
Thursday Nov 03, 2016
W. Bailey Smith - Not If, But Rather When
Thursday Nov 03, 2016
Thursday Nov 03, 2016
W. Bailey Smith offers no-nonsense, straightforward tips on preparing for the inevitable.
Bill: Well, we all know we have death and taxes in common, here's W. Bailey Smith with some no-nonsense tips for preparing.
W.: We're all gonna die, it's just a question of when. Get your ducks in a row and make sure you have your planning properly set up. Not just your living trusts, but also, do you have a current healthcare directive? Are you avoiding the Terri Schiavo problem? And do you have it with you at all times? Some of my clients have a wallet card with their health care directive on it, so that regardless of when they have that heart attack or car accident, they always have their heath care directive with them to get off life support if there's no hope of any recovery. Also, they should have a current power of attorney, durable power of attorney, that allows somebody else to pay their bills if they become incapacitated.
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