
Monday Nov 07, 2016
Monday Nov 07, 2016
What can you do RIGHT NOW to work on making your Business more Sustainable, Transferable and Valuable in the future? Visit our Online Planning Links at www.ExitCoachRadio.com/links
Sponsors: Exit & Retirement Strategies, Inc. | BEI |Jeffrey M Verdon Law Group | Albert J Rasch & Associates | Ghassemian Law Group
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Securities offered through Securities America, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC and Advisory services offered through Securities America Advisors, Inc. Louis A. Tucci Representative. Financial Principles, LLC and Securities America are unaffiliated.

Saturday Nov 05, 2016
Kris De La Pena - Do It Yourself Is Not Always Efficient
Saturday Nov 05, 2016
Saturday Nov 05, 2016
Quick tips from Kris on common mistakes investors make. Find his full interview with the search bar.
What can you do RIGHT NOW to work on making your Business more Sustainable, Transferable and Valuable in the future? Visit our Online Planning Links at www.ExitCoachRadio.com/links
Sponsors: Exit & Retirement Strategies, Inc. | BEI |Jeffrey M Verdon Law Group | Albert J Rasch & Associates | Ghassemian Law Group
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Friday Nov 04, 2016
Rick MacBarron - Exit Planning Takes Time
Friday Nov 04, 2016
Friday Nov 04, 2016
Rick MacBarron shares planning tips from his 30+ years of experience working with business owners and high net worth individuals.
Bill: Two of the most frequently asked questions about exit planning are: when should I get started, and what should I be looking for? Here's Rick MacBarron.
Rick: You don't want to wait too long, right? So, typically, the people that come to me are going to be in their 50s, early 60s sort of thing. You have lots of options when you have a 3-5 year runway before you intend to actually do something with a company. So you need some time, that's point number one. Point number two is that, in most cases, it is very, very important to take a careful look at the business and make sure that it's prime for an optimal sale. So, I got to know Andy and I got to understand how he was operating his company. He actually had four separate operating companies, and he did things where he moved money back and forth, and so forth. And one of the things that concerned me about that is how would a buyer perceive that?
What can you do RIGHT NOW to work on making your Business more Sustainable, Transferable and Valuable in the future? Visit our Online Planning Links at www.ExitCoachRadio.com/links
Sponsors: Exit & Retirement Strategies, Inc. | BEI |Jeffrey M Verdon Law Group | Albert J Rasch & Associates | Ghassemian Law Group
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Thursday Nov 03, 2016
W. Bailey Smith - Not If, But Rather When
Thursday Nov 03, 2016
Thursday Nov 03, 2016
W. Bailey Smith offers no-nonsense, straightforward tips on preparing for the inevitable.
Bill: Well, we all know we have death and taxes in common, here's W. Bailey Smith with some no-nonsense tips for preparing.
W.: We're all gonna die, it's just a question of when. Get your ducks in a row and make sure you have your planning properly set up. Not just your living trusts, but also, do you have a current healthcare directive? Are you avoiding the Terri Schiavo problem? And do you have it with you at all times? Some of my clients have a wallet card with their health care directive on it, so that regardless of when they have that heart attack or car accident, they always have their heath care directive with them to get off life support if there's no hope of any recovery. Also, they should have a current power of attorney, durable power of attorney, that allows somebody else to pay their bills if they become incapacitated.
What can you do RIGHT NOW to work on making your Business more Sustainable, Transferable and Valuable in the future? Visit our Online Planning Links at www.ExitCoachRadio.com/links
Sponsors: Exit & Retirement Strategies, Inc. | BEI |Jeffrey M Verdon Law Group | Albert J Rasch & Associates | Ghassemian Law Group
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Wednesday Nov 02, 2016
Heath Frantzen - The Perfect Business Exit Solution
Wednesday Nov 02, 2016
Wednesday Nov 02, 2016
Advice is everywhere, but is it good advice? Heath Frantzen of Delta Business Services discusses important thought that should go into your exit planning.
What can you do RIGHT NOW to work on making your Business more Sustainable, Transferable and Valuable in the future? Visit our Online Planning Links at www.ExitCoachRadio.com/links
Sponsors: Exit & Retirement Strategies, Inc. | BEI |Jeffrey M Verdon Law Group | Albert J Rasch & Associates | Ghassemian Law Group
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Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
Mark Dorman - Planning and Continuity
Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
A 1 minute excerpt from a recent interview with Mark Dorman.
What can you do RIGHT NOW to work on making your Business more Sustainable, Transferable and Valuable in the future? Visit our Online Planning Links at www.ExitCoachRadio.com/links
Sponsors: Exit & Retirement Strategies, Inc. | BEI |Jeffrey M Verdon Law Group | Albert J Rasch & Associates | Ghassemian Law Group
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Friday Oct 28, 2016
Sanford Coggins - Managing Real Estate
Friday Oct 28, 2016
Friday Oct 28, 2016
A 1 minute excerpt from an interview with Sanford Coggins. Hear the full interview by entering 'Sanford Coggins' into our search index at www.ExitCoachRadio.com. We upload new content daily so check back often!
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Wednesday Oct 19, 2016
Kim Trowbridge - Considerations when You're Thinking About Joining a PEO
Wednesday Oct 19, 2016
Wednesday Oct 19, 2016
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
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Monday Oct 17, 2016
Marc Hankin - Small Businesses Need Trademark and Patent Protection Too
Monday Oct 17, 2016
Monday Oct 17, 2016
In this 1 minute highlight from his interview, Marc Hankin of Hankin Patent Law discusses how his firm works with small businesses to protect their ideas and processes.
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Saturday Oct 15, 2016
John Brown - The Headwinds That Make It Harder To Sell Your Business
Saturday Oct 15, 2016
Saturday Oct 15, 2016
In this 1 minute highlight, John Brown, President and Founder of BEI (Business Enterprise Institute), discusses one of the three headwinds that have created a difficult environment to exit a business.
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Friday Oct 14, 2016
Friday Oct 14, 2016
In this 1 minute highlight, Chuck Kiskaden, President/CEO, Health Benefits Advisors discusses the Affordable Health Care Act, A Good Broker is Now More Needed Than Ever.
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Thursday Oct 13, 2016
Audrianne Adams-Lee - Avoiding Common Employee Claims with a Few Precautions
Thursday Oct 13, 2016
Thursday Oct 13, 2016
Sometimes an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. In this brief highlight, Audrianne Adams-Lee of HR Network, Inc. discusses some very basic steps that anyone can take to reduce the incidence of some of the most common claims that effect Employers.
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Wednesday Oct 12, 2016
John Livingston - Beginning Steps Toward The Exit
Wednesday Oct 12, 2016
Wednesday Oct 12, 2016
John Livingston of Plethora Businesses shares a quick overview of what it takes to prepare a business for sale.
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Tuesday Oct 11, 2016
Teri Goetz - Turn Your Fear Into Your Future
Tuesday Oct 11, 2016
Tuesday Oct 11, 2016
Teri Goetz describes how to get in touch with your "Four Pillars" and embrace your future.
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Monday Oct 10, 2016
Jim Immel - Real Key Employees Need Real Incentives
Monday Oct 10, 2016
Monday Oct 10, 2016
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
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Saturday Oct 08, 2016
Chaz Dykes - Big Savings From New Lighting Technology
Saturday Oct 08, 2016
Saturday Oct 08, 2016
Chaz Dykes discusses cost savings measures for companies.
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Friday Oct 07, 2016
Aaron Weiner - Lease Options You Should Know About
Friday Oct 07, 2016
Friday Oct 07, 2016
Aaron Weiner of Bailes & Associates shares a one minute tip about Options to Extend Your Lease that can enhance the value of your Business.
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Thursday Oct 06, 2016
Marty Levy - What Goes into An HR Audit
Thursday Oct 06, 2016
Thursday Oct 06, 2016
Marty Levy of Human Resources 4 U discusses the typical process he goes through with a new client to check for problem areas.
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Wednesday Oct 05, 2016
Brian Sullivan - The Tax Benefits of HSA Accounts
Wednesday Oct 05, 2016
Wednesday Oct 05, 2016
Brian Sullivan of Martin J Wolff & Company discusses the reason for the rise in popularity of HSA accounts.
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Tuesday Oct 04, 2016
Jan Ibey - 3 Steps To Be Lender Ready
Tuesday Oct 04, 2016
Tuesday Oct 04, 2016
Jan Ibey of Cinergy Commercial Capital talks about three tips to be "Lender Ready" when seeking financing.
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Monday Oct 03, 2016
Jim Doty - The Exit Strategy Handbook
Monday Oct 03, 2016
Monday Oct 03, 2016
Jim Doty of B2BCFO talks about the Exit Strategy Handbook, which contains multiple checklist and guides that you should have to prepare for your Exit plan. The book is available at www.ExitStrategyHandbook.com
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Saturday Oct 01, 2016
Marc Hankin - 2 Tips and a Precaution About Your Intellectual Property
Saturday Oct 01, 2016
Saturday Oct 01, 2016
If you have a company that is outperforming your competitors, you probably have some IP assets to protect. In this brief interview highlight with Marc Hankin of Hankin Patent Law, Marc shares Tips and Precautions that you should know.
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Thursday Sep 29, 2016
Michael H. Cohen - Examples of Healthcare Related Business Regulatory Issues
Thursday Sep 29, 2016
Thursday Sep 29, 2016
In this brief highlight, Attorney Michael H. Cohen gives an example of some of the Regulatory Issues that Healthcare oriented businesses should be aware of.
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Saturday Sep 24, 2016
Carolyn Rosenblatt - A Dream Team for Working With Aging Parents
Saturday Sep 24, 2016
Saturday Sep 24, 2016
Carolyn Rosenblatt shares one of the reasons that AgingParents.com is so successful -- a unique mix of talents and skill sets.

Friday Sep 23, 2016
Miranda McCroskey - Professionals May Have More Problems When in Trouble
Friday Sep 23, 2016
Friday Sep 23, 2016
Miranda has invested many years in helping Professionals when they get in trouble -- and beyond the Court system, they may face disciplinary hearings, even loss of license.
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Thursday Sep 15, 2016
Marlo van Oorschot - Age 65 Has Implications When it Comes to Divorce Court
Thursday Sep 15, 2016
Thursday Sep 15, 2016
In this 1 minute highlight, Marlo Van Oorschot, Attorney at Law of Law Offices of Marlo Van Oorschot, APLC discusses the impact of reaching age 65 when it comes to divorce proceedings.
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Wednesday Sep 14, 2016
Marlo van Oorschot - How To Survive Grey Divorce
Wednesday Sep 14, 2016
Wednesday Sep 14, 2016
In this 1 minute highlight, Marlo Van Oorschot, Attorney at Law of Law Offices of Marlo Van Oorschot, APLC discusses why she wrote her book How To Survive Grey Divorce.
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Saturday Sep 10, 2016
David Elliott - Why Join a Chamber of Commerce
Saturday Sep 10, 2016
Saturday Sep 10, 2016
In this 1 minute highlight, David Elliott, President and CEO of the 125-year-old Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce, discusses why business owners should consider joining, and participating in, their Chamber of Commerce.
Bill: So, there's been a lot of talk, especially on LinkedIn and some other types of community networks out there, and people are starting to question: is the Chamber a good thing for me to get involved with as a small business owner? What would you say to someone like that as far as, why should they get involved with the Chamber?
David: Well, I think, as we said at the beginning, there is always the networking, relationship building piece, which is kind of very foundational to any Chamber of Commerce, but I think it doesn't just end there. I think there's also the opportunity to do some, not just networking, but advertising. There's also the advocacy piece which we mentioned earlier, along with the access to other folks that you might need to be in front of, and then just being involved with a number of different activities and events, it creates a great opportunity.
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Friday Sep 09, 2016
Tim Voorhees - The Four Elements of Successful Planning
Friday Sep 09, 2016
Friday Sep 09, 2016
In this 1 minute highlight, Tim Voorhees, Managing Partner of Matsen Voorhees Law Offices discusses the four elements of successful planning.
Tim: When you look at the elements of tax planning, you'll see there are four main ingredients. First is charitable planning. You get the income tax deductions, the tax-free growth, et cetera. Second is discounting, where when you move assets from one trust to another, you can often compress the value, what we call a squeeze and a freeze, or a squeeze and a freeze by Voorhees. Third, you have low-interest loans which work really well in the current low-interest environment. And then fourth is life-insurance. I put life insurance up there as one of the top four vehicles for efficient tax planning. In particular, what happens is, if you fund insurance correctly, you can do it very tax efficiently in the front end, the money grows tax-free and the money comes out tax-free. And that way, we find that the insurance is a key component of a lot of these advanced strategies.
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Thursday Sep 08, 2016
Paul Cronin - What Will Your Life Be Like After You Exit?
Thursday Sep 08, 2016
Thursday Sep 08, 2016
In this 1 minute highlight, Paul Cronin, Partner & Director of Business Development of the Successful Transition Planning Institute discusses 3 basic questions to contemplate as you prepare for a fulfilling life after Business Sale or Transition.
Paul: There are a few essential questions you need to answer, and these are really existential questions. Okay, what's next for me? Number two is, what should I be doing with my business? Number three is, what should I be doing with my life? And when you have a very straightforward process to answer those questions, you end up creating new ideas, new opportunities, and then from there, you can start making decisions about which of these great new ideas are really good and which of them maybe aren't so great after all, until you make better decisions, more thoughtful decisions, or, what we call, more balanced decisions. And whenever you do that, you are more likely to come out with a better outcome, a more satisfactory transition from being the business owner to whatever this new life it is you've decided on.
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Wednesday Sep 07, 2016
Larry Sukay - Behavioral Risk Management as a Strategy to Control Costs
Wednesday Sep 07, 2016
Wednesday Sep 07, 2016
In this 1 minute highlight, Larry Sukay, Vice President, Patriot Risk & Insurance Services discusses the concept of Behavioral Risk Management.
Larry: For about 15 years I did risk management, organizational, operational, and cultural change management for Fortune 1,000 organizations. And during that time period, I pioneered a process which now is referred to as, Behavioral Risk Management. And it's based on the premise that culture of any organization drives the behavior within that organization, and behavior then will drive loss, and if you're able to control your loss, you'll ultimately then be able to control your cost. So, I spent a number of years developing that whole concept and principle. Ultimately, I was doing a lot of work with larger organizations using a lot of continuous processes and proving demming techniques and so forth, and turning these companies around. From a risk management perspective, these were organizations that had high worker's comp cost, they might be organizations where they're experiencing 10% loss as a percentage of payroll. 10% is extremely high, and they had gone through all the traditional means of trying to reduce that loss, and ultimately they just got so frustrated they brought me in, and within periods of time I was able to bring those costs down.
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Tuesday Sep 06, 2016
Kim Trowbridge - Make Sure Your HR Vendor Can Handle Explosive Growth
Tuesday Sep 06, 2016
Tuesday Sep 06, 2016
In this 1 minute highlight, Kim Trowbridge, of AmCheck discusses some of the benefits of working with an outsourced HR/Payroll company.
Kim: This situation, it was a current client of ours, who is a pharmaceutical company, they were going through some serious aggressive growth initiatives, as such, they acquired two other pharmaceutical companies. They didn't have the in-house resources to manage the acquisition as it relates to the HR functions and their employee benefits and their new hire on-boarding of the other companies. So, we actually took them on as a client in our services to provide them with a back office support. So, new hire on-boarding, making sure all of the employees from the other companies got rolled onto their insurance plans, offer letters were sent out, insurance information was sent out in conjunction with their existing insurance broker, and that company went from 50 employees to 150 employees virtually overnight, so we also plugged in one of our in-house HR professionals on-site to work with their company during that transition for 3 days out of the week. So, we're pretty scalable as it relates to when you talk about companies, growth, and change, we provide them with a foundation that's scalable to accommodate any growth and changes within their business as it relates to the payroll, the HR, and the benefit and administration functions.
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Monday Sep 05, 2016
Peter Cross - The 5x Impact of Workers Comp Claims on Businesses
Monday Sep 05, 2016
Monday Sep 05, 2016
Peter Cross of ISU Insurance highlights the real cost of a Workers Comp insurance claim to a Business.
Peter: When you really look at the hidden balance sheet that occurs and goes along with claims, it's not just premiums you're paying, it's the management time that's tied up addressing claims, it's the supervisor's time tied up in addressing claims, and when you really look at what it's costing you, if you spend $10,000 on a claim, they say that it's a $50,000 cost to the business.
Bill: Oh, is that right? It's a five times magnifier because of the soft cost of administrating and pulling it together and all the paperwork and everything?
Peter: Correct. For a simple example: if you have someone who's out for about 2 weeks and you've got to replace them, you've got the cost of insurance that would potentially go up, the replacement of that person, the retraining of that person, the lack of productivity that comes out of it, the increased potential for another claim, and all those other things that are residing with it. So, when you start to amplify and put all that detail in, it really can be anywhere from a 3 to 5 times magnifier like that.
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Saturday Sep 03, 2016
Marc Hankin - The Difference Between Patents and Trademarks
Saturday Sep 03, 2016
Saturday Sep 03, 2016
In this 1 minute interview highlight, Marc Hankin of Hankin Patent Law clearly explains the difference between Patents and Trademarks.
Marc: A patent protects an invention, it could be an article of manufacture or a process, it could be a method. And, patents protect something that does something or that is made in a certain way. There's also something called a design patent which does protect the aesthetic of an otherwise utilitarian product, so the way something looks. Trademarks protect the source of origin of a brand. So, that could be a slogan, a logo, a brand name, it could actually be a color or a smell, but it's something that tells you the source of the goods or services. So, a trademark and a patent protect different aspects of a product, and it's possible to get patent and trademark and even copyright protection on the same product, but you're protecting different aspects of that same product.
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Friday Sep 02, 2016
Chuck Kiskaden - The Five Steps to Implementing Your Benefits Plan
Friday Sep 02, 2016
Friday Sep 02, 2016
In this 1 minute highlight, Chuck Kiskaden, President/CEO, Health Benefits Advisors discusses the Five Steps to Implementing Your Benefits Plan.
Chuck: There's five steps to creating and nurturing the right and sustainable employee benefits program. And, those steps are: develop a five year plan for risk management, we do that. Engage everyone, management and staff, in planning an implementing that program. Communicate, communicate, communicate, repetitively, on and on regarding the vision and your expectations so everybody understands. Create outcomes based incentives, incentivize the employees to take wellness, incentivize your management people to get people to do this. And then, finally, reward the people that actually support your vision.
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Tuesday Aug 16, 2016
Joan Pounds - YouTube Has Become A Huge Social Media Factor
Tuesday Aug 16, 2016
Tuesday Aug 16, 2016
Joan Pounds of Monetization Magic discusses how she helps internet-based businesses get started.
Bill: With all the social media platforms to choose from, why has YouTube become so popular? We asked Joan Pounds
Joan: The younger generations do a lot more visually, so a lot of times your YouTube videos and things like that are better ways to reach out to them. I found out, through my son, actually, who's a teenager, that YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world. And I had no idea, I never even though about going to YouTube to find out how to do something, and the beauty of YouTube is, we can create our own videos right now from our phones and upload them to YouTube, and the neat thing about that is you're creating your own celebrity during that time. People buy from those they know, like, and trust, and that's one way for people to reach out and begin to know you and to like you and to trust you.
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Monday Aug 08, 2016
Michael Genevay - Is Your Building Energy Efficient?
Monday Aug 08, 2016
Monday Aug 08, 2016
Be aware of the new requirement for energy efficiency - according to Michael Genevay, it could save you thousands.
Find his full interview with the search bar.
Bill: Is your commercial building energy efficient? Are you sure? Here's Michael Genevay.
Michael: My goal when I talk to a building owner, I'll ask them, "Do you think your building is energy efficient?" They'll say, "Well, yes, it is. The equipment I purchased ten years ago was state-of-the-art." It probably was ten years ago, but you have no idea what it's doing now. There's a saying in the industry that you can't manage what you don't measure, and if you don't have an idea of what you're really looking at, you're just guessing. You're assuming that you're competitive, you're assuming that you're getting utilities and everything streamlined to a bottom line that's profitable to you, but you have no idea. So, benchmarking is so important because it allows you an actual cost. Basically, what we do is a complete footprint of all of the energy usage in that whole entire building from top to bottom so you have a really good idea.
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Friday Aug 05, 2016
Theresa Oatman - Stock Programs are Not a Do-it-yourself Project
Friday Aug 05, 2016
Friday Aug 05, 2016
Theresa Oatman of Stock Connections describes some of the penalties and pitfalls of Stock-Based employee benefit plans.
To hear her recent interview, enter her name in the index search bar.
We upload new content daily, so check back often!
Bill: So, whenever you're dealing with stock, you have a lot of partners in the mix. You have the SEC, you have the IRS, and you have financial accounting boards. If you need a good administrator on your side, here's Theresa Oatman.
Theresa: It's not a do-it-yourself project. Equity administration requires an expert to guide you through all the complexities of the ongoing programs, and especially if you're selling your company, everything needs to be up-to-date, accurate, and complete. Starting out with that good foundation is much easier to build, and remain compliant, stay out of jail, and stay out of hot water with the authorities as well as your shareholders. And for anyone who's not 100% confident that your equity programs are being managed properly and will give you the most value when you wish to sell, you need to contact an expert.
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Thursday Aug 04, 2016
Tom Bliss - Automate Your Systems for Peak Efficiency
Thursday Aug 04, 2016
Thursday Aug 04, 2016
Tom Bliss discusses a brief tip about the importance of automating your business systems.
We upload new content daily, so check back often!
Bill: People listen to the show for any length of time. You know we talk about processes and systems and the importance of them in your business, but here's a great overview taking it one step further by Tom Bliss.
Tom: What systems you have in place today or what systems do we need to put in into play, and then how can we automate that? Whether it be technology be technology through sending out emails, birthday cards, just ways to stay in touch with the customers, newsletters, internet radio talk shows. Whatever those things are that help enable these systems to stay in touch. What it really boils down to is, what system to we need, or what system do we have, and how can we improve on that? And that's really where we get at is that, what I see is technology helping us drive that, not that, "ooh I got a great widget, how do I use that in my business?"
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Wednesday Aug 03, 2016
Kevin Weir - The Finish Line is Important But Where Is The Start Line?
Wednesday Aug 03, 2016
Wednesday Aug 03, 2016
In this 1 minute highlight, Kevin Weir, Action Coach, suggests that many business owners are obsessed with the Finish Line when in fact they need to establish the Start Line.
We add new content daily, so come back often!
Kevin: We have to figure out what a starting point is in your business, because I've had clients who will say, "Hey, Kevin, I want to retire, and I sat down with my financial advisor and I'm going to need X amount of dollars to retire on." So my question is, okay, what's the current value of your business? Most of them respond, "I don't have a clue." So, the first thing we need to do is, what is that starting point? So, we need to do a business valuation to create the starting point. The next thing is: what is your game plan? First of all, where are you deficient? If the number that you get on your valuation is much lower than you would like, then now we have to figure out a game plan to increase the value. What systems have to be put in place in order to have that business potentially run without you, the business owner? Put revenue generation strategies and margin strategies have to be implemented, and at what pace to make that happen? And, we have to also have milestones along the way so that we can measure progress. Way too many times, business owners might start something, but since they have no measuring stick of what they want to achieve, they never get any further.
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Wednesday Jul 13, 2016
Jim Immel - Put perspective in your planning
Wednesday Jul 13, 2016
Wednesday Jul 13, 2016
Here's a 1 minute highlight from one of our Exit Coach Network Shows. Find the full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Exit Coach Network" in the "LISTEN" section and click on the show name to hear the full interview!
Jim: What do you do as an advisor? It's asked quite often, and I believe the future based question that we can turn and ask of our clients, is it okay, instead of answering that question, is it okay if I ask you a question? And get them really something to think about and go deep with. If they were to feel like they found an advisor that they could feel very, very confident in, and they could imagine introducing this advisor to somebody else, and this is somebody that they would really trust and respect, how would we define that advisor? What are the traits and the values that you'd want that advisor to have? And that's really what business owners should be thinking about is, who's going to represent them, who's going to help lead them, who's going to take their shoes off and put them on, and help them through it? And honestly, what I'm focused on, is I'm focused on being that person that's referable and someone that can be introduced to somebody that they care about. I think that's really what they should be looking for in an advisor.
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Tuesday Jul 12, 2016
Mahyar Ghassemian - An Ounce of Prevention Keeps Lawsuits at Bay
Tuesday Jul 12, 2016
Tuesday Jul 12, 2016
Here's a 1 minute highlight from an interview with one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to sell all of their interviews!
Mahyar Ghassemian, Ghassemian & Associates, discusses the need to budget for preventative planning, especially for businesses that are in high-risk categories.
Mahyar Ghassemian, was admitted to the California State Bar in 1999. Mahyar has a Masters’ degree in Physics from California State University, Long Beach and obtained her Juris Doctor degree , graduating cum laude from Western State University College of Law in Fullerton, California. While in law school Mahyar was invited to the California Court of Appeal in Santa Ana where she honed her research and writing skills as an extern for Presiding Justice, David Sil.
Bill: Ben Franklin once said an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, but how does that translate in the business world? Here's attorney Mahyar Ghassemian.
Mahyar: Some of my largest clients have a policy that they set a set amount every month aside for legal expenses, because they understand that they need the advice of an attorney. What becomes really hard for people to see is the fact that once they get into a lawsuit, then they're going to have to be into it for a year and a half to two years, and everything, all of their life's belongings, can be put in jeopardy if they haven't spend a little bit of money upfront to protect it before it gets into a lawsuit, because lawsuits are very, very expensive.
Website: http://www.glgattorneys.com/
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Monday Jul 11, 2016
Don Burzen - Are You Ready to Transition from President to CEO?
Monday Jul 11, 2016
Monday Jul 11, 2016
Here's a 1 minute highlight from one of our Exit Coach Network Shows. Find the full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Exit Coach Network" in the "LISTEN" section and click on the show name to hear the full interview!
Don Burzen, Positive Exits Business Consultant, discusses the important step of transitioning from President to CEO to focus on building sale value and make yourself irrelevant to day to day operations for ease of sale.
Don: I would suggest that an owner challenge any and all assumptions that you may have about the exit planning process. Most of these can be replaced with hard facts, or at least educated estimates that reflect reality, whether those are good or bad, as a basis for your future decision making. Recognize the fact that your business is an investment, whether it's the money you first put up to start it, the years of hard work you poured into it, or the earnings that you've reinvested over the years, it's an asset that may be the largest one in your portfolio, and it should be managed as such. To do so, consider transitioning from the position of president to that of CEO. Presidents run the business day-to-day, whereas CEO's focus on building long-term value. In a large corporation, the CEO works to increase that value for outside shareholders, in a closely held business, that value increase is for you and your family, and what better person could there possibly be to focus on that than you?
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Saturday Jul 09, 2016
Devon Blaine - Increasing the Value of Your Company
Saturday Jul 09, 2016
Saturday Jul 09, 2016
Host: Bill Black. Devon Blaine discusses the importance of visibility, business publications, increasing sales, and predictability when planning an exit strategy. Audio library: www.ExitCoachRadio.com. New content daily - check back often!

Friday Jul 08, 2016
Brian Turner - How to Kill a Lawsuit
Friday Jul 08, 2016
Friday Jul 08, 2016
Host: Bill Black. Brian Turner discusses the importance of preparing before a lawsuit gets filed. Audio library: www.ExitCoachRadio.com. New content daily - check back often!
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Grow Your Business Value, Protect Your Family and Prepare for your Future Transition.
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Wednesday Jul 06, 2016
Mark Flenniken - The Importance of Trusted Advisors
Wednesday Jul 06, 2016
Wednesday Jul 06, 2016
A 1 minute excerpt from a recent interview with Mark Flenniken. Hear the full interview by entering 'Mark Flenniken' into our search index atwww.ExitCoachRadio.com. We upload new content daily so check back often!
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Monday Jul 04, 2016
Sandro Monetti - How to Successfully Crowdfund
Monday Jul 04, 2016
Monday Jul 04, 2016
Host: Bill Black. Audio library: www.ExitCoachRadio.com.
Sandro: When you are trying to raise funds through crowd funding, you never mention the money, you only mention the opportunity. It's the opportunity to belong. You know, somebody would love to spend $100 so they could get a credit on a movie. It's about being involved, people who are interested in projects but don't have their hands on opportunity, and how that's the internet can bring the world together. And, if you present it as an opportunity, you can do very well. But, also I would point out that if you don't have a Facebook or Twitter account, don't crowdfund, because it's all about reaching people on the internet. It's, like a say, a nontraditional way of fundraising. You won't meet most of your investors, but if you can present it right, it can really work well.
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Sunday Jul 03, 2016
Aaron Weiner - What Image is Best for Your Business?
Sunday Jul 03, 2016
Sunday Jul 03, 2016
Host: Bill Black. Audio library: www.ExitCoachRadio.com.
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Saturday Jul 02, 2016
Eric Cantrell- Investment Advisors
Saturday Jul 02, 2016
Saturday Jul 02, 2016
Host: Buck Blanton. Audio library: www.ExitCoachRadio.com.
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Grow Your Business Value, Protect Your Family and Prepare for your FutureTransition.
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Friday Jul 01, 2016
Mike Weisman - Customer Relationships
Friday Jul 01, 2016
Friday Jul 01, 2016
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