
Friday Jul 01, 2016
Mike Weisman - Customer Relationships
Friday Jul 01, 2016
Friday Jul 01, 2016
A 1 minute excerpt from a recent interview with Mike Weisman.
Mike: We measure five values that we believe are at work in every relationship, whether personal or professional, and those five values begin with competency and consistency. Can you deliver on what you say you're going to do, and can you do it on a consistent basis? As we move deeper into a relationship with a brand or with an individual, then the more emotional values of candor, transparency, and honesty and concern, which is the measure of how does this brand demonstrate that you care about me as a consumer? The most important value of all is the value of connection, and that value of connection says, I'm taking time to truly identify with the values of my employees and with the values of my customers, that's the bridge that takes you into the deeper waters of a sustained relationship over time, and so what we're finding, Bill, is you can't distinguish yourself anymore by products and services. We're just too commoditized, too competitive, your values truly are your way to differentiate your organization.
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