
Tuesday Sep 06, 2016
Kim Trowbridge - Make Sure Your HR Vendor Can Handle Explosive Growth
Tuesday Sep 06, 2016
Tuesday Sep 06, 2016
In this 1 minute highlight, Kim Trowbridge, of AmCheck discusses some of the benefits of working with an outsourced HR/Payroll company.
Kim: This situation, it was a current client of ours, who is a pharmaceutical company, they were going through some serious aggressive growth initiatives, as such, they acquired two other pharmaceutical companies. They didn't have the in-house resources to manage the acquisition as it relates to the HR functions and their employee benefits and their new hire on-boarding of the other companies. So, we actually took them on as a client in our services to provide them with a back office support. So, new hire on-boarding, making sure all of the employees from the other companies got rolled onto their insurance plans, offer letters were sent out, insurance information was sent out in conjunction with their existing insurance broker, and that company went from 50 employees to 150 employees virtually overnight, so we also plugged in one of our in-house HR professionals on-site to work with their company during that transition for 3 days out of the week. So, we're pretty scalable as it relates to when you talk about companies, growth, and change, we provide them with a foundation that's scalable to accommodate any growth and changes within their business as it relates to the payroll, the HR, and the benefit and administration functions.
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