
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Dane Maxwell - Start From Zero
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Dane Maxwell, author of “Start From Zero” and founder of The Foundation, has a unique perspective on entrepreneurship that has brought him and his students' financial success. Today, he shares some of his ideas with us. Dane began his venture into business after finding he was unfulfilled with being an employee and realizing he wanted to build passive income streams. His passion is helping underdogs start their own business. Dane’s unconventional approach to business growth may be revolutionary information for those hoping to become successful entrepreneurs.
As we see drastic changes in consumer habits due to the pandemic, new business opportunities are becoming present - the time is ripe for starting your own business, but be sure to do it in a contemporary way. Traditionally, people have created a product and hoped it would find its market, but Dane stresses the importance of listening to potential clients’ needs and then producing specifically what they would buy. People buy results and not mechanisms, therefore by ensuring you have clients that would pay for precise results, your business risk is reduced. Listen to Dane’s interview for valuable tips on finding success as an entrepreneur while being your unique self.
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