
Saturday Oct 17, 2020
Patrick Renvoise - How to Show up Brilliantly to Zoom Meetings
Saturday Oct 17, 2020
Saturday Oct 17, 2020
Back with us once again is Vistage member Patrick Renvoise, Chief Neuromarketing Officer and Co-Founder of SalesBrain. Normally, Patrick is traveling the globe teaching people about how the brains of customers work, and he has trained over 200,000 executives to be more persuasive. Lately, however, he has had plenty of time to think about how the science of human persuasion is relevant in the evergrowing virtual world. The effectiveness of remote selling has not yet been proven, and Patrick’s research is revealing that virtual encounters can be a severely limited form of communication.
To many people, Zoom is brand new, and we have not yet mastered the art of capturing our audience’s attention within this medium. Due to the way our brains process information, Patrick suggests a few unique communication rules when using platforms such as Zoom. The human brain isn’t used to digital lag, and even in the best conditions, video conferences can cause our attentiveness to drop rapidly. Zoom calls require powerful visuals and carefully structured variation in events in order to be most effective. In his ubiquitously relevant interview, Patrick explains how to strengthen your video conference tool kit in order to keep an audiences’ attention in a virtual space.
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