
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Michelle Seiler Tucker - Exit Rich
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Michelle Seiler Tucker is the Founder and CEO of Seiler Tucker Incorporated and is going to talk about hot to build a sustainable, scalable, and sellable business utilizing her proven techniques outlined in her newest book Exit Rich®.
Some of the questions she answers in this interview:
- What are some of the biggest mistakes you see business owners make?
- Why is it important to plan your exit strategy from day one using the ST GPS Exit Model?
- The big thing that you talk about is the ST 6 P Method to sell your business for huge profits. Can you tell us what the 6 P’s are and why they are so important?
Michelle has written a great upcoming book, Exit Rich. You can find more information on the book and receive additional benefits from purchasing the book on exitrichbook.com
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