
Thursday Sep 08, 2016
Paul Cronin - What Will Your Life Be Like After You Exit?
Thursday Sep 08, 2016
Thursday Sep 08, 2016
In this 1 minute highlight, Paul Cronin, Partner & Director of Business Development of the Successful Transition Planning Institute discusses 3 basic questions to contemplate as you prepare for a fulfilling life after Business Sale or Transition.
Paul: There are a few essential questions you need to answer, and these are really existential questions. Okay, what's next for me? Number two is, what should I be doing with my business? Number three is, what should I be doing with my life? And when you have a very straightforward process to answer those questions, you end up creating new ideas, new opportunities, and then from there, you can start making decisions about which of these great new ideas are really good and which of them maybe aren't so great after all, until you make better decisions, more thoughtful decisions, or, what we call, more balanced decisions. And whenever you do that, you are more likely to come out with a better outcome, a more satisfactory transition from being the business owner to whatever this new life it is you've decided on.
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