
Sunday Mar 30, 2014
Sunday Mar 30, 2014
Sunday Mar 30, 2014
Ok, it's not REALLY "Tell-a-friend Sunday", at least not officially, but we'd sure appreciate it if you would use the SHARE button and spread the word about ExitCoachRadio.com with your friends and your Facebook and LinkedIn connections...it really helps!
We have over 250 Advisors booked and we are starting to make some traction with AM Radio syndication -- someday soon you may hear our "One Minute Business Succession & Exit Planning Tip of the Day" on an AM radio channel on the way to or from your office. Of course, you can ALWAYS plug in your smartphone and listen on iTunes or Stitcher -- just look for us under ExitCoachRadio.com and you will find us!
Thanks for listening -- and THANKS FOR SHARING!!!
Bill Black, The Exit Coach"