
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Chuck Blakeman - Rehumanizing Business and Getting Your Brain Back
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Chuck Blakeman is in the business of rehumanizing business by giving everyone their brain back and going to talk about 3to5 Club.
Questions Answered:
1. What is 3to5 Club and what makes it so unique?
2. Why is it called 3to5?
3. I understand that there are opportunities for people to become a 3to5 facilitator. What does that entail?
Contact Info:
Email: krista@cranksetgroup.com
Website: 3to5Club.com
Success stories of 3to5 members:
Chris Crigler - Chris was going out of business and didn’t think that he could even make that week’s payroll. Because of the outside eyes and help from his fellow 3to5 members, he got it turned around immediately. Now he has approximately 14 on staff and a thriving business.
Nat Bruno - had one small business when he joined 3to5 Club. 18 months later he had two of them and took off for a year in a Winnebago and ran them both from Skype. And he helped others do it, too.
Jennifer Hanzlick - was running her hoarder trash hauling business from behind the wheel of her only truck. She did everything from the truck, accounting, sales, invoicing, customer relations - everything. Ran into the back of a school bus and realized she couldn’t do it anymore. She applied the 3to5 Club tools and methodologies and now has four trucks and 20+ staff members, and works only a few days a week.
John Brokken - I have been apart of the 3to5 community for over three years and it has been an amazing experience for both my business but also personally. Before I joined 3to5 Club, I didn't have any entrepreneurial friends but after I joined I suddenly had 15+ great entrepreneurial friends that have become the core of my friends / my community. These people were there to support me in the lows and the highs, which can be very drastic when it comes to new businesses.Joining my 3to5 club was the most important and beneficial thing I have done for myself and for my business in the last4 years because of that support and community that I believe every entrepreneur needs, especially in the beginning.I'm indebted to and so grateful for Chuck Blakeman creating this community and for Julia Gentry being an amazing facilitator that nails the presentation of the content with her own spin and style that really hits home for me.
If you or someone you know are interested in starting a 3to5 Club in your area. Check out 3to5Club.com
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