week, then we can start working on the business. So, I almost always start with getting some time back in your business, so we can work on the business.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Monday Oct 30, 2017
Terry Hawkins - The Road to Mastery (J3017)
Monday Oct 30, 2017
Monday Oct 30, 2017
Here's a 1 minute preview of today's featured Guest. Give it a listen and share it with your friends, and if you like the content be sure and listen to the full 20 minute interview!
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Sunday Oct 29, 2017
Sunday Oct 29, 2017
Janna Hoiberg of Harvest Business Coaching discusses some of the challenges that family businesses face, and strategies for dealing with them.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Friday Oct 27, 2017
Harry Dent - 1 minute interview excerpt (J2717)
Friday Oct 27, 2017
Friday Oct 27, 2017

Harry S. Dent Jr. studied economics in college in the ’70s, but found it vague and inconclusive. He became so disillusioned by the state of his chosen profession that he turned his back on it. Instead, he threw himself into the burgeoning new science of finance where identifying and studying demographic, technological, consumer and many, many other trends empowered him to forecast economic changes.
Since then, he’s spoken to executives, financial advisors and investors around the world. He’s appeared on “Good Morning America,” PBS, CNBC and CNN/Fox News. He’s been featured in Barron’s, Investor’s Business Daily, Entrepreneur, Fortune, Success, U.S. News and World Report, Business Week, The Wall Street Journal, American Demographics and Omni. He is a regular guest on Fox Business’s “America’s Nightly Scorecard.”
Harry has written numerous books over the years. In his book The Great Boom Ahead, published in 1992, he stood virtually alone in accurately forecasting the unanticipated boom of the 1990s. That same year he authored two consecutive best sellers: The Roaring 2000s and The Roaring 2000s Investor (Simon and Schuster).
In The Next Great Bubble Boom, he offered a comprehensive forecast for the following two decades.
In The Great Depression Ahead, he outlined how the next great downturn is likely to unfold in three stages, with an interim boom stage between 2012 and 2017 before the long-term slowdown finally turns into the next global boom in the early 2020s.
In The Great Crash Ahead (2011), he outlined how the next great crash is likely to unfold in the coming months. He explained why there is nothing the government can do to protect us as deflation takes hold of the economy.
He also recently finished his book, Spending Waves: The Scientific Key To Predicting Market Behavior for the Next 20 Years, an information-packed guide for any serious business owner.
Harry’s latest book, The Demographic Cliff – How to Survive and Prosper During the Great Deflation of 2014–2019, shows why we’re facing a “great deflation” after five years of stimulus — and what to do about it now. Get your copy here.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Thursday Oct 26, 2017
Dan Yount - Owners & Business Management (J2617)
Thursday Oct 26, 2017
Thursday Oct 26, 2017
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Wednesday Oct 25, 2017
Mark Kravietz - Working After Retirement (J2517)
Wednesday Oct 25, 2017
Wednesday Oct 25, 2017
Here's a 1 minute highlight from an interview with one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to listen to all of their interviews!
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Monday Oct 23, 2017
Frances Kinney - Connecting Youth for Conservation (J2317)
Monday Oct 23, 2017
Monday Oct 23, 2017
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Sunday Oct 22, 2017
Bill Anton - Leadership Transformations that Effect Change (J2217)
Sunday Oct 22, 2017
Sunday Oct 22, 2017
Bill Anton of CEO Effectiveness discusses leadership characteristics in a knowledge based economy.
This is a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to sell all of their past interviews!
Bill B.: What are some of the challenges for leaders in this knowledge based economy? Here's CEO coach Bill Anton.
Bill A: The person that has the most influence over the entire organization is the person that leads the organization, and transforming that person exponentially influences change. My training as a psychologist, my understanding about the kinds of organizations that are gonna be successful in the future, are gonna be organizations that realize that knowledge is their product, and that knowledge can only be created by enrollment, not by compliance. And so, the task of the leader of the future is to transform the people that work in the organization so that they want to give their best, and so that they're willing to offer ideas and perspectives that create knowledge and innovation for the organization.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Saturday Oct 21, 2017
Mark Jaffe - Open the Door: There's an Opportunity Knocking (J2117)
Saturday Oct 21, 2017
Saturday Oct 21, 2017
Mark Jaffe of Strategic Growth Consulting discusses the necessity of taking time to think "out of the box" to drive your business value.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Friday Oct 20, 2017
Friday Oct 20, 2017
Dave Linden is the Founder of the Largest Mixers in Los Angeles, Orange County, and the Inland Empire of Southern California and Las Vegas, NV. The OC Largest Mixer is March 18th at the OC Fairgrounds. Tickets and Booths can be purchased at www.OCmixer.com.
Here he offers a brief tip for how to be a classy networker and what NOT to bring.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Thursday Oct 19, 2017
Thursday Oct 19, 2017
Here's a 1 minute highlight from one of our Exit Coach Network Shows. Find the full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Exit Coach Network" in the "LISTEN" section and click on the show name to hear the full interview!
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
Lyn-Genet Recitas - 1 minute preview (J1817)
Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
Here's a 1 minute preview of our Guests' full interview.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Tuesday Oct 17, 2017
(1m) Cathy Daugherty - The Number 1 Factor in Health Insurance for 2014 (J1717)
Tuesday Oct 17, 2017
Tuesday Oct 17, 2017
Cathy Daugherty, Partner, Moore Benefits Inc. discusses the importance of researching your Network coverage when considering heath insurance for yourself and your employees.
The interview was conducted by Bill Black, The Exit Coach, on The Exit Coach Radio Show - the Information Station for Age 50+ Business Owners contemplating Business Succession and Exit Planning.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Monday Oct 16, 2017
Monday Oct 16, 2017
In this 1 minute highlight, Michel Zelnick, Founder of The Zelnick Group, discusses how employers can use employee tests to assess how well the employee and the rest of the team may interact.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Sunday Oct 15, 2017
Sunday Oct 15, 2017

Tawnya Gilreath of LA Business Pros talks about the importance of understanding and communicating your expectations when meeting with Business Sale Advisors. To find Tawnya's other interviews type her name into our search bar.
Tawnya: Some of them are ready, and some of them are saying, you know what, I’m just done, it doesn’t matter, you know, I’m just burned out, get what you can for it and just put me on the market and get me out of this business. First step, actually, is to meet with them and see if we want to do business with them. Secondly, we do a business valuation, and we’re gonna ask them for their last three years of tax returns, PNLs, balance sheets. If it’s manufacturing, we want to know what their back log of orders are, so there are a lot of factors that go in to that valuation, and then we’ll talk to them again and say: based on the data you provided, this is what we believe we can put the business on the market for to get it sold. Now, if I tell them it’s worth $1.2M, and they say, oh no I have to have $5M to retire, then I just say, okay fine, alright, now you’re at $1.2M. So, it’s kind of like, if you know you want to be in Disney world, that’s great, you need to know if you’re starting from Minnesota or Texas, because it’s two different routes.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Saturday Oct 14, 2017
Tony Pelusi - Change Often Starts With a Difficult Conversation (J1417)
Saturday Oct 14, 2017
Saturday Oct 14, 2017
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Tony: I get a call from a gentleman, he wanted to know if I can come in and talk to him and his partner, and I was pleased to do that. When I got there, I found out they were having their best year yet, financially, but their worst year personally. The business was 20 years deep and they had lots going for them, but the fun was gone. And they hardly talked to each other inside the office anymore, let alone outside the office. They wanted to know if I could help, and I told them I would, as long as they were willing to think outside the box. So we did some investigation and identified their goals, and we created a plan that we could put into effect. And the first, and most important, piece was for them to have the conversations that they so often avoided even though they knew they were going to be helpful, because they were uncomfortable. So I was able to facilitate discussion and get them to open up, and that really caused their relationship to warm up and flourish. Then, we turned to some of the different things, the procedural, and logistic, and strategic concerns within the business.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Friday Oct 13, 2017
Harry Dent - 1 minute interview excerpt (J1317)
Friday Oct 13, 2017
Friday Oct 13, 2017
Here's a 1 minute highlight from an interview with Harry Dent. Find the full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Exit Coach Network" in the "LISTEN" section and click on the show name to hear the full interview!
On the run? Take us with you! Just tell Siri or Google to "find Exit Coach Radio!" for our mobile app (or enter ExitCoachRadio.com into your mobile browser)
Harry S. Dent Jr. studied economics in college in the ’70s, but found it vague and inconclusive. He became so disillusioned by the state of his chosen profession that he turned his back on it. Instead, he threw himself into the burgeoning new science of finance where identifying and studying demographic, technological, consumer and many, many other trends empowered him to forecast economic changes.
Since then, he’s spoken to executives, financial advisors and investors around the world. He’s appeared on “Good Morning America,” PBS, CNBC and CNN/Fox News. He’s been featured in Barron’s, Investor’s Business Daily, Entrepreneur, Fortune, Success, U.S. News and World Report, Business Week, The Wall Street Journal, American Demographics and Omni. He is a regular guest on Fox Business’s “America’s Nightly Scorecard.”
Harry has written numerous books over the years. In his book The Great Boom Ahead, published in 1992, he stood virtually alone in accurately forecasting the unanticipated boom of the 1990s. That same year he authored two consecutive best sellers: The Roaring 2000s and The Roaring 2000s Investor (Simon and Schuster).
In The Next Great Bubble Boom, he offered a comprehensive forecast for the following two decades.
In The Great Depression Ahead, he outlined how the next great downturn is likely to unfold in three stages, with an interim boom stage between 2012 and 2017 before the long-term slowdown finally turns into the next global boom in the early 2020s.
In The Great Crash Ahead (2011), he outlined how the next great crash is likely to unfold in the coming months. He explained why there is nothing the government can do to protect us as deflation takes hold of the economy.
He also recently finished his book, Spending Waves: The Scientific Key To Predicting Market Behavior for the Next 20 Years, an information-packed guide for any serious business owner.
Harry’s latest book, The Demographic Cliff – How to Survive and Prosper During the Great Deflation of 2014–2019, shows why we’re facing a “great deflation” after five years of stimulus — and what to do about it now. Get your copy here.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Thursday Oct 12, 2017
SPECIAL EDITION: Dee Elliott invites you to the NAWBO Golf Tournament 5/21 (J1217)
Thursday Oct 12, 2017
Thursday Oct 12, 2017
Dee Elliott, President of the OC Chapter of NAWBO, briefly describes the organization and invites Participants and Sponsors to get involved in their upcoming Golf Tournament 5/21 at Tustin Ranch Golf Course. For more info click here or visit www.NAWBO-OC.org
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Wednesday Oct 11, 2017
Paul Karofsky - Keeping the Legacy Alive (J1117)
Wednesday Oct 11, 2017
Wednesday Oct 11, 2017
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at
Bill: What are some of the biggest challenges facing family businesses in their management transition? We asked Transition Consulting Group’s David and Paul Karofsky for their thoughts regarding this topic.
Paul: As the Baby Boomers are coming of age and getting a little bit older, as the next generation is starting to get a little bit older and come into that leadership position, this transfer of not only monetary wealth, but you’re talking about the businesses, the assets, whatever it might be, there needs to be a plan to transfer that seamlessly. To my Dad’s point, the more planning you do when you talk about it, as to what that transition of ownership looks like, what does that transition of leadership? Those two are not the same, they can be similar at times, but they can be mutually exclusive, as well, but until you really have a plan as to how you transfer that business from one generation to the next, it’s very difficult to do it.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Rickard Hansson - Capture Your Company's Water Cooler Knowledge (J1017)
Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Rickard: Everything a country has invested until today, in terms of IT systems, is something to support the formal knowledge and the business process and stuff like that. And what we are trying to do is connect the formal knowledge and the informal knowledge within a company. The informal knowledge is in our heads, you know, the water cooler effect: when I’m standing by the water and I ask a random question to a random person and I find then answer. That’s what we’re trying to transfer in the company, so you can talk to the community, so to speak, but in this case, the community is your co-workers.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Monday Oct 09, 2017
Harry Barth - Pre-Sale Protection Can Mitigate Post-Sale Remorse (J0917)
Monday Oct 09, 2017
Monday Oct 09, 2017
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Saturday Oct 07, 2017
Mahyar Ghassemian - Common Contractor Mistakes (J0717)
Saturday Oct 07, 2017
Saturday Oct 07, 2017
A 1 minute excerpt from a recent interview with Mahyar Ghassemian. Hear the full interview by entering 'Myar Ghassemian" into our search index at www.ExitCoachRadio.com. We upload new content daily so check back often!
Mahyar Ghacssemian, was admitted to the California State Bar in 1999. Mahyar has a Masters’ degree in Physics from California State University, Long Beach and obtained her Juris Doctor degree , graduating cum laude from Western State University College of Law in Fullerton, California. While in law school Mahyar was invited to the California Court of Appeal in Santa Ana where she honed her research and writing skills as an extern for Presiding Justice, David Sil
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Friday Oct 06, 2017
Should I Form an S Corp or LLC? (1m) Elissa Warantz (J0617)
Friday Oct 06, 2017
Friday Oct 06, 2017
Elissa Warantz. Mentor with SCORE OC (Orange County), discusses Business Law Basics. Elissa is a practicing attorney and can be reached at www.EWlawoffice.com and in addition you can find two free downloads that she authored that are available on the SCORE OC Facebook page concerning business law. The links are: http://a.pgtb.me/w7rSZm ("5 Ways to Stop Someone from Stealing Your Online Brand") and http://a.pgtb.me/vHmLMs ("3 Legal Things Every Website Should Have").
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Thursday Oct 05, 2017
Thursday Oct 05, 2017
Martin Staubus, Consultant - Beyster Institute at the Rady School Management discusses one of the side benefits of ESOP plans - pride of ownership among employees who now have "a stake in the outcome".

Wednesday Oct 04, 2017
Review Your Retirement Plan Design Well Before Year-End (1m) Peter Stephan (J0417)
Wednesday Oct 04, 2017
Wednesday Oct 04, 2017
Peter Stephan, Senior Vice President, United Retirement Plan Consultants discusses the importance of involving your advisor team and planning well in advance of the end of the year for your upcoming year retirement plan design needs.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Tuesday Oct 03, 2017
Tuesday Oct 03, 2017
Heath Goldman, Financial Architect of ICON Wealth & Legacy Partners, offers brief tips to business owners who are starting to get ready for their exit planning phase.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Monday Oct 02, 2017
Preparing for Your Encore Career (1m) Marc Camras (J0217)
Monday Oct 02, 2017
Monday Oct 02, 2017
Marc Camras, President, MVision Consulting discusses some of the factors that go into deciding what makes for a good fit when thinking about a new business opportunity for the next chapter in your life.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Sunday Oct 01, 2017
Mike Fischer - Exit Planning (J0117)
Sunday Oct 01, 2017
Sunday Oct 01, 2017
Host: Steve Beatty. Audio library: www.ExitCoachRadio.com. New content daily - check back often!
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Saturday Sep 30, 2017
Patrice Sebastian - Business Valuation Enhancement (I3017)
Saturday Sep 30, 2017
Saturday Sep 30, 2017
A 1 minute excerpt from a recent interview with Patrice Sebastian. Hear the full interview by entering 'Patrice Sebastian' into our search index at www.ExitCoachRadio.com. We upload new content daily so check back often!

Friday Sep 29, 2017
Scott Bulloch - Private Equity Management (I2917)
Friday Sep 29, 2017
Friday Sep 29, 2017
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
We add new content daily! Listen on iTunes: iTunes.ExitcoachRadio.com .
Scott: A private equity buyer may not be the highest buyer, a strategic may actually pay more. A strategic may pay a premium. The challenge is, like you just said, if you’re a business owner, do you really want to go to your competitor and expose your business? Now, as a private equity firm, it is necessary over a certain period of years, that the private equity owner will want to sell that business. It’s not a flip, but it is preparing a business for an eventual second’s transaction. That could be considered a con to some business owners. Another negative is sometimes a private equity firm could have really good intentions, without strategy and strategic insight, and it just doesn’t materialize. Sometimes we think that we’re smarter than we really are, and once we get in there we don’t have as much strategic value as the seller may have thought we had. That is a risk that the seller needs to be aware of.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Wednesday Sep 27, 2017
Communicate What You Value versus What You Sell - Michael Weisman (I2717)
Wednesday Sep 27, 2017
Wednesday Sep 27, 2017
Michael Weisman, Founder - The Values Institute discusses the benefit of creating a brand that you can stand behind because it is built on values, not just products.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
Will Phantom Stock Motivate and Retain Your Employees? - Harley Bjelland (I2617)
Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
Harley Bjelland shares a quick tip about creative ways to retain key employees. Find his full interview with the search bar.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Monday Sep 25, 2017
When Conflict Starts the First Step is to Slow Down - Michel Zelnick (I2517)
Monday Sep 25, 2017
Monday Sep 25, 2017
Michel Zelnick, Founder of The Zelnick Group, discusses the importance of taking other first steps toward harmony.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Sunday Sep 24, 2017
Sunday Sep 24, 2017
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Jeff Karges, Partner - Relationship Matters Consulting Group discusses his experience in dealing with Family Business issues. While is may seem that there is never a "right time" to address some issues, in fact the best time to start the solution is right now.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Saturday Sep 23, 2017
Don't Let Your Business Sale Fail - Heath Frantzen (I2317)
Saturday Sep 23, 2017
Saturday Sep 23, 2017
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Friday Sep 22, 2017
Theresa Oatman - Are Your Stock-Based Plans Legal? (I2217)
Friday Sep 22, 2017
Friday Sep 22, 2017
Here's a 1 minute highlight from one of our Exit Coach Network Shows. Find the full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Exit Coach Network" in the "LISTEN" section and click on the show name to hear the full interview!
Theresa Oatman is the CEO of Stock Connections, which helps Private and Public companies to get and keep their Stock Option, Restricted Stock, and Employee Stock Ownership Plans in compliance with SEC, IRS and Financial Accounting Boards. She offers her expert advice and tips and precautions.
Bill: So, you want to reward your employees with stock? Well, there's a few things you ought to know, here's Theresa Oatman.
Theresa: Equity compensation is considered a benefit for the employee, and it's like at the hub of a wheel, where it touches on so many departments internally as well externally: finance, legal, payroll, the SEC, IRS, and that's not even to mention all of the international countries. In the last 10 years, other countries have figured out, "oh, there's wealth to be made, here." Now, they're all coming up with all of their rules on how to tax it, and some is taxed and grant date, some is taxed later. So, you even need to know those kind of rules before you even grant to somebody in China or the UK, every country has different rules.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Thursday Sep 21, 2017
Andrew Karlen - Determining the Value of Your Business (I2117)
Thursday Sep 21, 2017
Thursday Sep 21, 2017
Andrew Karlen discusses determining the value of your business and the best way to determine its growth.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Wednesday Sep 20, 2017
John Grace - It's a Numbers Game (I2017)
Wednesday Sep 20, 2017
Wednesday Sep 20, 2017
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
John Grace, President, Investor's Advantage Corp. discusses the demographic trends ahead.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Tuesday Sep 19, 2017
Tuesday Sep 19, 2017
Here's a 1 minute highlight from one of our Exit Coach Network Shows. Find the full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Exit Coach Network" in the "LISTEN" section and click on the show name to hear the full interview!
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Monday Sep 18, 2017
Pat Kramer - Writer for Hire(R) 1 minute video (H1817)
Monday Sep 18, 2017
Monday Sep 18, 2017
Pat Kramer explains how she helps her clients gain more visibility and leave a legacy.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Sunday Sep 17, 2017
How are you Managing Your Inventory? (1m) Karen Boyd (H1717)
Sunday Sep 17, 2017
Sunday Sep 17, 2017
Karen Boyd of SCORE provides a one minute tip. Find her full interview via the search bar.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Saturday Sep 16, 2017
Audrianne Adams-Lee - Where Did This Claim Start In The First Place - 1m (I1617)
Saturday Sep 16, 2017
Saturday Sep 16, 2017
Audrianne Adams-Lee if HR Network Inc. discusses her many pearls of wisdom to minimize Worker's Comp claims to your Business.The interview was conducted by Bill Black, The Exit Coach, on The Exit Coach Radio Show - the Information Station for Baby Boomer Business Owners contemplating Business Succession and Exit Planning. Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com