
Friday Mar 24, 2017
Greg Freeman - The Importance of Periodic Reviews
Friday Mar 24, 2017
Friday Mar 24, 2017
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Steve: What are some of the tips and strategies and precautions that you give business owners if they're starting to look at business insurance?
Greg: You go for a second opinion. And I wouldn't get that second opinion from some person that sold through the policy. That, to me, would not be a second opinion. And I'd also have the work done from a firm that's not a captive firm, inside a single life insurance company. So, captive agents are, shall we say, encouraged by their parent companies to keep coverages on the books. And, I'd also ask the auditor what they're gonna do for you if you have someone offer to do a policy audit. Make sure they're just not going to try to find you a replacing carrier under the disguise of a policy review.
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