
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Chris Shipferling - Who is buying Digital Native Companies?
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Chris Shipferling, of Global Wired Advisors, is a forward-thinking advisor with unique insight concerning the modern marketplace. His background as an executive, combined with the coming together of other visionary, like-minded people, led to the start of Global Wired Advisors. They shared the idea of helping businesses transition to the online marketplace, #consulting digitally native companies, and #advising in preparation for digital #acquisitions.
Chris discusses reasons why a company would want to buy a #digital company. During the pandemic, the digital marketplace is rapidly becoming the new storefront, and digital-native companies are more relevant than ever. This is the time for business owners to consider the future economic environment and shift into a digital mindset. Listen to Chris’ interview for a few valuable tools and an abundance of expertise regarding the current and future digital #marketplace.
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