
Friday Aug 05, 2016
Theresa Oatman - Stock Programs are Not a Do-it-yourself Project
Friday Aug 05, 2016
Friday Aug 05, 2016
Theresa Oatman of Stock Connections describes some of the penalties and pitfalls of Stock-Based employee benefit plans.
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Bill: So, whenever you're dealing with stock, you have a lot of partners in the mix. You have the SEC, you have the IRS, and you have financial accounting boards. If you need a good administrator on your side, here's Theresa Oatman.
Theresa: It's not a do-it-yourself project. Equity administration requires an expert to guide you through all the complexities of the ongoing programs, and especially if you're selling your company, everything needs to be up-to-date, accurate, and complete. Starting out with that good foundation is much easier to build, and remain compliant, stay out of jail, and stay out of hot water with the authorities as well as your shareholders. And for anyone who's not 100% confident that your equity programs are being managed properly and will give you the most value when you wish to sell, you need to contact an expert.
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