
Thursday May 21, 2020
Steve Chevarria - Building a Culture of Health (A2018)
Thursday May 21, 2020
Thursday May 21, 2020
Steve Chevarria, CEO of Pansalus Consulting, works to cultivate productivity and a culture of well-being in the workplace. With his background of sports therapy and wellness coaching, Steve saw a great need for improved workplace culture. Steve and his team of behavioral engagement experts work with businesses to inspire positive changes across all levels, aiming to surround employees in an environment that naturally facilitates health and productivity. Employees who are healthy and productive contribute to business growth.
Healthcare is the number one rising cost in businesses, and preventative healthcare is far more affordable than reactive healthcare. Steve shares examples of how he gives purpose to changes to help them stick long-term. He discusses the importance of meaningfully listening to the values and beliefs of everyone in the organization, as every level may have a different goal, vision, and purpose. Accountability is crucial for achieving goals in the workplace, and Steve is the expert at leading companies to an improved culture of health and productivity.
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