
Saturday Nov 07, 2020
Leilani Quiray - HR Issues during a Pandemic
Saturday Nov 07, 2020
Saturday Nov 07, 2020
Leilani Quiray, CEO of Be The Change HR, INC, is truly a life-changer. After 20 years of #HR and philanthropy experience, she wanted to create a way to do both at the same time. Her company focuses on helping small businesses with HR #compliance and strategies, as well as providing job readiness coaching at non-profit organizations. Leilani enjoys the challenge of navigating new laws regarding employees, and her expertise is more useful than ever during a #pandemic.
In Leilani’s interview, she takes a look at the new workplace and shares ideas on how to bring back some elements of office life into home workspaces. Additionally, she sheds light on how it may backfire if leaders ask more of their employees in these times under the guise that “they are lucky to be working.” Leilani also shares some great advice for employers who are uncertain of how to go about lay-offs and other cost-cutting measures that affect employees directly. Her personal approach to her work shows, and Leilani’s ideas are relevant to everyone during these turbulent times.
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