
Friday Oct 05, 2018
Vince Mastrovito - Family Dynamics
Friday Oct 05, 2018
Friday Oct 05, 2018
Vince Mastrovito of Prometis Partners, Inc. discusses some of the issues family businesses face and their solutions.
Show host Bill Black (The Exit Coach) invites you to "start the clock" on your Exit planning with a free Value Builder assessment - click here

Thursday Oct 04, 2018
Cindy Flynn - What all Employers should know about Employment Law
Thursday Oct 04, 2018
Thursday Oct 04, 2018
Cindy Flynn of Hackler Flynn and Associates shares her tips, ideas and precautions about Employment Law.
Show host Bill Black (The Exit Coach) invites you to "start the clock" on your Exit planning with a free Value Builder assessment - click here

Wednesday Oct 03, 2018
Wednesday Oct 03, 2018
Listen in as Dr. Masley discusses his Heart Tune-Up program (www.HeartTuneUp.com)
Questions discussed:
1. What predicts one's risk for a heart attack and stroke?
2. How does circulation impact energy, brain speed, and romantic function?
3. What key nutrients predict preventing and reversing heart disease?
Contact info:
Email Address steven@drmasley.com
Website www.HeartTuneUp.com
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Sunday Sep 30, 2018
Sunday Sep 30, 2018
John Sabourin is the President of Tenant Guardian, a commercial real estate brokerage serving business owners.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Saturday Sep 29, 2018
Successful Exit Planning Takes Time and Effort - Louis Tucci (I0417)
Saturday Sep 29, 2018
Saturday Sep 29, 2018
In this 20 minute interview, Louis Tucci, Owner, L. TUCCI FINANCIAL LLC explains how he helps take business owners through a successful exit planning program and the key ingredients to an effective plan.
The interview was conducted by Bill Black, The Exit Coach, on The Exit Coach Radio Show - the Information Station for Age 50+ Business Owners contemplating Business Succession and Exit Planning.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Thursday Sep 27, 2018
Mike Aguilera - How to Deal With Difficult People (I0517)
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
Mike Aguilera shares tips and ideas to help you deal with difficult people and connect with anyone in 90 seconds or less.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
Janna Hoiberg - The Backpackers Guide to Business Success (G1317)
Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
Tuesday Jul 31, 2018

Website: http://jannahoiberg.com/

Monday Apr 30, 2018
Dr. Jerry Kornfeld - Winning the Battle Inside Your Body (A1318)
Monday Apr 30, 2018
Monday Apr 30, 2018
Dr. Jerry is one of my favorite guests - he helps us learn how to make better choices for a healthy life.

Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Stan Sung - Large Family Businesses Are Turning to Family Offices (D1518)
Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Sunday Apr 15, 2018
GENRICH helps affluent families their future generations with governance in the areas of family cohesion,
investments, risk, tax and asset protection.
Questions discussed:
1. How is a family office different than a wealth manager?
2. What type of family would be best served by a family office?
3. Is there a certain size or net worth of a family where it makes financial sense to begin thinking about a
family office structure?
Contact info:
Email Address stansung@genrichfo.com
Website www.genrichfo.com
Show host Bill Black is a Certified Exit Planner who helps Business Owners plan for their future Succession, Exit and Transition. Schedule a complimentary call to discuss your exit planning questions at www.BBschedule.com, email him at billblack@ersi.biz or visit www.Ersi.biz

Saturday Mar 31, 2018
Saturday Mar 31, 2018
W. Bailey Smith, the "Trust Doctor", discussed the changes in the Estate Tax laws and why your old Trust may be a burden for your heirs. Contact Bailey at bsmith@tldlaw.com or call for a complimentary Trust review at 949.756.0684
Help Bailey out - Click the LinkedIn button to Share this interview with your contacts!

Thursday Mar 29, 2018
Z. Christopher Mercer - Your Buy-Sell Probably Has Flaws - Fix Them! (C2918)
Thursday Mar 29, 2018
Thursday Mar 29, 2018
Z. Christopher Mercer, of Mercer Capital, discusses how he rarely sees a Buy-Sell Agreement that does not have one or more flaws and what they usually are. He notes that everything that you do can vanish if the Buy-Sell has a valuation error. And he talks about some of the fixes, including offering two books and a checklist that Business Owners and Advisors can use to address their Agreement. Of particular note is Chris' Blog, and we recommend you check out www.ChrisMercer.net

Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
Larry Mandell - Are You Getting Your Alotted Training Dollars? (C2718)
Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
Larry Mandell of Independent Tax Group explains the Training Allowance that is available to most every California Employer - but you have to ask for it!
Help Larry out - Click the LinkedIn button to Share this interview with your contacts!
Show host Bill Black is a Certified Exit Planner who helps Business Owners plan for their future Succession, Exit and Transition. Schedule a complimentary call to discuss your exit planning questions at www.BBschedule.com or visit www.Exit-Retirement.com

Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
Dennis Hensling - The Importance of Working With Mortgage Specialists (C2718)
Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
Dennis Hensling of United American Mortgage talks about the importance for Business Owners of working with Mortgage specialists who understand the special needs of the Self-Employed and the best Lenders for them.

Friday Mar 23, 2018
Tom Gibson - Disrupting the Broker Paradigm (C2318)
Friday Mar 23, 2018
Friday Mar 23, 2018
Tom Gibson is the President and CEO of the Gibson Company. The Gibson Company specializes in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage and Consulting. Today, he will discuss how to achieve better transaction outcomes and gain more time to focus on your business.
Questions Asked:
1. What common mistakes do Tenants, Landlords and Sellers make when hiring a broker?
2. If a broker owes a fiduciary duty to the client, shouldn't the broker's interests be aligned with the client's interests?
3. How do you see the commercial real estate brokerage business changing in the future?
Contact Info:
Website: www.gibsoncompany.com
Email: tgibson@gibsoncompany.com

Sunday Mar 18, 2018
Pam Reyes - The Best Leaders Are Not Well Rounded (C1818)
Sunday Mar 18, 2018
Sunday Mar 18, 2018
Pam Reyes is a Business & Leadership Advisor and is going to talk about Strengths-based Leadership.

Thursday Mar 08, 2018
Mahyar Ghassemian - Minimize the Impact of Lawsuits (C0818)
Thursday Mar 08, 2018
Thursday Mar 08, 2018
Mahyar Ghassemian and Ghassemian Law Group focus on Business and Construction Law. Today Mahyar will talk about some newdevelopments in Construction law.

Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
Pat Ennis - "There Is Much At Stake" (B2718)
Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
Pat Ennis is the Founder of ENNIS Legacy Partners and has years of successful leadership, management and strategic planning experience in both the for-profit and non-profit sectors. As a Certified Exit Planner (CExP®), Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) and Chartered Advisor of Philanthropy (CAP®) there is broad understanding and knowledge of financial, philanthropic and estate planning and the leadership and management challenges faced by business owners and non-profit leaders. With this distinct blend of knowledge and experience, he is specially equipped to advise owners and founders on building enterprise value, their eventual transition/exit, and legacy plan. Reach Pat at www.ennislp.com

Friday Feb 23, 2018
Greg Janes - Business Owners and Bank Relationships (B2318)
Friday Feb 23, 2018
Friday Feb 23, 2018
Greg Janes is the VP of Plaza Bank, a private business bank offering higher than market rates on deposits and flexible lending for growing businesses in Orange and Los Angeles markets. Today, he will discuss why all business owners should regularly review their banking, accounting, and legal service providers to make sure they are a good fit for where the business is headed.

Friday Feb 16, 2018
Eric Keiles - Unlocking the Power of Inbound Marketing (B1618)
Friday Feb 16, 2018
Friday Feb 16, 2018
Eric Keiles is the CMO of Square 2 Marketing. Today, he will discuss the benefits of unlocking the power of inbound marketing.

Sunday Feb 04, 2018
Sunday Feb 04, 2018
Sage advice from John Livingston of Plethora Businesses regarding why you need to call your M&A or Business Broker representatives well ahead of the business transaction and the importance of being well planned for business succession or business sale.

Friday Feb 02, 2018
Larry Bell - The New Tax Laws Penalize Non-Profits
Friday Feb 02, 2018
Friday Feb 02, 2018
Renowned Expert Larry Bell discusses little known changes in the recent tax law that effect Non-Profits and discusses a brilliant solution.
Contact Larry via email at larry@theuniquesolution.com

Thursday Feb 01, 2018
Thursday Feb 01, 2018
Elizabeth Mower, President of BEI, discusses the evolution of and trends in Business Owner Exit planning.
BEI is the leading innovator in the Exit Planning industry. No other organization offers its Members the comprehensive Exit Planning training, marketing support, and plan-creation tools that BEI provides. As a Member of BEI, advisors have access to an established, systemized process that allows them to easily help their clients with their business-transition planning. Professionals in a variety of disciplines leverage Exit Planning to attract and keep high-caliber business clients in their practices.
For more info, go to www.ExitPlanning.com

Wednesday Jan 31, 2018
Wednesday Jan 31, 2018
Wednesday Jan 31, 2018
This is a quick promo for a special BEI Advisor Summit to learn about trends in Exit Planning for your clients and how to help your clients in this area.
Tuesday, 2/6 starting at Noon in Orange County at the Ritz Carlton.
For more info and to get a $50 discount go to http://www.exitplanning.com/events and include Promo Code SUMMIT50

Sunday Jan 21, 2018
Wayne Pinnell - Preventing Financial Pitfalls in Your Business (A2118)
Sunday Jan 21, 2018
Sunday Jan 21, 2018
Haskell & White LLP is one of the largest independently owned accounting, auditing and tax consulting firms inSouthern California, specializing in servicing public and private middle-market companies. With locations in Irvine andSan Diego, Haskell & White combines the expansive services, knowledge, experience and reach of national and international accounting firms with the personal attention, responsiveness and value of a local organization.

Monday Jan 15, 2018
Al Killeen - Creating Cultures Based on Values (A1518)
Monday Jan 15, 2018
Monday Jan 15, 2018
Al Killeen is the President, CEO, and Founder of Integrated Mastery Programs. Integrated Mastery Programs are programs and training for successful executives and organizations in effective Leadership, Management, and Coaching to create empowered, zealous cultures based on values.
Email: Alk@integrativemasteryprograms.com

Friday Jan 12, 2018
Krishna Pendyala - Can You Trust Your Team? (A1218)
Friday Jan 12, 2018
Friday Jan 12, 2018
Krishna Pendyala is in the business of strengthening the weakest link in an organization. He is the founder and Chief Empowerment Officer of The ChoiceLadder Institute, which offers workshops and keynote addresses to equip people with the skills needed to exercise better judgement and make wiser choices.

Thursday Jan 11, 2018
Dr. Arlen Burger - How to Become a Faster Leader (A1118)
Thursday Jan 11, 2018
Thursday Jan 11, 2018
Dr. Arlen Burger is in the business of CEO and Executive Coaching. Today, he will discuss how to become a faster leader.
2) What are some of the things that slow leaders down?
3) What is the paradox that is at the heart of becoming a faster leader?
Contact Info:
Website: www.leadershipcode.com

Monday Jan 08, 2018
Holly Green - Using Your Brain to Win in a Hyper-paced World (A0818)
Monday Jan 08, 2018
Monday Jan 08, 2018
Questions Answered:
What is the toughest issue facing today's business leader?
How can we use our brains a bit better?
What is the single tip you want to make sure everyone gets?
Contact info:
Email: holly@thehumanfactor.biz
Website: www.TheHumanFactor.biz & www.MoreThanaMinute.com
2 books both available via Kindle or at our store at www.MoreThanaMinute.com
More Than a Minute - being an effective leader & manager in today's changing world
Using Your Brain to Win

Sunday Jan 07, 2018
Dakim Duncan - Signs that You Need a Coach (A0718)
Sunday Jan 07, 2018
Sunday Jan 07, 2018
Dakim specializes in coaching small business owners that want to increase their personal income, but are unclear about how to achieve this. He helps business owners improve the performance of their business and increase their personal income.
Questions discussed:
1) How does someone know when they should hire a business coach?
2) How can a business coach help a business?
3) What results should someone who works with expect?
Contact info:
Email: dakim@workyourpassion.net
Website: www.workyourpassion.net

Saturday Jan 06, 2018
Anthony Saccaro - Middle Class Families are on Financial Thin Ice (A0618)
Saturday Jan 06, 2018
Saturday Jan 06, 2018
Anthony A. Saccaro, ChFC, founder and president of Providence Financial & Insurance Services, is a financial planner and registered investment advisor-but is first and foremost an educator. For over 15 years, he has consulted with thousands of individuals about their finances. He is passionate about teaching and coaching clients on the universe of investment options in order to help them develop clear income strategies for a secure future.

Thursday Jan 04, 2018
Building a Portfolio - Bill Ellermeyer (A0418)
Thursday Jan 04, 2018
Thursday Jan 04, 2018
Host: Bill Black Audio Library: www.ExitCoachRadio.com
Listen to Daily interviews and tell your Business Owner friends!

Tuesday Jan 02, 2018
Jerry Kornfeld, MD - Your Thoughts and Your Health (K2217)
Tuesday Jan 02, 2018
Tuesday Jan 02, 2018
Jerry Kornfeld is a Family Physician. He is primarily concerned with keeping my audiences as current as possible with the latest medical information.
Bonus Material:
YOUR 100 YEAR HEART is available on Amazon
Visit ExitCoachRadio.com for Audio, Videos, Books and Interactive Tools to Grow Your Business Value, Protect Your Family and Prepare for your Future Transition.
New! Get our iPhone app at the App Store - search for Exit Coach Radio. Grow your business value by up to 71% - take a free assessment at www.BizGrowth123.com

Sunday Dec 31, 2017
Diane Conklin - Turning Your Knowledge into Profits (L3117)
Sunday Dec 31, 2017
Sunday Dec 31, 2017
Diane Conklin is the President & Founder of Complete Marketing Systems. Diane does it all using direct response marketing so you never waste another marketing dollar.
Listen to Daily interviews and tell your Business Owner friends!

Sunday Dec 31, 2017
Lizette Mandola - Treat Your Customer As Your Most Valuable Asset (L3117)
Sunday Dec 31, 2017
Sunday Dec 31, 2017
Lizette Mandola of Action Coach discusses the importance of treating your customer as your most valuable asset.
ExitCoachRadio.com - Great Advice from Great Advisors!
Listen to Daily interviews and tell your Business Owner friends!

Thursday Nov 30, 2017
Dianne Collins - Do you Quantum Think? (K3017)
Thursday Nov 30, 2017
Thursday Nov 30, 2017
Dianne Collins discusses her book "Do You Quantum Think?" and the importance of imagining that your goals have already been accomplished and giving your mind a context of success in order to manifest your outcomes.
ExitCoachRadio.com - Great Advice from Great Advisors!
Listen to Daily interviews and tell your Business Owner friends!

Sunday Nov 26, 2017
Harry Dent - 1 minute interview excerpt
Sunday Nov 26, 2017
Sunday Nov 26, 2017

Harry S. Dent Jr. studied economics in college in the ’70s, but found it vague and inconclusive. He became so disillusioned by the state of his chosen profession that he turned his back on it. Instead, he threw himself into the burgeoning new science of finance where identifying and studying demographic, technological, consumer and many, many other trends empowered him to forecast economic changes.
Since then, he’s spoken to executives, financial advisors and investors around the world. He’s appeared on “Good Morning America,” PBS, CNBC and CNN/Fox News. He’s been featured in Barron’s, Investor’s Business Daily, Entrepreneur, Fortune, Success, U.S. News and World Report, Business Week, The Wall Street Journal, American Demographics and Omni. He is a regular guest on Fox Business’s “America’s Nightly Scorecard.”
Harry has written numerous books over the years. In his book The Great Boom Ahead, published in 1992, he stood virtually alone in accurately forecasting the unanticipated boom of the 1990s. That same year he authored two consecutive best sellers: The Roaring 2000s and The Roaring 2000s Investor (Simon and Schuster).
In The Next Great Bubble Boom, he offered a comprehensive forecast for the following two decades.
In The Great Depression Ahead, he outlined how the next great downturn is likely to unfold in three stages, with an interim boom stage between 2012 and 2017 before the long-term slowdown finally turns into the next global boom in the early 2020s.
In The Great Crash Ahead (2011), he outlined how the next great crash is likely to unfold in the coming months. He explained why there is nothing the government can do to protect us as deflation takes hold of the economy.
He also recently finished his book, Spending Waves: The Scientific Key To Predicting Market Behavior for the Next 20 Years, an information-packed guide for any serious business owner.
Harry’s latest book, The Demographic Cliff – How to Survive and Prosper During the Great Deflation of 2014–2019, shows why we’re facing a “great deflation” after five years of stimulus — and what to do about it now. Get your copy here.

Tuesday Nov 21, 2017
Dr. James Pinckney - Direct Medicine & the Future of Healthcare (K2117)
Tuesday Nov 21, 2017
Tuesday Nov 21, 2017
Dr. James Pinckney, 32, is the founder & CEO of Diamond Physicians in Dallas. The practice is much like a concierge medicine, but affordable. They're tripled their business over the last year and most recently expanded to Frisco. Take a quick look at his website and his media page. He's been on WFAA and several other TV stations/radio stations talking about how his business is booming because of rising insurance costs. He's planning to take his business strategy to a national, even global, level.
Visit ExitCoachRadio.com for Audio, Videos, Books and Interactive Tools to Grow Your Business Value, Protect Your Family and Prepare for your Future Transition.
New! Get our iPhone app at the App Store - search for Exit Coach Radio. Grow your business value by up to 71% - take a free assessment at www.BizGrowth123.com

Thursday Nov 16, 2017
Dr. Jerry Kornfeld - An Update on Your Heart Health (K1617)
Thursday Nov 16, 2017
Thursday Nov 16, 2017
Dr. Jerry wrote his book "YOUR 100 YEAR HEART" because he was so frustrated seeing so many young men die of heart attacks. For many years the American Heart Association and the medical profession has been addressing this issue and deaths from Heart Attacks is decreasing, but it still is our number one killer and my mission with the Ask Dr. Jerry segment on our show is to try and get our audience to help change the statistic.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Sunday Nov 12, 2017
Andi Burgis - How Horses Can Teach (K1217)
Sunday Nov 12, 2017
Sunday Nov 12, 2017
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Saturday Nov 11, 2017
Terry Shope - Practice Your Steps Before You Get To The Big Dance (K1117)
Saturday Nov 11, 2017
Saturday Nov 11, 2017
Terry Shope, Principal - MPL Consulting,Inc. discusses some of his practical tips for owners to prepare well in advance for the sale of their business.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Friday Nov 10, 2017
T. Phillip Boggess - Start With The End in Mind (K1017)
Friday Nov 10, 2017
Friday Nov 10, 2017
T. Phillip Boggess of TPB Financial discusses the necessity of thinking of your future when starting a business.
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Bill: Where do you start to plan when you have a new business? Here's T. Phillip Boggess.
T: Almost everyone, when they start a business, wants limited liability, so let's make sure that we create the entity that's gonna have limited liability so we aren't opening the door for any litigators to pierce the corporate veil. At the same time that's happening, we have to plan our exit strategy, because trying to plan for that later is too difficult. So we need to create some sort of buy-sell agreement or some other way for these business owners to know, when it comes time that I want to leave or that I have to leave, that here's how it's going to work. It's going to protect everybody, it's going protect people who are staying in the business, because they're going to get to have the business and run the business as they are without necessarily being in business with their former partner's family, and it's going to protect the former partner's family because if something were to happen to him or her, it makes sure they are going to get what they deserve.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Thursday Nov 09, 2017
Diane Conklin - Turning Your Knowledge Into Profits (K0917)
Thursday Nov 09, 2017
Thursday Nov 09, 2017
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Thursday Nov 09, 2017
Jack Bass - Your Business, Your Franchise (K0917)
Thursday Nov 09, 2017
Thursday Nov 09, 2017
A 1 minute excerpt from a recent interview with Jack Bass. Hear the full interview by entering 'Jack Bass' into our search index at www.ExitCoachRadio.com. We upload new content daily so check back often!
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Wednesday Nov 08, 2017
David Scranton - Sound Income Strategies (K0817)
Wednesday Nov 08, 2017
Wednesday Nov 08, 2017
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Wednesday Nov 08, 2017
Joan Pounds - Getting Your Message Out Correctly (K0817)
Wednesday Nov 08, 2017
Wednesday Nov 08, 2017
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Joan Pounds of Monetization Magic discusses how she helps internet-based businesses get started.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Tuesday Nov 07, 2017
Bill Lilliquist - Have An Elevator Speech Ready For Every Size Building (K0717)
Tuesday Nov 07, 2017
Tuesday Nov 07, 2017
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Bill Lilliquist of Welcome Sales Services Inc. and Springboard Business Consulting and Coaching discusses the importance of always being ready when a marketing opportunity presents itself.
What can you do RIGHT NOW to work on making your Business more Sustainable, Transferable and Valuable in the future? Visit our Online Planning Links at www.ExitCoachRadio.com/links

Sunday Nov 05, 2017
Sunday Nov 05, 2017
Jeff Karges, Partner - Relationship Matters Consulting Group discusses his experience in dealing with family business dynamics, and that the best way to tackle the issues is head-on.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Saturday Nov 04, 2017
John Grace - There Goes the Neighborhood (K0417)
Saturday Nov 04, 2017
Saturday Nov 04, 2017
John Grace, President, Investor's Advantage Corp. discusses a trend in housing that suggests that "bigger is not better" for the future.
John: All of us bought the big house in the same 20 year period. Well, let's see, that means that the eldest of the Boomers are 68, the youngest is 50, what's going to be next? Is it reasonable, in your opinion, that if we roughly bought all of the big houses on the big lots in the same 20 year period that we might be getting out of those houses, for various reasons, in a similar timeframe? It's reasonable to me. So, what we're saying is, to those, like I say the 50, 60, and 70 year olds, put paint on that thing and sell it, put that house up for sale, get your cash, do not wait, because you may find that we're in the beginning of another downturn, as far as real estate, that might be more than 10%, it might be 30%, and who would like to see that happen again when you need the money?
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Friday Nov 03, 2017
William De Temple - Build a $100 Million Dollar Company (K0317)
Friday Nov 03, 2017
Friday Nov 03, 2017
William De Temple is the founder of Build A $100 Million Company. "Build A $100 Million Company" provides business coaching and training by sharing over 40 years of experience, knowledge, and wisdom to help young companies achieve the success they deserve.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Friday Nov 03, 2017
Friday Nov 03, 2017
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Bill: One things for sure, when you're planning your exit strategy, a cookie cutter approach is just not going to cut it. Listen to this expert advice from planner Steve Beatty.
Steve: You've got to look at what the owner's particular needs are, what their particular situation is, what their goals, and what their fears are. You've got to take all that into account and come up with customized solutions. A solution that we've used a lot, that I think is underutilized, is an ESOP. The benefits of having a readymade market, the employees of the business, to enjoy the tax benefits that ESOPs can provide, and create a lot of potential wealth for those employees, it's a win-win solution that I think a lot of people don't use because they simply don't understand how it works and what the benefits are.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com