
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Swami Tirtha - How to Reduce Stress (K1217)
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Swami Tirtha is the Author of "The Hip Guru's Guide", and for the past 40 years he has been helping business owners and their families with natural health and stress management.
Swami: There's actually a lot of wellness research that shows that when businesses take care of their workers by giving them wellness plans, for example, several things happen more than we even expected. First, of course, they start feeling better. Secondly, they start to feel a sense of purpose, which you wouldn't necessarily put those two together. They then become more productive, more involved with the company, productivity goes up, quality goes up, and then another thing that people say is, "well, maybe if the workers are healthier, we won't have to pay as much in medical insurance or medical care," which is true, but they also found they were able to reduce their medical insurance costs in places like Safeway, saving millions of dollars a year. Taking care of your workers improves your heart, your soul, and your pocketbook.
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