
Friday Sep 22, 2017
Theresa Oatman - Are Your Stock-Based Plans Legal? (I2217)
Friday Sep 22, 2017
Friday Sep 22, 2017
Here's a 1 minute highlight from one of our Exit Coach Network Shows. Find the full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Exit Coach Network" in the "LISTEN" section and click on the show name to hear the full interview!
Theresa Oatman is the CEO of Stock Connections, which helps Private and Public companies to get and keep their Stock Option, Restricted Stock, and Employee Stock Ownership Plans in compliance with SEC, IRS and Financial Accounting Boards. She offers her expert advice and tips and precautions.
Bill: So, you want to reward your employees with stock? Well, there's a few things you ought to know, here's Theresa Oatman.
Theresa: Equity compensation is considered a benefit for the employee, and it's like at the hub of a wheel, where it touches on so many departments internally as well externally: finance, legal, payroll, the SEC, IRS, and that's not even to mention all of the international countries. In the last 10 years, other countries have figured out, "oh, there's wealth to be made, here." Now, they're all coming up with all of their rules on how to tax it, and some is taxed and grant date, some is taxed later. So, you even need to know those kind of rules before you even grant to somebody in China or the UK, every country has different rules.
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