
Saturday Sep 03, 2016
Marc Hankin - The Difference Between Patents and Trademarks
Saturday Sep 03, 2016
Saturday Sep 03, 2016
In this 1 minute interview highlight, Marc Hankin of Hankin Patent Law clearly explains the difference between Patents and Trademarks.
Marc: A patent protects an invention, it could be an article of manufacture or a process, it could be a method. And, patents protect something that does something or that is made in a certain way. There's also something called a design patent which does protect the aesthetic of an otherwise utilitarian product, so the way something looks. Trademarks protect the source of origin of a brand. So, that could be a slogan, a logo, a brand name, it could actually be a color or a smell, but it's something that tells you the source of the goods or services. So, a trademark and a patent protect different aspects of a product, and it's possible to get patent and trademark and even copyright protection on the same product, but you're protecting different aspects of that same product.
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Friday Sep 02, 2016
Chuck Kiskaden - The Five Steps to Implementing Your Benefits Plan
Friday Sep 02, 2016
Friday Sep 02, 2016
In this 1 minute highlight, Chuck Kiskaden, President/CEO, Health Benefits Advisors discusses the Five Steps to Implementing Your Benefits Plan.
Chuck: There's five steps to creating and nurturing the right and sustainable employee benefits program. And, those steps are: develop a five year plan for risk management, we do that. Engage everyone, management and staff, in planning an implementing that program. Communicate, communicate, communicate, repetitively, on and on regarding the vision and your expectations so everybody understands. Create outcomes based incentives, incentivize the employees to take wellness, incentivize your management people to get people to do this. And then, finally, reward the people that actually support your vision.
Visit ExitCoachRadio.com for Audio, Videos, Books and Interactive Tools to Grow Your Business Value, Protect Your Family and Prepare for your Future Transition.
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Sunday Aug 28, 2016
Exit Coach Radio on AM830 August 28th, 2016 6PM Show
Sunday Aug 28, 2016
Sunday Aug 28, 2016
Bill Black interviews Dawn Reese of the Wooden Floor and Jim Immel of Immel & Associates.

Tuesday Aug 23, 2016
P. Christopher Music - Managing Income Streams
Tuesday Aug 23, 2016
Tuesday Aug 23, 2016
Visit ExitCoachRadio.com for Audio, Videos, Books and Interactive Tools to Grow Your Business Value, Protect Your Family and Prepare for your Future Transition.
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Sunday Aug 21, 2016
AM830 KLAA Show 8/21 6PM
Sunday Aug 21, 2016
Sunday Aug 21, 2016
Bill interviews Peter Walsh and Roger Winsby for their tips, ideas and precautions regarding business.

Sunday Aug 21, 2016
AM830 KLAA Show 8/21 10AM
Sunday Aug 21, 2016
Sunday Aug 21, 2016
Bill Black interviews Hillel Presser on Asset Protection strategies.

Wednesday Aug 17, 2016
Al Caicedo - What to Do with Your 401K After Your Company Shuts Down
Wednesday Aug 17, 2016
Wednesday Aug 17, 2016
Al Caicedo is President and Owner of CKS Summit Group, founded in 1996.Al’s focus and objective is to help ensure his clients are able to enjoy their lifestyle beyond the workplace and into their retirement years. He educates and enables them to come to understand, for themselves, the financial path they should follow. He has spent twenty years helping clients protect and preserve their assets. His safe money strategies helped clients save millions of dollars during the latest market collapse. Al is an asset preservation consultant and transitional planning specialist. The goals and objectives of a transitional client are more geared toward safety and risk elimination, peace of mind, developing income options and tax savings strategies, avoiding probate, and reducing or eliminating the potential for loss to a nursing home. CKS Summit Group is committed to act in the best personal and financial interest of our clients.An aging America, combined with the precarious state of Medicare and Social Security, have created a need for comprehensive retirement management that goes beyond the ability of general financial counselors. His practice focuses on addressing the distinctive financial needs of those nearing retirement and those who are already retired.Al is a member of the Presidential Who’s Who and the Million Dollar Round Table. He has been featured in the following publications: Oakland Press, the Detroit News, Observer & Eccentric, Builder Magazine, Consumers Digest, WWJ News Radio 950, WDIV- TV Channel 4, Fox 2 Detroit, and C&G Newspaper.
Visit ExitCoachRadio.com for Audio, Videos, Books and Interactive Tools to Grow Your Business Value, Protect Your Family and Prepare for your Future Transition.
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Tuesday Aug 16, 2016
Joan Pounds - YouTube Has Become A Huge Social Media Factor
Tuesday Aug 16, 2016
Tuesday Aug 16, 2016
Joan Pounds of Monetization Magic discusses how she helps internet-based businesses get started.
Bill: With all the social media platforms to choose from, why has YouTube become so popular? We asked Joan Pounds
Joan: The younger generations do a lot more visually, so a lot of times your YouTube videos and things like that are better ways to reach out to them. I found out, through my son, actually, who's a teenager, that YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world. And I had no idea, I never even though about going to YouTube to find out how to do something, and the beauty of YouTube is, we can create our own videos right now from our phones and upload them to YouTube, and the neat thing about that is you're creating your own celebrity during that time. People buy from those they know, like, and trust, and that's one way for people to reach out and begin to know you and to like you and to trust you.
Visit ExitCoachRadio.com for Audio, Videos, Books and Interactive Tools to Grow Your Business Value, Protect Your Family and Prepare for your Future Transition.
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Saturday Aug 13, 2016
Jeff Small - Millennials are Scared to Invest
Saturday Aug 13, 2016
Saturday Aug 13, 2016
Having presented over five hundred public seminars educating the local retirement and pre-retirement community on a range of monetary issues, Mr. R. Jeffrey Small, grew up in Brevard County and has been working with retirees and their families for almost 30 years. A.R.B.O.R., Assisting Retirees Beyond Ordinary Results, is not just an appropriate acronym for his rising firm but rather an economic philosophy based on years of industry & market experience. Jeffrey, dedicated to providing his clients and the public with an array of diverse financial products and services, is licensed with the Florida Department of Financial Services, a Certified Senior Advisor through the Society of Certified Senior Advisors and recently completed the requirements to become an Investment Advisor Representative. Both he and Arbor Financial are also members in good standing of the Central Florida Better Business Bureau and The National Ethics Association.
Visit ExitCoachRadio.com for Audio, Videos, Books and Interactive Tools to Grow Your Business Value, Protect Your Family and Prepare for your Future Transition.
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Thursday Aug 11, 2016
Dawn Reese - Changing Lives Through Dance
Thursday Aug 11, 2016
Thursday Aug 11, 2016
Founded in 1983, The Wooden Floor is one of the most progressive arts-for-youth nonprofit organizations in the country. We transform the lives of young people in low-income communities through the power of dance and access to higher education. In Orange County and through our national licensed partners, we use a long-term approach grounded in exploratory dance education to foster the resources within each child to innovate, communicate, and collaborate –skills necessary for success in school and in life. 100 percent of students who graduate from The Wooden Floor immediately enroll in higher education. Our students become change agents and beacons of hope within their own families, their neighborhoods, our community, and our world.
Visit ExitCoachRadio.com for Audio, Videos, Books and Interactive Tools to Grow Your Business Value, Protect Your Family and Prepare for your Future Transition.
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Sunday Aug 07, 2016
AM830 KLAA Show 8/7 6PM
Sunday Aug 07, 2016
Sunday Aug 07, 2016
Bill Black interviews Melissa Beck and Ed Kargas

Sunday Aug 07, 2016
AM830 KLAA Show 8/7 10AM
Sunday Aug 07, 2016
Sunday Aug 07, 2016
Bill Black interviews Andrew Carlton

Friday Aug 05, 2016
Duncan Rolph - Replicating Your Cash Flow
Friday Aug 05, 2016
Friday Aug 05, 2016
Duncan Rolph is the Managing Director of Miracle Mile Advisors. Miracle Mile Advisors is an independent, SEC Registered Investment Advisory firm. They specialize in providing sophisticated financial plans using portfolios with low cost index funds and ETFs. As one of the fastest growing firms in the country, Miracle Mile's partners have an average of over 15 years of proven experience working with high net worth families. Duncan will be discussing the topic of how business owners can replace the cash flow from a profitable business after selling the business.
Visit ExitCoachRadio.com for Audio, Videos, Books and Interactive Tools to Grow Your Business Value, Protect Your Family and Prepare for your Future Transition.
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Wednesday Aug 03, 2016
Kevin Weir - The Finish Line is Important But Where Is The Start Line?
Wednesday Aug 03, 2016
Wednesday Aug 03, 2016
In this 1 minute highlight, Kevin Weir, Action Coach, suggests that many business owners are obsessed with the Finish Line when in fact they need to establish the Start Line.
We add new content daily, so come back often!
Kevin: We have to figure out what a starting point is in your business, because I've had clients who will say, "Hey, Kevin, I want to retire, and I sat down with my financial advisor and I'm going to need X amount of dollars to retire on." So my question is, okay, what's the current value of your business? Most of them respond, "I don't have a clue." So, the first thing we need to do is, what is that starting point? So, we need to do a business valuation to create the starting point. The next thing is: what is your game plan? First of all, where are you deficient? If the number that you get on your valuation is much lower than you would like, then now we have to figure out a game plan to increase the value. What systems have to be put in place in order to have that business potentially run without you, the business owner? Put revenue generation strategies and margin strategies have to be implemented, and at what pace to make that happen? And, we have to also have milestones along the way so that we can measure progress. Way too many times, business owners might start something, but since they have no measuring stick of what they want to achieve, they never get any further.
Visit ExitCoachRadio.com for Audio, Videos, Books and Interactive Tools to Grow Your Business Value, Protect Your Family and Prepare for your Future Transition.
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Sunday Jul 31, 2016
AM830 KLAA Show 7/31/ 6PM
Sunday Jul 31, 2016
Sunday Jul 31, 2016

Sunday Jul 31, 2016
AM830 KLAA Show 7/31 10AM
Sunday Jul 31, 2016
Sunday Jul 31, 2016

Sunday Jul 24, 2016
Exit Coach Radio on AM830 July 24th, 2016 6PM Show
Sunday Jul 24, 2016
Sunday Jul 24, 2016

Sunday Jul 17, 2016
Exit Coach Radio on AM830 July 17th, 2016 6pm Show
Sunday Jul 17, 2016
Sunday Jul 17, 2016

Sunday Jul 17, 2016
Exit Coach Radio on AM830 July 17th, 2016 10am Show
Sunday Jul 17, 2016
Sunday Jul 17, 2016

Tuesday Jul 12, 2016
Mahyar Ghassemian - An Ounce of Prevention Keeps Lawsuits at Bay
Tuesday Jul 12, 2016
Tuesday Jul 12, 2016
Here's a 1 minute highlight from an interview with one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to sell all of their interviews!
Mahyar Ghassemian, Ghassemian & Associates, discusses the need to budget for preventative planning, especially for businesses that are in high-risk categories.
Mahyar Ghassemian, was admitted to the California State Bar in 1999. Mahyar has a Masters’ degree in Physics from California State University, Long Beach and obtained her Juris Doctor degree , graduating cum laude from Western State University College of Law in Fullerton, California. While in law school Mahyar was invited to the California Court of Appeal in Santa Ana where she honed her research and writing skills as an extern for Presiding Justice, David Sil.
Bill: Ben Franklin once said an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, but how does that translate in the business world? Here's attorney Mahyar Ghassemian.
Mahyar: Some of my largest clients have a policy that they set a set amount every month aside for legal expenses, because they understand that they need the advice of an attorney. What becomes really hard for people to see is the fact that once they get into a lawsuit, then they're going to have to be into it for a year and a half to two years, and everything, all of their life's belongings, can be put in jeopardy if they haven't spend a little bit of money upfront to protect it before it gets into a lawsuit, because lawsuits are very, very expensive.
Website: http://www.glgattorneys.com/
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Monday Jul 11, 2016
Don Burzen - Are You Ready to Transition from President to CEO?
Monday Jul 11, 2016
Monday Jul 11, 2016
Here's a 1 minute highlight from one of our Exit Coach Network Shows. Find the full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Exit Coach Network" in the "LISTEN" section and click on the show name to hear the full interview!
Don Burzen, Positive Exits Business Consultant, discusses the important step of transitioning from President to CEO to focus on building sale value and make yourself irrelevant to day to day operations for ease of sale.
Don: I would suggest that an owner challenge any and all assumptions that you may have about the exit planning process. Most of these can be replaced with hard facts, or at least educated estimates that reflect reality, whether those are good or bad, as a basis for your future decision making. Recognize the fact that your business is an investment, whether it's the money you first put up to start it, the years of hard work you poured into it, or the earnings that you've reinvested over the years, it's an asset that may be the largest one in your portfolio, and it should be managed as such. To do so, consider transitioning from the position of president to that of CEO. Presidents run the business day-to-day, whereas CEO's focus on building long-term value. In a large corporation, the CEO works to increase that value for outside shareholders, in a closely held business, that value increase is for you and your family, and what better person could there possibly be to focus on that than you?
Visit ExitCoachRadio.com for Audio, Videos, Books and Interactive Tools to Grow Your Business Value, Protect Your Family and Prepare for your Future Transition.
New! Get our iPhone app at the App Store - search for Exit Coach Radio Grow your business value by up to 71% - take a free assessment at www.BizGrowth123.com

Sunday Jul 10, 2016
Exit Coach Radio on AM830 July 10th, 2016 6pm Show
Sunday Jul 10, 2016
Sunday Jul 10, 2016

Sunday Jul 03, 2016
Exit Coach Radio on AM830 July 3rd, 2016 6pm Show
Sunday Jul 03, 2016
Sunday Jul 03, 2016

Sunday Jun 26, 2016
Exit Coach Radio on AM830 July 26th, 2016 10AM Show
Sunday Jun 26, 2016
Sunday Jun 26, 2016

Sunday Jun 26, 2016
Exit Coach Radio on AM830 June 26th 6PM Show
Sunday Jun 26, 2016
Sunday Jun 26, 2016

Saturday Jun 25, 2016
Kathy Fettke - Real Wealth Network
Saturday Jun 25, 2016
Saturday Jun 25, 2016
Kathy Fettke, CEO and Founder of Real Wealth Network based in Walnut Creek, CA, an organization dedicated to helping members get the most current and cutting edge education and information they need to succeed as real estate investors. Kathy is a licensed Realtor, former mortgage broker, and an active real estate investor She was selected as one of America's"100 Most Intriguing Entrepreneurs" by Goldman Sachs at the 1st annual and now 2nd Annual Builders and Innovator's Summit.
Kathy Fettke is an active real estate investor, licensed Realtor,certified coach, and former mortgage broker. She specializes in helping people build multi-million dollar real estate portfolios through through creative finance and planning. With a passion for researching and sharing the most important facts on real estate and economics,
Kathy received her BA in Broadcast Communications from San Francisco State University and worked in the newsrooms of CNN, FOX, CTV and ABC-7. She's past-president of American Women in Radio & Television. Kathy became a certified personal coach through the Coaches Training Institute in SanRafael, California. In 2001, she took the coaching process to television and produced a cable show called "DREAM" which followed the process of 6 people going after their dreams over 90 days. Kathy noticed a theme on her Dream coaching show: most people didn't have time for their dreams when they are spending all their time at work to make money to pay the bills. Her show sponsor was a real estate expert and the segments they produced changed her life. After interviewing dozens of real estate millionaires, Kathy discovered their best strategies for creating passive income streams. She and her husband bought numerous investment properties and since then learned the highs and lows of investing that can only come from hands-on experience.

Sunday Jun 19, 2016
Exit Coach Radio on AM830 June 19th 6PM Show
Sunday Jun 19, 2016
Sunday Jun 19, 2016

Sunday Jun 19, 2016
Exit Coach Radio on AM830 June 19th 10AM Show
Sunday Jun 19, 2016
Sunday Jun 19, 2016
regarding "Finding Strengths and Building Strong Teams"

Friday Jun 17, 2016
Cathy Daugherty - Health Insurance Issues for 2-50 Employee Businesses
Friday Jun 17, 2016
Friday Jun 17, 2016
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Cathy: For the two to fifty employer, you are not required to have group health insurance, but each and every one of your employees, because every person is supposed to have healthy insurance effective March 31st of this year. If you don't offer a group plan, then your employees will go to the exchange or marketplace, or coverca.com and buy a plan. They're not gonna like the prices, they're not gonna like the plans, and the big issue is going to be very small so their doctor or their hospital is probably not in the exchange. So, now, they're going to come back to you and say, "Mr. Employer, you need to put a group plan in so we can have the doctors and the hospitals we want to go to." My other issue is, if we have small business owners who have a group plan and they go, "Oh I'm gonna drop me plan and tell all of my employees to go to the marketplace." Again, they're gonna be upset, they're not gonna like it, and my big question is, Mr. Business Owner, do you really want to go to the exchange? Because if you don't have a group plan in place, you now have to go to these plans that have a very small network, and don't have all the doctors and hospitals that you want to go to.
We add new content daily, so come back often!

Sunday Jun 12, 2016
Exit Coach Radio on AM830 June 12th 6PM Show
Sunday Jun 12, 2016
Sunday Jun 12, 2016

Sunday Jun 12, 2016
Exit Coach Radio on AM830 June 12th 10AM Show
Sunday Jun 12, 2016
Sunday Jun 12, 2016

Tuesday Jun 07, 2016
Jim Immel - What Are Answers to the 5 Questions Your Spouse Will Ask if You Die?
Tuesday Jun 07, 2016
Tuesday Jun 07, 2016
Jim Immel, Founder, Immel and Associates, Inc. discusses his experience as a Trusted Advisor and the need to prepare to have the answers to critical questions that spouses have of their Advisors when a death occurs.
Jim: One of the things that a lot of business owners are doing, is that they're heads down, they're growing their business, they're focused on the day-to-day. And they're, again, back to being very optimistic and looking at what they can accomplish. And risk management is just not natural to most business owners. One of the questions I like to ask to get business owners to just slow down for a moment, and to think, is to imagine for a moment that you had passed away, and week after your funeral, if I'm your most trusted advisor, your widow calls me and says, "Jim, I have a few questions, do you have a little bit of time?" What are those 5 or 6 questions that I should be prepared to answer that your wife might be asking me when she gets here? What are the things that we should prepare for? When I've asked that question to a lot of business owners, they realize that they're not ready for that event. The risk management planning, the contingency planning is pretty important, because what that really does, is it helps us start down the path of making sure the business is prepared in so many different ways. Because, if you think about it, it helps you prepare for a living buy-out, as well.
We add new content daily, so come back often!
To hear more tips from over 750 Advisors, visit exitcoachradio.com
Text "Exitcoach" to 44222 and get a copy of 100 Words from 20 Advisors!

Sunday Jun 05, 2016
Jeffrey Verdon 1 minute highlight
Sunday Jun 05, 2016
Sunday Jun 05, 2016
Jeffrey Verdon is a premier Asset Protection attorney. Here is a brief interview highlight.

Sunday Jun 05, 2016
Exit Coach Radio on AM830 June 5th 6PM Show
Sunday Jun 05, 2016
Sunday Jun 05, 2016

Saturday Jun 04, 2016
Caught You Doing Something Right - Randy Noe
Saturday Jun 04, 2016
Saturday Jun 04, 2016
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
So many times we catch workers doing something wrong and ignore them when they are doing something right. Coach Randy Noe discusses another approach that reinforces good behavior. To hear his full interview enter his name in the search field.

Thursday Jun 02, 2016
Katherine Wertheim - Learn How to Fundraise
Thursday Jun 02, 2016
Thursday Jun 02, 2016
Katherine Wertheim is the President of Werth-It, a resource for business owners that want to learn how to fundraise when they serve on a non-profit board of directors.

Sunday May 29, 2016
Exit Coach Radio on AM830 May 29th 6PM Show
Sunday May 29, 2016
Sunday May 29, 2016

Sunday May 29, 2016
Exit Coach Radio on AM830 May 29th 10am Show
Sunday May 29, 2016
Sunday May 29, 2016
Bill Black interviews Chris Scully,"Retiring Your Business"Listen to the live show Sundays at 10am and 6pm on AM830 in the Los Angeles area or listen to recorded shows anytime at ExitCoachRadio.com.And be sure and get the free e-Book "Business Continuity: 5 Steps to Protect your Family", a True Story of a business planning tragedy and steps you can take so your Family does not become the Victim of an Unplanned Business. To Download it FREE Click Here.

Sunday May 22, 2016
AM830 5/22 6pm show
Sunday May 22, 2016
Sunday May 22, 2016

Sunday May 22, 2016
AM 830 show 5/22 at 10am
Sunday May 22, 2016
Sunday May 22, 2016

Sunday May 15, 2016
Exit Coach Radio on AM830 May 15th 6PM Show
Sunday May 15, 2016
Sunday May 15, 2016

Sunday May 15, 2016
Exit Coach Radio on AM830 May 15th 10am Show
Sunday May 15, 2016
Sunday May 15, 2016

Tuesday May 10, 2016
Scott Tamkin - Tired of Stocks & Bonds? Try Income Real Estate
Tuesday May 10, 2016
Tuesday May 10, 2016
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Scott Tamkin of NEST Realtors at John Aaroe Group discusses the current outlook for Income Properties.
Bill: A lot of people are nervous about stocks and bonds these days, what's the outlook for income real estate? We asked real estate expert, Scott Tamkin.
Scott: I'm a firm believer that income property will grow wealth over time, and there are parts of Los Angeles where income property is still affordable. The west side of LA doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but there are parts of LA where there are still opportunities, and I firmly believe that, particularly in some of the outlying areas, that gentrification will continue and people will want to rent in those areas, particularly as public transportation expands. People have some extra money, they're looking to invest in income property, I would say a good strategy might be to join up with others who are doing the same. There are some crowdfunding sites that offer some opportunities to do that, but I would be careful just jumping in. Talk to an expert and multi-family business, I think over time it will prove to be lucrative.
To hear more tips from over 750 Advisors, visit exitcoachradio.com
Text "Exitcoach" to 44222 and get a copy of 100 Words from 20 Advisors!

Sunday May 08, 2016
Exit Coach Radio on AM830 May 8th 6PM Show
Sunday May 08, 2016
Sunday May 08, 2016

Sunday May 08, 2016
Exit Coach Radio on AM830 May 8th 10am Show
Sunday May 08, 2016
Sunday May 08, 2016

Sunday May 01, 2016
Exit Coach Radio on AM830 May 1st 6PM Show
Sunday May 01, 2016
Sunday May 01, 2016

Sunday May 01, 2016
Exit Coach Radio on AM830 May 1st 10am Show
Sunday May 01, 2016
Sunday May 01, 2016

Sunday Apr 24, 2016
Exit Coach Radio Show on AM830 April 23 - 6PM Show and Dee Elliott
Sunday Apr 24, 2016
Sunday Apr 24, 2016

Sunday Apr 24, 2016
Exit Coach Radio Show on AM830 April 23 - 10 AM Show Mark Doyle
Sunday Apr 24, 2016
Sunday Apr 24, 2016

Thursday Apr 21, 2016
Peter Stephan - Do You Have a Clear Contribution Objective for Your Retirement Plan?
Thursday Apr 21, 2016
Thursday Apr 21, 2016
Here's a 1 minute highlight from an interview with one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to sell all of their interviews!
Peter Stephan discusses the importance of beginning your retirement plan design based on your contribution objectives for yourself, your key employees and your rank-and-file employees.
Peter: Today, with the small business owners out there, they're looking for tax strategies, and the internal revenue code offers these strategies, you just have to have the right implementer on your side. Our job is to work with the advisors, so the CPA and/or financial advisor for their client, and put together the provisions of the plan to achieve that contribution objective. And once we implement it, our job is to service that on a year-to-year basis as the business conditions change, so we want to make sure we build some flexibility into the plan design, but also try to get the highest benefit possible for who we're trying to focus on.
To hear more tips from over 750 Advisors, visit exitcoachradio.com
Text "Exitcoach" to 44222 and get a copy of 100 Words from 20 Advisors!