
Thursday Mar 16, 2017
Reuben Franco - The Key To Maximizing Membership is to Get Involved
Thursday Mar 16, 2017
Thursday Mar 16, 2017
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
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Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Wednesday Mar 15, 2017
Miriam Goodman - How to Survive Retirement As a Couple
Wednesday Mar 15, 2017
Wednesday Mar 15, 2017
We add new content daily! Listen on iTunes: iTunes.ExitcoachRadio.com. See the Index for more on this Topic or by this Guest. New content daily - check back often!
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Tuesday Mar 14, 2017
Kim Flynn - Playing Big in Business
Tuesday Mar 14, 2017
Tuesday Mar 14, 2017
We add new content daily! Listen on iTunes: iTunes.ExitcoachRadio.com. See the Index for more on this Topic or by this Guest.
To hear more tips from over 750 Advisors, visit exitcoachradio.com
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Sunday Mar 12, 2017
Minda Wilson - Health Care & Small Businesses
Sunday Mar 12, 2017
Sunday Mar 12, 2017
Host: Bill Black.
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Saturday Mar 11, 2017
Chris Hill - End of Life Planning
Saturday Mar 11, 2017
Saturday Mar 11, 2017
Host: Bill Black Audio Library: www.ExitCoachRadio.com
To hear more tips from over 750 Advisors, visit exitcoachradio.com
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Friday Mar 10, 2017
Larry Sukay - A Strategic Approach to Purchasing Insurance
Friday Mar 10, 2017
Friday Mar 10, 2017
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Larry: Purchasing insurance: so often that a CEO of an organization or the CFO of an organization, the biggest mistake they make is they go ahead and they focus on the cost of it. So that, kind of going back to what's the process? You know, first you're doing an organizational analysis or operational analysis, then you do a coverage analysis of the current programs, and then the third step is to write an insurance spec. Okay, so that's spelling out what insurance that we need and how it needs to be structured, and then going out to market and getting quotes based on that. Limits of insurance mean absolutely nothing, what's critical is the details that are within those policies. So if you have an insurance spec of what everything is supposed to be covered, how it's supposed to be covered, the detail of what you're looking for relative to the terminology within that legal contract, then you go ahead and look at the market price based on that. That's how you buy insurance. Buying it just based on limits is literally Russian Roulette.
Your friends who are business owners or self-employed NEED this information! Please share it with them by clicking on SHARE below!
To hear more tips from over 750 Advisors, visit exitcoachradio.com
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Thursday Mar 09, 2017
Gail Trugman Nikol - What is the Cost of Lost Knowledge?
Thursday Mar 09, 2017
Thursday Mar 09, 2017
Here's a 1 minute highlight from an interview with one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to sell all of their interviews!
To hear more tips from over 750 Advisors, visit exitcoachradio.com
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Wednesday Mar 08, 2017
Larry Bell - Turning Life Insurance into a Planning Tool
Wednesday Mar 08, 2017
Wednesday Mar 08, 2017
Larry Bell discusses group term life insurance, and the benefits of turning it into a tax planning tool.
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Tuesday Mar 07, 2017
T. Phillip Boggess - Planning First Steps
Tuesday Mar 07, 2017
Tuesday Mar 07, 2017
T. Phillip Boggess of TPB Financial discusses the critical first steps of planning.
We add new content daily! Listen on iTunes: iTunes.ExitcoachRadio.com . See the Index for more on this Topic or by this Guest .
Host: Bill Black, The Exit Coach Radio Show - the Information Station for age 50+ business owners.
Bill: What's the first step in planning? Here's T. Phillip Boggess
T: The first thing for everybody, whatever you're doing, is you need to get started. The plan isn't worth the paper it's written on, unless you take steps to move toward your goals and take the action steps you had in there. The reality is, the earlier you get started on most of these things, the more options you have, the more likely you are to be able to accomplish what you're trying to accomplish. And the second part is, your plan has to be flexible, and you have to review it to make sure over time that it's still performing the way you want it to, because things change, you know, whether it's laws, taxes, economic environment, your goals, your personal situation, it's gonna change. So, we have to review it and make whatever tweaks are necessary along the way to keep you going along that path, or making the turn, if your goals have changed, to your new path so we are going the direction that you want to go at that time.
To hear more tips from over 750 Advisors, visit exitcoachradio.com
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Monday Mar 06, 2017
Rhett Bray - What Your Broker Can Do To Help Contain Costs
Monday Mar 06, 2017
Monday Mar 06, 2017
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Rhett Bray of BeaconPath discusses how employers can use the services of a Broker to contain medical insurance costs.
Bill: Medical insurance is a big part of your budget. How do you contain those costs? We ask medial expert, Rhett Bray.
Rhett: We'll talk about wellnesses, how we can start to communicate the importance of wellness, and that we give the people and the employers the opportunities to do things that will help them to become healthier. We start to educate them on the importance of annual physicals, we start to educate them on preventative care. Women do this quite well, men have the tendency to wait until body parts don't work, and then they go, which can be late. And it's interesting, we take better care of our car, we change the oil, we see the lamplight come on, and for a lot of us, we don't do the maintenance that we should do on a regular basis. That will identify a lot of issues people have, that now you can start to address easily through medication, through exercise, or diet. There are just a few key areas that you can identify that will drive these higher costs.
To hear more tips from over 750 Advisors, visit exitcoachradio.com
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Saturday Mar 04, 2017
Jonathan Zucker - Realizing Liquidity to Diversify Your Asset Base
Saturday Mar 04, 2017
Saturday Mar 04, 2017
Host: Bill Black.
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Friday Mar 03, 2017
Marc Koehler - Leading with Purpose
Friday Mar 03, 2017
Friday Mar 03, 2017
To hear more tips from over 750 Advisors, visit exitcoachradio.com
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Thursday Mar 02, 2017
Don Burzen - Exit Preparedness
Thursday Mar 02, 2017
Thursday Mar 02, 2017
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
We add new content daily! Listen on iTunes: iTunes.ExitcoachRadio.com .
Don: There is somehow this aversion to the terminology of being viewed to be planning an exit. I have taken to characterize the process that I go through as endurance. I really have done it that way because what I do is try to help business owners prepare by building endurance across three distinct areas. And one is endurance for their businesses so that it can be sustainable after they’re gone, and we know that that’s one of the very important critical factors that a prospective buyer looks at. Two is establishing endurance for their personal wealth so that the after tax proceeds for their eventual transfer is enhanced and endured for family. And three is confirming the endurance of their personal performance. For those people that really want to move on voluntarily, we need to be taking steps to be making sure that the next phase of their life provides as much satisfactions as they’ve realized through business ownership.
To hear more tips from over 750 Advisors, visit exitcoachradio.com
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Wednesday Mar 01, 2017
Tammy DeLeeuw - What's In Your Database?
Wednesday Mar 01, 2017
Wednesday Mar 01, 2017
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Bill: You might be missing out on huge opportunities to get new business from existing customers. Here’s Tammy DeLeeuw:
Tammy: Where business owners really fail, after talking to hundreds of them, is they don’t think about their own database first. How do I get the people that already love me, that already trust me, that already think that I am the cream cheese of life, how do I get those people to go and tell their friends, their neighbors, and their relatives, without seeming like I’m begging? Database marketing, finding new ways to engage them…that could be with videos, they bought a widget from you, maybe they need parts for that, maybe they need to come in and bring it back and have you maintain it, you send little videos out that will help them remember to come back and see you, or remember to tell their Uncle John about you, or whatever. It’s really about content, it’s not about selling them something.
To hear more tips from over 1,000 Advisors, visit exitcoachradio.com
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Monday Feb 27, 2017
Heath Frantzen - The Future Crowded Marketplace and a Solution
Monday Feb 27, 2017
Monday Feb 27, 2017
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
We upload new content daily, so check back often!
Bill: What does the future for business sales look like? We asked expert Heath Frantzen:
Heath: It’s a buyer’s market for the next 20 years. The Baby Boomer generation in this country has approximately 225,000 business owners turning 65 each year, looking for an exit. The problem is, is that there’s only about 24,000 sales each year, and 3 out of 4 of those are failures, so you’ve got a 3% chance, and only the most profitable businesses with the most flexible seller’s are gonna be sold successfully. And know that astute buyer’s have lots of choices, so you’ve gotta do the things that it takes to give yourself a fighting chance against your competition. Spend some time understanding that the professional buyer’s buy investments, and the difference between owning a job and owning a business is leverage, and this is leverage through delegations, systems, culture, finance, etc.
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Saturday Feb 25, 2017
Dara Maleki - Turning a Brand into a Franchise
Saturday Feb 25, 2017
Saturday Feb 25, 2017
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Friday Feb 24, 2017
Scott Donnelly - Why Are You Changing and Who's on Your Team?
Friday Feb 24, 2017
Friday Feb 24, 2017
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Scott Donnelly, CPA and Partner, PDM, LLP discusses some of the first questions he asks a new client to understand what they did not get from their last service provider and to understand who else their Advisors are to help understand if there will be a cooperative team.
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Thursday Feb 23, 2017
Minda Wilson - Healthcare Compliance
Thursday Feb 23, 2017
Thursday Feb 23, 2017
A 1 minute excerpt from a recent interview. Hear the full interview by entering the Guest's name into our search index at www.ExitCoachRadio.com. We upload new content daily so check back often!
Minda: There's a lot of reporting, actually, that you're required to do. I have a checklist that people can email me and request, that says, you know, what documents you have to send in and when they're required. You have to give notices to your employees about their healthcare options, when you employ them you have to give them annual notices, you have to provide certain information to the IRS about your employees, you have to have certain systems in place for monitoring health care, you have to report healthcare dollars that you spend for them on their W-2s, and there's a whole litany of things you have to do.
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Wednesday Feb 22, 2017
Harry Barth - Asset Protection Can Lead to Reasonable Resolutions
Wednesday Feb 22, 2017
Wednesday Feb 22, 2017
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Harry Barth, BarthCalderon, LLP discusses a primary goal of Asset Protection strategic planning -- to slow down the litigation process so that reasonable resolutions can be achieved.
Harry: “I think a very important component to understand is that as with all business deals, asset protection being just one of them, is to be able to settle a proposed claim within reasonable limits. It’s very, very difficult to do that if you’re in the jeopardy of losing your home, losing your business, and losing your life savings, so I think that it’s important that asset protection is granule. We look at the various components, we take into consideration all of the goals and objectives of our particular clients. And there’s not one particular size fits all, every situation is very, very different, every background is different, every family make up is different, every business transaction is different."
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Tuesday Feb 21, 2017
Audrianne Adams-Lee - Small Business Staffing for HR Issues
Tuesday Feb 21, 2017
Tuesday Feb 21, 2017
Guest: Audrianne Adams-Lee
Company: HR NETwork, Inc.
Website: www.hrnetworkinc.com
At Exit Coach Radio, we help small business owners solve big problems!
This is an excerpt from a 20 minute interview with Host Bill Black on the Exit Coach Radio Show. At Exit Coach Radio, we help small business owners solve big problems! To hear full length interviews and access Articles, Books and Planning programs for your Business, visit www.ExitCoachRadio.com
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Monday Feb 20, 2017
Miranda McCrosky - How An Arrest Can Add Extra Risks for a Professional
Monday Feb 20, 2017
Monday Feb 20, 2017
Guest: Miranda McCroskey
Company: Law Offices of Miranda McCrosky
Website: www.mccroskylegal.com
At Exit Coach Radio, we help small business owners solve big problems!
This is an excerpt from a 20 minute interview with Host Bill Black on the Exit Coach Radio Show. At Exit Coach Radio, we help small business owners solve big problems! To hear full length interviews and access Articles, Books and Planning programs for your Business, visit www.ExitCoachRadio.com
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Thursday Feb 09, 2017
Tim Templeton - Benefits in Social Media Campaigns
Thursday Feb 09, 2017
Thursday Feb 09, 2017
Guest: Tim Templeton
Company: Templeton Interactive
Website: www.templeton-interactive.com
At Exit Coach Radio, we help small business owners solve big problems!
This is an excerpt from a 20 minute interview with Host Bill Black on the Exit Coach Radio Show. At Exit Coach Radio, we help small business owners solve big problems! To hear full length interviews and access Articles, Books and Planning programs for your Business, visit www.ExitCoachRadio.com
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Wednesday Feb 08, 2017
Joe Siecinski - Managing Time for Your Business
Wednesday Feb 08, 2017
Wednesday Feb 08, 2017
Guest: Joe Siecinski
Company: Action Coach
Website: www.actioncoach.com
At Exit Coach Radio, we help small business owners solve big problems!
This is an excerpt from a 20 minute interview with Host Bill Black on the Exit Coach Radio Show. At Exit Coach Radio, we help small business owners solve big problems! To hear full length interviews and access Articles, Books and Planning programs for your Business, visit www.ExitCoachRadio.com
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Monday Jan 30, 2017
Monday Jan 30, 2017
Guest: Rosann Levy
Company: The Roart Group, LLC
Website: www.theroartgroup.com
At Exit Coach Radio, we help small business owners solve big problems!
This is an excerpt from a 20 minute interview with Host Bill Black on the Exit Coach Radio Show. At Exit Coach Radio, we help small business owners solve big problems! To hear full length interviews and access Articles, Books and Planning programs for your Business, visit www.ExitCoachRadio.com
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Friday Jan 27, 2017
Veronica Saldivar - Things to Consider When Selling Your Business
Friday Jan 27, 2017
Friday Jan 27, 2017
Guest: Veronica Saldivar
Company: Venture Partner & Private Equity Investments
Website: www.veronicasalidvar.com
At Exit Coach Radio, we help small business owners solve big problems!
This is an excerpt from a 20 minute interview with Host Bill Black on the Exit Coach Radio Show. At Exit Coach Radio, we help small business owners solve big problems! To hear full length interviews and access Articles, Books and Planning programs for your Business, visit www.ExitCoachRadio.com
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Friday Jan 06, 2017
Friday Jan 06, 2017
Guest: Jane Johnson
Company: Business Transition Academy
Website: www.businesstransitionacademy.com
At Exit Coach Radio, we help small business owners solve big problems!
This is an excerpt from a 20 minute interview with Host Bill Black on the Exit Coach Radio Show. At Exit Coach Radio, we help small business owners solve big problems! To hear full length interviews and access Articles, Books and Planning programs for your Business, visitwww.ExitCoachRadio.com
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Tuesday Dec 27, 2016
Rhett Bray - Medical Insurance: How Do You Contain Costs?
Tuesday Dec 27, 2016
Tuesday Dec 27, 2016
Guest: Rhett Bray
Company: Beacon Path
Website: www.beaconpath.com
At Exit Coach Radio, we help small business owners solve big problems!
This is an excerpt from a 20 minute interview with Host Bill Black on the Exit Coach Radio Show. At Exit Coach Radio, we help small business owners solve big problems! To hear full length interviews and access Articles, Books and Planning programs for your Business, visit www.ExitCoachRadio.com
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Thursday Dec 22, 2016
Jim Blue - Planning for Technology
Thursday Dec 22, 2016
Thursday Dec 22, 2016
Guest: Jim Blue
Company: Blue International Ltd.
Website: www.bluetotor.com
At Exit Coach Radio, we help small business owners solve big problems!
This is an excerpt from a 20 minute interview with Host Bill Black on the Exit Coach Radio Show. At Exit Coach Radio, we help small business owners solve big problems! To hear full length interviews and access Articles, Books and Planning programs for your Business, visit www.ExitCoachRadio.com
Need to get your Business or Estate in order? From Pre-Nups to Living Trusts, Employment Agreements to Buy-Sell Agreements (and everything in between) get the legal documents and help you need at deep discounts through Rocket Lawyer. Choose a 1 week trial and the first 3 document are free! Click here to visit their website.
ExitCoachRadio.com … Come Listen for a Minute!

Monday Dec 19, 2016
Monday Dec 19, 2016
Guest: Scott Bailey
Company: Sandler Training by Bailey Marketing Concepts
Website: www.baileymarketing.sandler.com
At Exit Coach Radio, we help small business owners solve big problems!
This is an excerpt from a 20 minute interview with Host Bill Black on the Exit Coach Radio Show. At Exit Coach Radio, we help small business owners solve big problems! To hear full length interviews and access Articles, Books and Planning programs for your Business, visit www.ExitCoachRadio.com
Grow the value of your business by 71%! Here's how:
Of course you know how to work IN your business. Take my FREE 6 week Value Drivers course by email and I'll teach you how to work ON your business and grow your value. You have nothing to lose! - Bill Black, 30+ Year Business Consultant and Host of the Exit Coach Radio Show on AM830 in Los Angeles www.BizValueCourse.com
Need to get your Business or Estate in order? From Pre-Nups to Living Trusts, Employment Agreements to Buy-Sell Agreements (and everything in between) get the legal documents and help you need at deep discounts through Rocket Lawyer. Choose a 1 week trial and the first 3 document are free! Click here to visit their website.
ExitCoachRadio.com … Come Listen for a Minute!

Thursday Dec 15, 2016
Matt Sunshine - How to Maximize Your Efficiency
Thursday Dec 15, 2016
Thursday Dec 15, 2016
Here's a 1-minute preview of today's featured Guest. Give it a listen and share it with your friends, and if you like the content be sure and listen to the full 20-minute interview!
What can you do RIGHT NOW to work on making your Business more Sustainable, Transferable and Valuable in the future? Visit our Online Planning Links at www.ExitCoachRadio.com/links
Sponsors: Exit & Retirement Strategies, Inc. | BEI |Jeffrey M Verdon Law Group | Albert J Rasch & Associates | Ghassemian Law Group
Listening from an iPhone or iPad? Get our App in the App Store: click here

Wednesday Dec 14, 2016
Jerome Chiaro - Social Media for the Small Company - Start here
Wednesday Dec 14, 2016
Wednesday Dec 14, 2016
Here's a 1 minute highlight from one of our Exit Coach Network Shows. Find the full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Exit Coach Network" in the "LISTEN" section and click on the show name to hear the full interview!
Jerome Chiaro volunteers as a Mentor for www.ScoreOC.org and shares great tips about where to start when you are a small business.
What can you do RIGHT NOW to work on making your Business more Sustainable, Transferable and Valuable in the future? Visit our Online Planning Links at www.ExitCoachRadio.com/links
Sponsors: Exit & Retirement Strategies, Inc. | BEI |Jeffrey M Verdon Law Group | Albert J Rasch & Associates | Ghassemian Law Group
Listening from an iPhone or iPad? Get our App in the App Store: click here

Tuesday Dec 13, 2016
Scott Bailey: At Some Time We All Wear a Sales Hat - Wear it Well
Tuesday Dec 13, 2016
Tuesday Dec 13, 2016
Here's a past highlight from Scott Bailey. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
What can you do RIGHT NOW to work on making your Business more Sustainable, Transferable and Valuable in the future? Visit our Online Planning Links at www.ExitCoachRadio.com/links
Sponsors: Exit & Retirement Strategies, Inc. | BEI |Jeffrey M Verdon Law Group | Albert J Rasch & Associates | Ghassemian Law Group
Listening from an iPhone or iPad? Get our App in the App Store: click here

Sunday Dec 11, 2016
1 Minute Video Tips - Lauraine Bifulco "Compliance Issues - When to Worry"
Sunday Dec 11, 2016
Sunday Dec 11, 2016

Saturday Dec 10, 2016
Kim Curtin - Measuring Success: Wants vs. Needs
Saturday Dec 10, 2016
Saturday Dec 10, 2016
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Kim Curtin discusses the differences between wants and needs when it comes to success.
What can you do RIGHT NOW to work on making your Business more Sustainable, Transferable and Valuable in the future? Visit our Online Planning Links at www.ExitCoachRadio.com/links
Sponsors: Exit & Retirement Strategies, Inc. | BEI |Jeffrey M Verdon Law Group | Albert J Rasch & Associates | Ghassemian Law Group
Listening from an iPhone or iPad? Get our App in the App Store: click here

Friday Dec 09, 2016
Jonathan Boring - Social Media: How Often, and When and Where?
Friday Dec 09, 2016
Friday Dec 09, 2016

Ever wonder what the industry "best practices" are regarding which Social Media site to use, and how frequently to "tweet"? Jonathan Boring of Social Spice Media shares tips about Social Media.
What can you do RIGHT NOW to work on making your Business more Sustainable, Transferable and Valuable in the future? Visit our Online Planning Links at www.ExitCoachRadio.com/links
Sponsors: Exit & Retirement Strategies, Inc. | BEI |Jeffrey M Verdon Law Group | Albert J Rasch & Associates | Ghassemian Law Group
Listening from an iPhone or iPad? Get our App in the App Store: click here

Thursday Dec 08, 2016
Leslie Hassler - Your Business Rules
Thursday Dec 08, 2016
Thursday Dec 08, 2016
A 1 minute excerpt from a recent interview with Leslie Hassler. Hear the full interview by entering 'Leslie Hassler' into our search index at www.ExitCoachRadio.com. We upload new content daily so check back often!
What can you do RIGHT NOW to work on making your Business more Sustainable, Transferable and Valuable in the future? Visit our Online Planning Links at www.ExitCoachRadio.com/links
Sponsors: Exit & Retirement Strategies, Inc. | BEI |Jeffrey M Verdon Law Group | Albert J Rasch & Associates | Ghassemian Law Group
Listening from an iPhone or iPad? Get our App in the App Store: click here

Monday Dec 05, 2016
Joe Siecinski - How to Make More Money and Have More Time
Monday Dec 05, 2016
Monday Dec 05, 2016
Here's a one minute preview from Joe's interview.
What can you do RIGHT NOW to work on making your Business more Sustainable, Transferable and Valuable in the future? Visit our Online Planning Links at www.ExitCoachRadio.com/links
Sponsors: Exit & Retirement Strategies, Inc. | BEI |Jeffrey M Verdon Law Group | Albert J Rasch & Associates | Ghassemian Law Group
Listening from an iPhone or iPad? Get our App in the App Store: click here

Saturday Dec 03, 2016
Chris Gould - When Trust Matters
Saturday Dec 03, 2016
Saturday Dec 03, 2016
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
We add new content daily! Listen on iTunes: iTunes.ExitcoachRadio.com .
What can you do RIGHT NOW to work on making your Business more Sustainable, Transferable and Valuable in the future? Visit our Online Planning Links at www.ExitCoachRadio.com/links
Sponsors: Exit & Retirement Strategies, Inc. | BEI |Jeffrey M Verdon Law Group | Albert J Rasch & Associates | Ghassemian Law Group
Listening from an iPhone or iPad? Get our App in the App Store: click here

Thursday Dec 01, 2016
Doug Wilder - Overcoming Obstacles to Your Success
Thursday Dec 01, 2016
Thursday Dec 01, 2016
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Bill: What are some frequent obstacles that business owners or people run into as they try to plan their success?
Doug: Well, usually when they start off with a plan, they jump right into, "alright, here's what I need to do, steps one, two, and three." And that's probably better than no plan, but I recommend they start with why. There's a book out by Simon Sinek, Start With Why. What happens is, when they start with why, then they start to get a bigger picture of why are they doing this, what's their purpose, what is their reason to be, whatever you want to call it, but the bigger picture that drives them. Because if they can understand that, put it into words, and the fewer, the bolder the words possible, the stronger that statement will be. And then, when they have that, then offer it not only to their employees, but to their clients, to their banker, to everybody out there that they might want to influence. If they start with why, put the why first, then everything else starts to make sense.
What can you do RIGHT NOW to work on making your Business more Sustainable, Transferable and Valuable in the future? Visit our Online Planning Links at www.ExitCoachRadio.com/links
Sponsors: Exit & Retirement Strategies, Inc. | BEI |Jeffrey M Verdon Law Group | Albert J Rasch & Associates | Ghassemian Law Group
Listening from an iPhone or iPad? Get our App in the App Store: click here

Thursday Nov 24, 2016
Jim Sullivan - Tax Planning and Land Conservation
Thursday Nov 24, 2016
Thursday Nov 24, 2016
Jim Sullivan discusses the tax benefits and strategies tied to land conservation.
What can you do RIGHT NOW to work on making your Business more Sustainable, Transferable and Valuable in the future? Visit our Online Planning Links at www.ExitCoachRadio.com/links
Sponsors: Exit & Retirement Strategies, Inc. | BEI |Jeffrey M Verdon Law Group | Albert J Rasch & Associates | Ghassemian Law Group
Listening from an iPhone or iPad? Get our App in the App Store: click here

Tuesday Nov 22, 2016
Pete Tentler - Clearing Up 2 Misconceptions About Reverse Mortgages
Tuesday Nov 22, 2016
Tuesday Nov 22, 2016
What have you heard about Reverse Mortgages? In this brief highlight, Pete Tentler of Liberty Home Equity dispels 2 common misconceptions about Reverse Mortgages. The interview was conducted by Bill Black, The Exit Coach, on The Exit Coach Radio Show - the Information Station for Baby Boomer Business Owners contemplating Business Succession and Exit Planning.
Pete: Many believe that when you obtain a reverse mortgage, the lender owns the home. However, this is not true. The borrower's will retain the title and ownership during the life of the loan, and they can sell their home at any time. The loan will not become due as long as the borrower continues to meet loan obligations, such as living in their home as their primary residence, maintaining the home according to the FHA requirements, and paying property taxes and homeowner's insurance, just like you normally would.
Bill: I had heard one time that home equity conversion mortgage means that they lose the home when they die. Now, is that correct, or is that wrong?
Pete: That's wrong. This is another common misconception. Their heirs can sell the home to pay off the loan or keep the home by paying off the loan, balance in full. So, they can live in the home for as long as they desire, and at no time can we say, "hey, time for you to move out." As long as they maintain the property as their primary residence, and pay their property taxes and insurance, they can live in the home forever.
What can you do RIGHT NOW to work on making your Business more Sustainable, Transferable and Valuable in the future? Visit our Online Planning Links at www.ExitCoachRadio.com/links
Sponsors: Exit & Retirement Strategies, Inc. | BEI |Jeffrey M Verdon Law Group | Albert J Rasch & Associates | Ghassemian Law Group
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Monday Nov 21, 2016
Tim Bauer - 60,000 Children and Families and Counting
Monday Nov 21, 2016
Monday Nov 21, 2016
Here's a 1 minute highlight from an interview with one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to sell all of their interviews!
There are many emerging, creative ways for your company to get involved with a charity such as Olive Crest, as Tim Bauer shares in this one minute highlight -- the main thing is that you get involved in some way. Hear his full interview tomorrow morning!
What can you do RIGHT NOW to work on making your Business more Sustainable, Transferable and Valuable in the future? Visit our Online Planning Links at www.ExitCoachRadio.com/links
Sponsors: Exit & Retirement Strategies, Inc. | BEI |Jeffrey M Verdon Law Group | Albert J Rasch & Associates | Ghassemian Law Group
Listening from an iPhone or iPad? Get our App in the App Store: click here

Thursday Nov 17, 2016
Larry Bell - Is Your IRA Your Best Asset or Your Worst Asset?
Thursday Nov 17, 2016
Thursday Nov 17, 2016
You've always thought that your IRA was a tax efficient asset, right? Larry Bell explains.
What can you do RIGHT NOW to work on making your Business more Sustainable, Transferable and Valuable in the future? Visit our Online Planning Links at www.ExitCoachRadio.com/links
Sponsors: Exit & Retirement Strategies, Inc. | BEI |Jeffrey M Verdon Law Group | Albert J Rasch & Associates | Ghassemian Law Group
Listening from an iPhone or iPad? Get our App in the App Store: click here

Wednesday Nov 16, 2016
Paul Roberts - Take Notice of Age 50 Consumers
Wednesday Nov 16, 2016
Wednesday Nov 16, 2016
Here's a highlight of comments from Paul Roberts, Founder of OC Talk Radio, about Baby Boomer trends.
Think about how this group has changed buying trends in the past, and look to the future.
What can you do RIGHT NOW to work on making your Business more Sustainable, Transferable and Valuable in the future? Visit our Online Planning Links at www.ExitCoachRadio.com/links
Sponsors: Exit & Retirement Strategies, Inc. | BEI |Jeffrey M Verdon Law Group | Albert J Rasch & Associates | Ghassemian Law Group
Listening from an iPhone or iPad? Get our App in the App Store: click here

Tuesday Nov 15, 2016
Brad Leggett - Sales Team Motivation Best Practices
Tuesday Nov 15, 2016
Tuesday Nov 15, 2016
Brad Leggett of The Leggett Group shares tips about how to motivate sales teams.
What can you do RIGHT NOW to work on making your Business more Sustainable, Transferable and Valuable in the future? Visit our Online Planning Links at www.ExitCoachRadio.com/links
Sponsors: Exit & Retirement Strategies, Inc. | BEI |Jeffrey M Verdon Law Group | Albert J Rasch & Associates | Ghassemian Law Group
Listening from an iPhone or iPad? Get our App in the App Store: click here

Monday Nov 14, 2016
Jack Bass -Ever Thought of Franchising Your Business?
Monday Nov 14, 2016
Monday Nov 14, 2016
Jack A. Bass of Jack A. Bass and Associates discusses the concept of expanding through franchising. Listen to his full thought provoking and interesting interview tomorrow!
What can you do RIGHT NOW to work on making your Business more Sustainable, Transferable and Valuable in the future? Visit our Online Planning Links at www.ExitCoachRadio.com/links
Sponsors: Exit & Retirement Strategies, Inc. | BEI |Jeffrey M Verdon Law Group | Albert J Rasch & Associates | Ghassemian Law Group
Listening from an iPhone or iPad? Get our App in the App Store: click here

Saturday Nov 12, 2016
Addison Adams - Review Vendor and Customer Contracts for Transfer Restrictions
Saturday Nov 12, 2016
Saturday Nov 12, 2016
Here's a 1 minute highlight from an interview with one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to sell all of their interviews!
Attorney Addison Adams of Richardson & Patel, LLP discusses some of the important tips that business owners should consider in preparing to make their business more transferable to a Buyer.
What can you do RIGHT NOW to work on making your Business more Sustainable, Transferable and Valuable in the future? Visit our Online Planning Links at www.ExitCoachRadio.com/links
Sponsors: Exit & Retirement Strategies, Inc. | BEI |Jeffrey M Verdon Law Group | Albert J Rasch & Associates | Ghassemian Law Group
Listening from an iPhone or iPad? Get our App in the App Store: click here

Thursday Nov 10, 2016
Martin Holland - All Businesses Are Identical
Thursday Nov 10, 2016
Thursday Nov 10, 2016
Pop the hood, they're all the same -- so says Martin Holland. Find his full interview with the search bar.
Bill: We've had a lot of coaches come onto the show and tell us that, "Yes, businesses look different from the outside, but inside they all look pretty much the same." Here's some great advice from expert, Martin Holland.
Martin: All businesses are identical. And as I say frequently, all businesses are identical, and all businesses are unique, and of course, that is an oxymoron, but there are things common to all businesses, no matter what the industry. That's what I do as a coach, is we work on those common factors. The things that are unique: even within the same industry, one plumber is different from another due to work ethic, the systemization, the capital requirements, the location they're in, and so on. So that's really what I take away from having been in a lot of businesses in a lot of different areas.
What can you do RIGHT NOW to work on making your Business more Sustainable, Transferable and Valuable in the future? Visit our Online Planning Links at www.ExitCoachRadio.com/links
Sponsors: Exit & Retirement Strategies, Inc. | BEI |Jeffrey M Verdon Law Group | Albert J Rasch & Associates | Ghassemian Law Group
Listening from an iPhone or iPad? Get our App in the App Store: click here

Wednesday Nov 09, 2016
Devon Blaine: Promotion Strategies To Appeal to Strategic Buyers
Wednesday Nov 09, 2016
Wednesday Nov 09, 2016
Devon Blaine of the Blaine Group discusses several concepts to promote and protect your business.
What can you do RIGHT NOW to work on making your Business more Sustainable, Transferable and Valuable in the future? Visit our Online Planning Links at www.ExitCoachRadio.com/links
Sponsors: Exit & Retirement Strategies, Inc. | BEI |Jeffrey M Verdon Law Group | Albert J Rasch & Associates | Ghassemian Law Group
Listening from an iPhone or iPad? Get our App in the App Store: click here

Tuesday Nov 08, 2016
Roger Royse - Today's Start-ups need to prepare for Exit Early
Tuesday Nov 08, 2016
Tuesday Nov 08, 2016
Here's a 1 minute highlight from an interview with one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to sell all of their interviews!
Roger Royse, Attorney-Royse Law Firm discusses why many Start-up companies have a shorter life span and they must be very attuned to having an Exit Strategy right from the start.
Roger: Start up companies, if they expect that they're going to get institutional funding like a lot of them do, have to anticipate a fairly early exit because their venture capital investors are managing funds that have definite endpoints, those funds term out. What happens is, as they get to the life of the end of the fund, or as they hold an investment for awhile, they're going to get increasingly demanding about seeking the liquidity of that. So, even though the founders might like to stay in the company for a long time, you can expect that the investors are going to want to see an exit, in other words, the sale of the company, certainly within 5-7 years. Now, having said that, I've got companies, legitimate startup companies, that have been my clients for 15-20 years. It just turned out that it was a good cash business and they just hung onto it and didn't just build it to sell. But, the typical startup, they expect a pretty fast exit, especially these days.
What can you do RIGHT NOW to work on making your Business more Sustainable, Transferable and Valuable in the future? Visit our Online Planning Links at www.ExitCoachRadio.com/links
Sponsors: Exit & Retirement Strategies, Inc. | BEI |Jeffrey M Verdon Law Group | Albert J Rasch & Associates | Ghassemian Law Group
Listening from an iPhone or iPad? Get our App in the App Store: click here