
Tuesday Dec 03, 2013
7 Growth Questions for Your Next Management Meeting - Bill Black
Tuesday Dec 03, 2013
Tuesday Dec 03, 2013
For the last several episodes we have discussed the importance of Growing your Revenues.
Here are some questions to discuss with your Management Team:
- Could we replicate our business in another city or even another culture and have it work just as well?
- What other products or services would our most loyal customers buy from us?
- What would have to change in our company for it to handle 10 times the number of customers?
- Could we reach a new customer group if we opened up a new channel (e.g., telephone sales, e-commerce-enabled website)?
- Could we more profitably serve smaller customers by making use of a self-serve model?
- Could we license our product or service for others to use in return for a royalty?
- If someone handed us a check for $10 million with the only stipulation being we had to use it to grow our company as quickly as possible, what would you invest the money in?
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