
Thursday Jul 13, 2017
Bill Ellermeyer - Building a Work Portfolio instead of Finding a Job (G1317)
Thursday Jul 13, 2017
Thursday Jul 13, 2017
Here's a 1 minute highlight from one of our Exit Coach Network Shows. Find the full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Exit Coach Network" in the "LISTEN" section and click on the show name to hear the full interview!
Bill Ellerymeyer discusses the changing job market, the portfolio approach, and how to make income while pursuing your passions.
BB: You're counseling more people, "hey, to get more security, or to get more income, you need to think about a portfolio approach."
BE: The market has changed so much, so that the today I would say that 60% of my clients, rather then helping them pursue a job directly, we build a portfolio career using their core skills over multiple streams of income. Example, you're an IT guy, so you now become a consultant in IT, but that is project oriented means up and down. So, to supplement that, you add in other things, the most common one is to start by teaching. You know, one night a week, you can marry that with board work, writing, teaching, all of these things go together so that you have an income from three or four sources.
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