
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Marc Garelick - Divorce and Support in a post Covid-19 world
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Marc Garelick, is a Partner with Meyer, Olson, Lowy & Meyers, LLP, and has specialized in family litigation since day one. After years of experience working high asset cases in Los Angeles, he formed his own firm 6 years ago where they exclusively deal with family cases that require courtroom litigation. Located in Orange County, this is the largest family law firm in California. He works with clients goals in mind, and no two clients have the same needs. Every relationship is unique, and Marc stresses the importance of communication not just within your family unit, but with your attorney as well.
Marc has taken the time to shed some light on how people dealing with domestic issues may go about navigating post-pandemic courtroom proceedings. The close quarters we’re all subject to now only escalates the likelihood of domestic issues arising. Domestic violence issues may still be heard, however child support cases will likely fall through the cracks until courts reopen and catch up. Currently there are over 1700 motions just waiting to be filed, and that number is growing as the shutdown continues. The backlog of cases is likely to cause long-term problems, but Marc offers some advice on how to settle in a Post-Covid 19 world.
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