
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Kip Kolson - The Legacy Family (E1718)
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Kip is president of Family Wealth Leadership; a wealth management and multi-family office firm, but unique in that they coach family members and future generations to mitigate the damage wealth can cause in family relationships. With that experience as a foundation, Kip is the author of a new book, The Legacy Family; Father, Son, and "Holy Coach"
Questions Answered:
1. Why did you write this book and who can benefit from reading it?
2. The title is unique. Is there a story behind the title?
3. As a family's net worth increases, especially if that includes a family owned and operated business, does that create challenges and haven't the families already addressed these issues through the estate planning they have done with their attorneys?
4. Is this a self-help book?
Contact Info:
Website: www.familywealthleadership.com
Email: kkolson@familywealthleadership.com
The book is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Westbow Press, and www.kipkolson.com. If anyone is interested in meeting with us for a complimentary initial interview, we will give them a copy of the book.