
Saturday May 13, 2017
Carolyn Rosenblatt - The Boomers Guide to Aging Parents
Saturday May 13, 2017
Saturday May 13, 2017
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Bill: Tell us about your book, you have a book out, it's called, "The Boomers Guide to Aging Parents" correct?
Carolyn: Right. And, you know, after I retired from my litigation practice, I didn't have very much to do. You can't just start a business just by snapping your fingers, as you know. So, I decided that I would write a book to answer some of the questions that people were asking me. And, it was sort of a random effort at first, but it took shape, there are 9 chapters. It deals with things like: What do you do if your parent is a dangerous driver? How do you get them to accept help? What if they need help at home, what are the pitfalls for hiring a person to come in and assist your loved one? What do you do if you're trying to figure out whether they should have assisted living or a nursing home, how do you know the difference, how do you pick one? All that sort of thing. And, I think one of the important chapters, too, is how to deal with family conflict, because that's a common area that we work with. There are a lot of dysfunctional families out there, and it's hard to get people to work in unison when there is dysfunction in the relationship.
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