
Monday Mar 25, 2024
Chris Yonker - Peace, Joy, and Fulfillment: How to Live in Your Legacy
Monday Mar 25, 2024
Monday Mar 25, 2024
Click here to read this episode's transcript.
Chris Yonker, Founder, CEO, and Executive Performance Coach at his boutique consulting firm CHRIS YONKER, believes no one should settle for less than spending their time in peace, joy, and ultimate fulfillment. He has over 20 years of corporate experience working at 3M, but meanwhile has also dove deep into studying Neuro Linguistic Programming, as well as practicing various aspects of Eastern Philosophy. As he began business consulting, he noticed many CEOs and other outwardly successful people were not actually joyful in their lives. Chris knew he could make a difference in people’s lives by coaching them on how to live in their legacy.
In his interview, Chris enlightens us on the tremendous power of meditation. In times of COVID, many business owners may be realizing that it’s time to rebuild, and looking inward can help determine the best course of action moving forward. Chris discusses how you can start meditating, and why it is so useful to give yourself space to think about your desires. He explains how taking control of our brain’s task of assigning meaning to everyday life can lead to greater success, peace, joy, and deeper fulfillment. Chris’ fascinating interview could very well change your life, don’t miss his powerful insight on mastering your mind.
- 5:53-6:56: How you can rebuild in light of COVID.
- 7:50-9:05: One reason why meditation can help alleviate stress and help you plan for the future.
- 9:21-10:19: A reason why meditation can help raise your level of self-awareness and lead to deeper success.
- 11:32-12:33: A beginner’s guide to meditation.
- 15:45-17:02: We make time for what’s important, but we live thinking that there is always more time.
- 17:18-18:25: There is always a gift, you just have to look for it.