
Wednesday Mar 15, 2017
Miriam Goodman - How to Survive Retirement As a Couple
Wednesday Mar 15, 2017
Wednesday Mar 15, 2017
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Miriam: So often, people have internalized their plans for retirement for so many years. It's so much a part of them, they don't feel like they need to talk to anybody about it, and even if they're sharing that retirement with another person, they just assume that the other person is on the same page, and that's where all the trouble begins. People haven't talked about it, they think that retirement is just this reward for a lifetime of work, and they haven't sat down to say, "well now that I have it, how am I gonna make this important? How am I gonna make this what I want? How am I going to enjoy these years?" Now people are retiring and they might have 30 years of good health, good mental health, and they don't know what to do with it, and they haven't really thought about it.
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