
Monday Dec 02, 2013
Can you Grow Through Vertical and Cultural Scalability? - Bill Black
Monday Dec 02, 2013
Monday Dec 02, 2013
Today we are continuing our series on Growing Your Business
Vertical scalability
If your existing infrastructure (staff, machinery, office space) could handle more customers without adding much to your variable costs, then you have the ability to scale vertically. For instance, a 200-room hotel that averages just 75 guests per night has the potential to scale up more than two times before its owners would have to make any significant infrastructure investments.
Cultural scalability
If your idea works in one culture, could it achieve the same success in other cultures? Often times business owners find that other cultures welcome them with open arms, perhaps even in the area that you have your manufacturing plant set up.
Tomorrow we will discuss several questions you can ask your Management Team.