
Monday Sep 05, 2016
Jan Rutherford - Growing Leaders Through Adversity
Monday Sep 05, 2016
Monday Sep 05, 2016

A former U.S. Army Special Forces soldier and successful business executive, Jan knows the value of overcoming challenges to strengthen your resilience to lead more effectively. Jan uses the power of story to provide an overview of self-reliant leadership principles to be a more courageous, humble, and disciplined leader. Jan helps leaders become more self reliant through a confluence of Sparta’s discipline, Socrates’ self-awareness, Aristotle’s courage, Emerson’s self-reliance, and Thoreau’s reflective seclusion.
Questions Answered:
1) Tell me about your expeditions?
2) What does adversity have to do with growing leaders?
3) How does solitude inform a leader?
Contact Info:
Website: http://selfreliantleadership.com
Email: jan@selfreliantleadership.com
Bonus Material:
The Littlest Green Beret: On Self-Reliant Leadership is available on Amazon
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