
Monday Apr 20, 2020
Angela Lauria - NOW is the Perfect Time to Write a Book
Monday Apr 20, 2020
Monday Apr 20, 2020
Meet Dr. @AngelaLauria, founder of @TheAuthorIncubator. She has come a long way in the publishing world and, while she loves a beautiful book, her expertise is in publishing books that generate revenue and leads. She’s grown her publishing company from 0-$18 million in just three years and at The Author Incubator, Angela works with over 500 authors each year to successfully create books which drive business leads. With the halting of life as we know it, information of all kinds has rapidly become obsolete - writing a book now is a perfect way to be proactive and determine the new normal.
Angela shares some insight on “Pre-Covid” publications and adaptation to the new market. Whether you are a first-time writer or a published author, there are advantages to writing a book now. Listen to Dr. Angela Lauria’s interview for tips on how to begin the publishing journey with purpose and understanding how to use your personal expertise to generate revenue.
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