
Monday Apr 18, 2016
Yvonne Tocquigny - Transforming to Digital Marketing
Monday Apr 18, 2016
Monday Apr 18, 2016
Here's a 1 minute preview of our Guests' full interview.
What do you call 350+ interviews indexed into 35 topic file folders on Business, Life and Family issues? We call it the Exit Coach Audio Library and you can find it at www.ExitCoachRadio.com ... Come Listen for a minute!
Yvonne: Measurement is really the foundation of everything that we do. Most CEOs see marketing as a cost center, but marketing should not be a cost. If marketing is not paying for itself, you should not be doing it. If its a cost, it's not working. You should get measurable return on investment for all your marketing, and you should be looking at reports on a weekly or monthly basis that show the cost per customer metric that you're driving. Digital marketing has the advantage of being much more measurable than any form of marketing in the past, and that's why we focus on it, so we can actually start to look at what you're paying for every single customer you're getting.
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