
Tuesday Apr 12, 2016
Sandy Lowengart - Don't Let Your Emotions Drive Your Investment Decisions
Tuesday Apr 12, 2016
Tuesday Apr 12, 2016
Here's a 1 minute highlight from an interview with one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to sell all of their interviews!
Sandy Lowengart, of Capital Trust Advisors, shares a valuable tip regarding a common mistake many investors make.
Bill: You know, emotions can really get in the way of a sound investment strategy, listen to investment manager, Sandy Lowengart.
Sandy: You really want to be buying, or adding to core positions when you feel like selling, and you really want to be doing some trimming or selling of appreciated positions when you feel like buying more and you're feeling confident in grades. We really like to use those emotions in order to help us periodically reallocate by dollar cost averaging into securities that haven't done as well, while selling securities, for instance, small and mid cap US growth that are up 60 or 70% straight away in about a year. It's opposite to our emotions, but whenever I execute on that strategy, great things happen over the subsequent 12 to 36 months.
To hear more tips from over 750 Advisors, visit exitcoachradio.com
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