
Tuesday May 02, 2017
KJ Trapp - Train Your Smartphone & Grow Your Business
Tuesday May 02, 2017
Tuesday May 02, 2017
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KJ: Probably the most asked question, which is probably 95% of the time, is: how do I engage into a prospect the minute we turn around and walk away from each other? Because most people say, "I’m not good at follow-up,” and that’s professionals across the board. And we do start with the memo pad, having a short memo that you can send to them in a text, saying, it was a pleasure meeting you, and please look forward to a one-time email. And you say the word one-time because it relaxes their mind and it makes them think you’re not a spammer. And then you follow up with an email saying, as promised, here’s an email. And if you can do that immediately when walking away, you’ll get a lot more respect, people will want to do business with you more often.
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