
Thursday May 21, 2020
Steve Chevarria - Building a Culture of Health (A2018)
Thursday May 21, 2020
Thursday May 21, 2020
Steve Chevarria, CEO of Pansalus Consulting, works to cultivate productivity and a culture of well-being in the workplace. With his background of sports therapy and wellness coaching, Steve saw a great need for improved workplace culture. Steve and his team of behavioral engagement experts work with businesses to inspire positive changes across all levels, aiming to surround employees in an environment that naturally facilitates health and productivity. Employees who are healthy and productive contribute to business growth.
Healthcare is the number one rising cost in businesses, and preventative healthcare is far more affordable than reactive healthcare. Steve shares examples of how he gives purpose to changes to help them stick long-term. He discusses the importance of meaningfully listening to the values and beliefs of everyone in the organization, as every level may have a different goal, vision, and purpose. Accountability is crucial for achieving goals in the workplace, and Steve is the expert at leading companies to an improved culture of health and productivity.
We've built a special collection of 20 minute interviews from members of Provisors and Vistage speakers. To see the directory and choose an interview visit ExitCoachRadio.com
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Friday May 15, 2020
Brad Davidson - The Limitless Executive (F2817)
Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
Brad Davidson, VP of Metabolism and Performance Research at Stark, has an understatedly important job. He works with a group of highly-trained specialists to help rejuvenate high performing people, let them move more freely, look better, and have limitless energy. Energy is a leader's greatest asset and Brad’s expertise is in teaching executives which lifestyle choices they make that are limiting them from reaching their full potential. Even if you think you’re performing at your highest potential, chances are you can still improve, and Brad’s knowledge is invaluable.
In his interview, Brad explains why people who are experts at recovery are the most successful, and why dedicated downtime helps increase productivity. He also analyzes different kinds of stress and how to avoid unnecessary stress with simple changes to lifestyle choices. Identifying good sleep habits and being nourished as the most important factors in living with limitless energy, Brad takes the time to share some tips for achieving both. Your life will completely change when you learn that exercise and nutrition are not punishments, but actually incredible rewards that give you power.
We've built a special collection of 20 minute interviews from members of @Provisors and @Vistage speakers. To see the directory and choose an interview visit ExitCoachRadio.com
Are you and your Company Transition-Ready? Click Here for a free report & assessment!

Friday Oct 04, 2019
Tom Roddel - Why Vistage Worldwide works (E1617)
Friday Oct 04, 2019
Friday Oct 04, 2019
Tom is a Chair of Vistage Worldwide, the world's largest CEO and Presidential organization with 20,000 members.
Email: tomr@roddelnhs.com

Saturday Sep 09, 2017
Matt Sunshine (1 minute Preview) The 2015 Sales Problem (I0917)
Saturday Sep 09, 2017
Saturday Sep 09, 2017
Here's a 1 minute preview of today's featured Guest. Give it a listen and share it with your friends, and if you like the content be sure and listen to the full 20 minute interview!
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Wednesday Jul 12, 2017
Danny Fontana - Financial Media and Customer Relations (G1217)
Wednesday Jul 12, 2017
Wednesday Jul 12, 2017
Danny Fontana discusses the importance of the relationship between financial advisor and client, and how the financial media can skew that role.

Saturday Jul 08, 2017
Steve Herron - Commercial Real Estate Valuations Can Fluctuate Widely (G0817)
Saturday Jul 08, 2017
Saturday Jul 08, 2017
Here's a 1 minute highlight from an interview with one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to sell all of their interviews!
Need to work ON your business? Start with a free assessment at www.BizGrowth123.com

Wednesday Jul 05, 2017
Dr. David Leonardi - Diet Guidelines to Prevent Cancer (G0517)
Wednesday Jul 05, 2017
Wednesday Jul 05, 2017
Here's a 1 minute preview of today's featured Guest. Give it a listen and share it with your friends, and if you like the content be sure and listen to the full 20 minute interview!
Bill: Looking for a quick dietary tip to reduce your risk of cancer? Here's Doctor David Leonardi.
David: Most people are convinced that protein is a critical part of our nutrition, and the consumption of plenty of animal protein is pretty standard in the Western Diet. But, we've long known from published studies, that high protein diets on a bio-chemical level, are actually deleterious. So, recently, a study published in 2014 finally looked at the relationship between protein intake and mortality In people aged 50-65, the intake of animal protein, in this study, correlated directly with mortality. Now, when I say animal protein, almost everybody thinks of red meat, but I'm talking about animal protein in general. So, this includes all meat, fish, eggs, and dairy. So the intake of animal protein correlated directly with mortality in people aged 50-65, but when they looked at plants as the source of protein, the relationship with mortality was nearly abolished. And there's several reasons for this, number one: animal protein contains higher levels of an amino acid called methionine, and cancer cells thrive on methionine. Secondly, Bill, how do we usually cook animal protein? Meat or fish, we usually grill it or broil it. These very hot or very dry cooking processes form carcinogens on the surface of the meat or fish called heterocyclic amines, and they create inflammatory molecules within the meat or fish. All these create a bio-chemical environment that promotes the risk of a mutation to cancer, and also more rapid growth of that cancer.
Need to work ON your business? Start with a free assessment at www.BizGrowth123.com

Wednesday Jun 14, 2017
Craig Weber - Conversational Capacity (F1417)
Wednesday Jun 14, 2017
Wednesday Jun 14, 2017

Monday Mar 20, 2017
John Boyens - 6 Steps to Market Dominance
Monday Mar 20, 2017
Monday Mar 20, 2017
Here's a 1-minute preview of today's featured Guest. Give it a listen and share it with your friends, and if you like the content be sure and listen to the full 20-minute interview!
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Friday Mar 17, 2017
Friday Mar 17, 2017
Here's a 1 minute preview of today's featured Guest. Give it a listen and share it with your friends, and if you like the content be sure and listen to the full 20 minute interview!
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Thursday Dec 15, 2016
Matt Sunshine - How to Maximize Your Efficiency
Thursday Dec 15, 2016
Thursday Dec 15, 2016
Here's a 1-minute preview of today's featured Guest. Give it a listen and share it with your friends, and if you like the content be sure and listen to the full 20-minute interview!
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Wednesday May 18, 2016
Dr. David Leonardi - A Potential Breakthrough to Help You Age Better
Wednesday May 18, 2016
Wednesday May 18, 2016
Here's a past highlight from yesterday's featured Guest. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
To hear more tips from over 750 Advisors, visit exitcoachradio.com
Text "Exitcoach" to 44222 and get a copy of 100 Words from 20 Advisors!

Tuesday May 17, 2016
Joe Bertotto - Are You Weak at Knowing Your Strengths?
Tuesday May 17, 2016
Tuesday May 17, 2016
Here's a 1 minute preview of today's featured Guest. Give it a listen and share it with your friends, and if you like the content be sure and listen to the full 20 minute interview!

Wednesday Dec 09, 2015
Dr. Jerry Kornfeld - Ask Dr. Jerry
Wednesday Dec 09, 2015
Wednesday Dec 09, 2015
As a Family Physician, Dr. Jerry Kornfeld is primarily concerned with keeping his audiences as current as possible with the latest medical information.

Saturday Dec 13, 2014
Scott Hunter - 1 minute Highlight
Saturday Dec 13, 2014
Saturday Dec 13, 2014
Here's a 1 minute highlight from an interview with one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to sell all of their interviews!
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