
Thursday Nov 10, 2016
Martin Holland - All Businesses Are Identical
Thursday Nov 10, 2016
Thursday Nov 10, 2016
Pop the hood, they're all the same -- so says Martin Holland. Find his full interview with the search bar.
Bill: We've had a lot of coaches come onto the show and tell us that, "Yes, businesses look different from the outside, but inside they all look pretty much the same." Here's some great advice from expert, Martin Holland.
Martin: All businesses are identical. And as I say frequently, all businesses are identical, and all businesses are unique, and of course, that is an oxymoron, but there are things common to all businesses, no matter what the industry. That's what I do as a coach, is we work on those common factors. The things that are unique: even within the same industry, one plumber is different from another due to work ethic, the systemization, the capital requirements, the location they're in, and so on. So that's really what I take away from having been in a lot of businesses in a lot of different areas.
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