
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Loreen Gilbert - WealthWise Financial Services
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Loreen Gilbert, Provisors member and CEO of WealthWise Financial Services, is in the business of wealth management and financial planning. Forbes recently named her one of the Top 1000 Female Advisors of 2020. Loreen’s focus has been working with business owners, key executives, and women, finding ways to help them with income and estate tax mitigation. She started her firm almost 25 years ago and has ambitious visions for her company of expanding through acquisition and merging wealth management practices.
In her interview, Loreen explains the importance of building a collaborative, cross-disciplinary team to manage your wealth. While her firm focuses on financial planning, she has the resources to connect her clients to the additional resources needed and aims to expand into an all-encompassing financial service firm. She shares some insight into the global market right now and has some much-needed guidance to offer investors. Loreen’s expertise is not to be missed.
- 3:18-4:35: Status of the market and what investors should be looking at now.
- 12:08-13:05: 10 year goals for WealthWise and financial service industry.
- 14:09-15:01: Importance of building a collaborative team spanning across various disciplines.
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