
Monday Sep 12, 2016
Sue Koch - How to Remodel Your Life with Passion, Purpose, and a Paycheck
Monday Sep 12, 2016
Monday Sep 12, 2016
Just like housing trends and fashions go out of style, what fit you as a career when you were young probably doesn't
work anymore. My coaching focuses on helping my clients navigate the changes and have fun doing it rather than being
miserable and resisting it.
Questions Answered:
1) What led you to become a Career and Life Design Coach?
2) What led you to write your book Sexy Second Act: Remodel Your Life with Passion, Purpose and a Paycheck?
3) What do you think is the biggest challenge facing Boomers who are either in a career transition or who don't want to
Contact Info:
Website: http://3squarescoaching.com/
My book Sexy Second Act: Remodel Your Life with Passion, Purpose and a Paycheck is available on Amazon. Also, a complimentary "get acquainted" coaching session to help someone who is feeling stuck about where to start to design a Sexy Second Act life or career. That session is specifically designed to identify what is stopping them and help them see what might be possible for them.
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