
Thursday Apr 11, 2019
Chris King - Increase the Emotional Quotient of Your Business (D0318)
Thursday Apr 11, 2019
Thursday Apr 11, 2019
Chris King is an issue resolution specialist & authentic presenter. He focuses no increasing the emotional quotient of your business and getting the most out of your employees.

Friday Mar 29, 2019
Andy Saks - How to Create Great Trade Show Booth Interactions (C2618)
Friday Mar 29, 2019
Friday Mar 29, 2019
Andy is in the business of delivering professional trade show booth talent and training that help companies make their booth investments pay off, and is going to talk about ways to help your booth staffers attract, qualify, pitch, and stay connected to as many of your best prospects as possible.

Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Steve Smith - Performance Based Business Coaching (C1418)
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Steve Smith is the President of Growth Source Coaching, a company that specializes in performance based business coaching. Steve helps you and your business realize you need it, learn it, & do it.
Email: steve.smith@growthsourcecoaching.com

Sunday Mar 03, 2019
Jay Turo - Utilizing Dashboards to Increase Sales (B0618)
Sunday Mar 03, 2019
Sunday Mar 03, 2019
Jay Turo is in the business of building business intelligence dashboards and is going to talk about utilizing business intelligence and dashboards to increase sales, profits, and the likelihood of a successful business exit.

Saturday Feb 02, 2019
Sandro Monetti - How to Increase Business Knowledge and Network Successfully
Saturday Feb 02, 2019
Saturday Feb 02, 2019
Host: Steve Beatty Audio Library: www.ExitCoachRadio.com

Friday Feb 01, 2019
Norma Yaeger - Breaking Down The Walls
Friday Feb 01, 2019
Friday Feb 01, 2019

Thursday Oct 25, 2018
Erik Klinger - Dealounge (J2517)
Thursday Oct 25, 2018
Thursday Oct 25, 2018
Dealounge is an online deal platform. Our unique mission is to bring undercovered and under-distributed deals to a wider audience.
Many boutique investment banks lack the junior resources to distribute a deal efficiently. These are firms that may have a single Analyst assisting several Managing Directors. Making outbound calls on deals isn't the best use of that Analyst's time. Our electronic platform allows those banks to distribute a deal instantly. We have nearly 1,400 firms on our platform - most of them private equity. We bring the advisor qualified deal interest - for FREE.
We bring these buyers a deal that they may not have known about, of sufficient size (if that buyer subscribes) that the deal is a standalone deal and not simply an add-on. We focus mainly on M&A opportunities having $3MM of EBITDA and above, though we also have smaller deals that may fit as an add on to a portfolio company. For our subscribers, we limit the number of bidders on a deal to 10, and our subscribers get priority during the bidding process over free users.
We are reaching beyond advised deals to add value to truly proprietary opportunities. This gives the buyers on our platform the ability to get their brands in front of companies before they reach the stage of retaining an advisor. Some deals may forego a competitive process, or at the very least, a seller can give a buyer an advantaged position in their process once it starts. In order to take advantage of that opportunity, the buyer must be a subscriber on Dealounge.
To sign up for a free 30-day trial, please go to:
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Thursday Oct 11, 2018
Chris Sprague - How Are You Wired? (J1817)
Thursday Oct 11, 2018
Thursday Oct 11, 2018
Bill Black interviews Chris Sprague, best-selling author, who empowers, inspires and shows people how to understand, accept and master how they are wired and find their "zero point".
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Sunday Sep 30, 2018
Sunday Sep 30, 2018
John Sabourin is the President of Tenant Guardian, a commercial real estate brokerage serving business owners.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Thursday Sep 27, 2018
Mike Aguilera - How to Deal With Difficult People (I0517)
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
Mike Aguilera shares tips and ideas to help you deal with difficult people and connect with anyone in 90 seconds or less.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Sunday Mar 18, 2018
Pam Reyes - The Best Leaders Are Not Well Rounded (C1818)
Sunday Mar 18, 2018
Sunday Mar 18, 2018
Pam Reyes is a Business & Leadership Advisor and is going to talk about Strengths-based Leadership.

Sunday Jan 21, 2018
Wayne Pinnell - Preventing Financial Pitfalls in Your Business (A2118)
Sunday Jan 21, 2018
Sunday Jan 21, 2018
Haskell & White LLP is one of the largest independently owned accounting, auditing and tax consulting firms inSouthern California, specializing in servicing public and private middle-market companies. With locations in Irvine andSan Diego, Haskell & White combines the expansive services, knowledge, experience and reach of national and international accounting firms with the personal attention, responsiveness and value of a local organization.

Monday Jan 15, 2018
Al Killeen - Creating Cultures Based on Values (A1518)
Monday Jan 15, 2018
Monday Jan 15, 2018
Al Killeen is the President, CEO, and Founder of Integrated Mastery Programs. Integrated Mastery Programs are programs and training for successful executives and organizations in effective Leadership, Management, and Coaching to create empowered, zealous cultures based on values.
Email: Alk@integrativemasteryprograms.com

Thursday Jan 11, 2018
Dr. Arlen Burger - How to Become a Faster Leader (A1118)
Thursday Jan 11, 2018
Thursday Jan 11, 2018
Dr. Arlen Burger is in the business of CEO and Executive Coaching. Today, he will discuss how to become a faster leader.
2) What are some of the things that slow leaders down?
3) What is the paradox that is at the heart of becoming a faster leader?
Contact Info:
Website: www.leadershipcode.com

Thursday Nov 30, 2017
Dianne Collins - Do you Quantum Think? (K3017)
Thursday Nov 30, 2017
Thursday Nov 30, 2017
Dianne Collins discusses her book "Do You Quantum Think?" and the importance of imagining that your goals have already been accomplished and giving your mind a context of success in order to manifest your outcomes.
ExitCoachRadio.com - Great Advice from Great Advisors!
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Sunday Oct 22, 2017
Bill Anton - Leadership Transformations that Effect Change (J2217)
Sunday Oct 22, 2017
Sunday Oct 22, 2017
Bill Anton of CEO Effectiveness discusses leadership characteristics in a knowledge based economy.
This is a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to sell all of their past interviews!
Bill B.: What are some of the challenges for leaders in this knowledge based economy? Here's CEO coach Bill Anton.
Bill A: The person that has the most influence over the entire organization is the person that leads the organization, and transforming that person exponentially influences change. My training as a psychologist, my understanding about the kinds of organizations that are gonna be successful in the future, are gonna be organizations that realize that knowledge is their product, and that knowledge can only be created by enrollment, not by compliance. And so, the task of the leader of the future is to transform the people that work in the organization so that they want to give their best, and so that they're willing to offer ideas and perspectives that create knowledge and innovation for the organization.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Saturday Oct 14, 2017
Tony Pelusi - Change Often Starts With a Difficult Conversation (J1417)
Saturday Oct 14, 2017
Saturday Oct 14, 2017
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Tony: I get a call from a gentleman, he wanted to know if I can come in and talk to him and his partner, and I was pleased to do that. When I got there, I found out they were having their best year yet, financially, but their worst year personally. The business was 20 years deep and they had lots going for them, but the fun was gone. And they hardly talked to each other inside the office anymore, let alone outside the office. They wanted to know if I could help, and I told them I would, as long as they were willing to think outside the box. So we did some investigation and identified their goals, and we created a plan that we could put into effect. And the first, and most important, piece was for them to have the conversations that they so often avoided even though they knew they were going to be helpful, because they were uncomfortable. So I was able to facilitate discussion and get them to open up, and that really caused their relationship to warm up and flourish. Then, we turned to some of the different things, the procedural, and logistic, and strategic concerns within the business.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Friday Sep 01, 2017
Is Success Really Possible? (20m) Steve Smith (I0117)
Friday Sep 01, 2017
Friday Sep 01, 2017
Steve Smith of GrowthSource Coaching discusses what causes businesses to "drift" and how to get them back on course.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Sunday Aug 27, 2017
Frumi Rachel-Barr - Peer Advisory Boards (H2717)
Sunday Aug 27, 2017
Sunday Aug 27, 2017
Here's a 1 minute highlight from one of our Exit Coach Network Shows. Find the full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Exit Coach Network" in the "LISTEN" section and click on the show name to hear the full interview!
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Monday Jul 17, 2017
Laura Goodrich - Creating Individual & Collaborative Mindsets (G1717)
Monday Jul 17, 2017
Monday Jul 17, 2017
Laura Goodrich specializes in change and the future of work. She is going to talk about Creating an Individual and Collective Mindset for Change and Innovation in your organization.

Friday Jul 14, 2017
Carl Woodard - What is The Right Business Plan Time Horizon? (G1417)
Friday Jul 14, 2017
Friday Jul 14, 2017
Carl Woodard of SCORE OC discusses the best time horizon to consider for a business plan.
Bill: What's the right time horizon for your business plan? Here's SCORE mentor Carl Woodard.
Carl: A lot of people think that if they're not making it within that 90 days that you mentioned, then they need to close up shop and leave. They don't realize that the cash flow doesn't come in from day one, and so that's all part of the planning process. I would say, when you're putting together a plan, it should be for a fiscal year, one year period, and then do your financial projections for at least another year or two, especially if you're going to go borrow money for your business, because the financial folks and people that want to loan the money to you will want to know what you're thinking about after that first year. So, I would say, at least, cover a three-year horizon, but pay special attention to that first year you're in business. But of course, you're always adjusting it. If you're a little behind or a little ahead of your schedule, then you can adjust your current year to make it more realistic.
Need to work ON your business? Start with a free assessment at www.BizGrowth123.com

Thursday Jun 29, 2017
Kevin O'Driscoll - A Business Coach is Like A General Contractor (F2917)
Thursday Jun 29, 2017
Thursday Jun 29, 2017
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Kevin O'Driscoll of RIY Business Group Inc explains how a Business Coach often acts in a role similar to a General Contractor.
Want more control of your business growth? Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE "Value Builder Road Map" at www.BizGrowth123.com

Wednesday Jun 21, 2017
Jeremy Lurey - Developing Your Next Generation Leaders (F2117)
Wednesday Jun 21, 2017
Wednesday Jun 21, 2017
There are many changes happening today that will effect the future of your business. One of the biggest changes is how the future leaders of your company view their own lives and futures. Jeremy Lurey of Plus Delta Consulting, LLC, discusses strategies to implement to develop a leadership culture and strategy for your future leaders.
We upload new content daily, so please check back often!
Work ON your business - free assessment at www.BizGrowth123.com

Wednesday Jun 21, 2017
Kim Ann Curtin - Do You Have a John Wayne Mentality About Your Business Exit? (F2117)
Wednesday Jun 21, 2017
Wednesday Jun 21, 2017
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Kim Ann Curtin discusses the stoic approach to business exit that most owners exhibit - and why it might be harmful.
Work ON your business - free assessment at www.BizGrowth123.com

Tuesday Jun 20, 2017
Jack Daly - Hyper Sales Growth (F2017)
Tuesday Jun 20, 2017
Tuesday Jun 20, 2017
Jack Daly believes that passion and entrepreneurship are practically synonyms. His titles include: professional speaker, sales management expert, and CEO of Professional Sales Coach, Inc. Daly's energetic workshops have helped thousands of individuals reach concrete goals and unleash their full potential.
Take more control of growing the value of your business! Visit www.BizGrowth123.com for a free Quick Assessment.

Saturday Jun 17, 2017
Ken Tucker - Turning Difference into Production (F1717)
Saturday Jun 17, 2017
Saturday Jun 17, 2017
Ken Tucker is the Senior Partner of TAG Consulting, helping senior executives improve organizational outcomes by putting what is different about people to determined, purposeful and productive use. TAG Consulting helps leaders and teams become intentional with their difference.
1) How does your process work?
2) What examples can you give us of the benefits people are getting from your process?
3) How can people get more information or get you to present to their company?

Wednesday Jun 14, 2017
Craig Weber - Conversational Capacity (F1417)
Wednesday Jun 14, 2017
Wednesday Jun 14, 2017

Thursday Jun 08, 2017
William De Temple - Scaling Your Business (F0817)
Thursday Jun 08, 2017
Thursday Jun 08, 2017

Thursday May 04, 2017
Chris Sprague - How Are You Wired?
Thursday May 04, 2017
Thursday May 04, 2017
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Chris Sprague of the Chris M. Sprague Team, discusses how finding your "zero point" is the key to reducing frustration, increasing performance and happiness.
Bill: What would your life be like if you could just do what you want to do all the time? Here's expert Chris Sprague.
Chris: The beautiful part about today is, when you hit 50, you still have half your life ahead of you. If your listeners take nothing else from me than this, I want them to hear this. If you do what you were meant to do, if you find your zero point and live to that for even one day, even one hour of one day of your life, even if it's the last hour of your life, then your life has been a success because there so any people, there are millions of people out there, who don't even live one hour of their life knowing their true purpose, knowing their true zero point, knowing their true DNA and making that true impact. So if you can find that, even if it's the last hour of your life or the last day or the last week, always strive to find it because that will make your life successful, and I guarantee it will make you happy.
To hear more tips from over 750 Advisors, visit exitcoachradio.com
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Friday Apr 21, 2017
Patti Cotton - How to Play a Bigger Game
Friday Apr 21, 2017
Friday Apr 21, 2017
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
What's holding you back? Patti Cotton discusses fears that cause us to "play it small."
To hear more tips from over 750 Advisors, visit exitcoachradio.com
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Wednesday Apr 19, 2017
Sasha Laghonh - Are You Sure You Are on The Right Path?
Wednesday Apr 19, 2017
Wednesday Apr 19, 2017
Sasha is the Creator of Sasha Talks, where she engages listeners and clients in Life Strategies, Wellness and Professional Coaching. To complement such coaching for individuals, intuitive insights are also available.
We upload new interviews and tips every day! Share this episode with your friends and be sure to check out our episodes on iTunes!
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Saturday Apr 15, 2017
Jim Doty - Identify Your Problems to Increase Your Revenue
Saturday Apr 15, 2017
Saturday Apr 15, 2017
Jim has more than 30 years of comprehensive management experience including more than 15 years at the executive level. His experience spans a number of industries including medical transportation, health maintenance organizations, specialized blood services, home health care, cable television, food processing and engineering. He has participated in several start-up ventures as well as worked for Fortune 500 companies.
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Friday Apr 07, 2017
Scott Henderson - Corporate Social Responsibility
Friday Apr 07, 2017
Friday Apr 07, 2017
Website: www.doinggood.works
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Thursday Apr 06, 2017
Agnes Mura - Preparing Employees for a Change in Ownership
Thursday Apr 06, 2017
Thursday Apr 06, 2017
AMI coaches is a leadership and management development firm, led by Master Certified Coach Agnes Mura. AMI gets business leaders, C-suite executives, managers and boards to operate at the top of their game. In several languages, and founded on the latest research in leadership development, AMI provides coaching, assessments, facilitation and training across most industries, in the US, Latin America and Europe.
To hear more tips from over 750 Advisors, visit exitcoachradio.com
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Friday Mar 31, 2017
Michael Levine - Income & Wealth Preservation Planning
Friday Mar 31, 2017
Friday Mar 31, 2017
Michael Levine is the President of Levine Insurance Advisors, a company focused on income and wealth preservation planning.
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Monday Jan 30, 2017
Eric Kaufmann - Leadership as a Hero's Journey
Monday Jan 30, 2017
Monday Jan 30, 2017

Eric Kaufmann is president of Sagatica, an executive coaching and development firm and author of “Leadership as a Hero’s journey.” Eric will discuss containing anxiety in the face of uncertainty.
Questions Asked:
1. Is there anything common to all leaders who are particularly good at dealing with uncertainty?
2. How do leaders overcome their fear of the unknown?
3. As you’ve worked with owners who are exiting, what’s a common roadblock to their transition?
Contact Info:
Website: www.sagatica.com
Email: eric@sagatica.com
Bonus Material:
Leadership as a Hero's Journey available to order to Amazon.com.
To hear more tips from over 750 Advisors, visit exitcoachradio.com
Listeners: You asked, so we found FREE solutions for 5 of your top problem areas. Text “TOOLBELT” to 44222 or click here

Friday Nov 11, 2016
Ken Boyd - 5 Areas of Investing That Are Misunderstood
Friday Nov 11, 2016
Friday Nov 11, 2016
St Louis Test Prep provides training in accounting and finance to students and investors. Ken Boys is the author of three "Dummies" books on accounting.
What can you do RIGHT NOW to work on making your Business more Sustainable, Transferable and Valuable in the future? Visit our Online Planning Links at www.ExitCoachRadio.com/links
Sponsors: Exit & Retirement Strategies, Inc. | BEI |Jeffrey M Verdon Law Group | Albert J Rasch & Associates | Ghassemian Law Group
Listening from an iPhone or iPad? Get our App in the App Store: click here

Tuesday Oct 11, 2016
Teri Goetz - Turn Your Fear Into Your Future
Tuesday Oct 11, 2016
Tuesday Oct 11, 2016
Teri Goetz describes how to get in touch with your "Four Pillars" and embrace your future.
Visit ExitCoachRadio.com for Audio, Videos, Books and Interactive Tools to Grow Your Business Value, Protect Your Family and Prepare for your Future Transition.
New! Get our iPhone app at the App Store - search for Exit Coach Radio. Grow your business value by up to 71% - take a free assessment at www.BizGrowth123.com

Monday Oct 10, 2016
Jim Immel - Real Key Employees Need Real Incentives
Monday Oct 10, 2016
Monday Oct 10, 2016
Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com -- just click "Audio Library" in the "LISTEN" section and enter their name to hear all of their past interviews!
Visit ExitCoachRadio.com for Audio, Videos, Books and Interactive Tools to Grow Your Business Value, Protect Your Family and Prepare for your Future Transition.
New! Get our iPhone app at the App Store - search for Exit Coach Radio. Grow your business value by up to 71% - take a free assessment at www.BizGrowth123.com

Monday Sep 05, 2016
Jan Rutherford - Growing Leaders Through Adversity
Monday Sep 05, 2016
Monday Sep 05, 2016

A former U.S. Army Special Forces soldier and successful business executive, Jan knows the value of overcoming challenges to strengthen your resilience to lead more effectively. Jan uses the power of story to provide an overview of self-reliant leadership principles to be a more courageous, humble, and disciplined leader. Jan helps leaders become more self reliant through a confluence of Sparta’s discipline, Socrates’ self-awareness, Aristotle’s courage, Emerson’s self-reliance, and Thoreau’s reflective seclusion.
Questions Answered:
1) Tell me about your expeditions?
2) What does adversity have to do with growing leaders?
3) How does solitude inform a leader?
Contact Info:
Website: http://selfreliantleadership.com
Email: jan@selfreliantleadership.com
Bonus Material:
The Littlest Green Beret: On Self-Reliant Leadership is available on Amazon
Visit ExitCoachRadio.com for Audio, Videos, Books and Interactive Tools to Grow Your Business Value, Protect Your Family and Prepare for your Future Transition.
New! Get our iPhone app at the App Store - search for Exit Coach Radio. Grow your business value by up to 71% - take a free assessment at www.BizGrowth123.com

Thursday Sep 01, 2016
Dave Wilens - Growing Rainmakers
Thursday Sep 01, 2016
Thursday Sep 01, 2016
Visit ExitCoachRadio.com for Audio, Videos, Books and Interactive Tools to Grow Your Business Value, Protect Your Family and Prepare for your Future Transition.
New! Get our iPhone app at the App Store - search for Exit Coach Radio. Grow your business value by up to 71% - take a free assessment at www.BizGrowth123.com

Friday Jul 15, 2016
Pat Peason - Pairing College and Retirement
Friday Jul 15, 2016
Friday Jul 15, 2016
Since Pat’s focus is on serving the needs of retirees and pre-retirees, he offers conservative strategies that seek to minimize risk to principal while maximizing income.His process helps each client understand how much risk is appropriate in determining the optimalasset allocation for them. This strategy has served Patrick and his clients well; his success has garnered him some of the industry's most prestigious awards. Additionally Pat has hundreds of happy clients across the state. An award winning national speaker, Pat also instructs top level executives to help them become more effective communicators. This will be an entertaining, informative and dynamic program!
Among the many challenges unique to today's generation of working parents trying to save for retirement is the fact that college tuition costs have never been higher. According to figures from the College Board, the average cost of attending a public university (including tuition, fees, room, and board) for the 2013-2014 academic year was $18,391 for in-state students and $31,701 for out-of-state students. For private, non-profit colleges and universities, the average was $40,917.*
So daunting are those numbers for most parents that a majority of them admit they aren't even trying to save for their children's college. In a report released recently byCertified Financial Planner (CFP) Board of Standards, Inc., more than two-thirds (69 percent) of 1,003 parents surveyed said that they have not started saving for their children's higher education because everyday living expenses have left no additional funds.**
It's a sad finding, of course, but not really surprising when you consider that those "everyday living expenses" may include not just food, housing, and utilities, but a multitude of other financial demands and predicaments that are - in many instances - unique to today's generation of working Americans.
Is it Any Wonder?
As I've noted in previous columns, some of these predicaments have arisen in just the past few years as part of the fallout from two major stock market drops since the year2000, the collapse of the housing market, and the onset of the Great Recession. In the wake of the recession, for example, many Americans were forced to refinance their mortgages. At the same time, basic middle-class living costs have gone up while incomes have stagnated. And here's the biggest irony: according to the CFP survey, nearly half of today's working parents (an estimated 48 percent) have fallen behind on their own college loans and are still struggling to pay off their student debt! So, is it really any wonder that junior's college fund has been forced way down on the priority list?
Interestingly, though,the CFP survey also indicates that among the priorities most Americans put ahead of college planning, the top two are: building an emergency fund and saving for retirement. That's interesting because it suggests the assumption that college planning and retirement planning need to be, or ought to be, separate things, which is not really the case. On the contrary; people should be aware that comprehensive financial planning can enable you to meet your current needs while working toward all of your long-term goals - including college and retirement - simultaneously, and often in ways that are mutually beneficial to each goal. Conversely, separating and prioritizing long-term goals can very often cause you to miss out on opportunities to enhance or expedite the growth of your assets overall, or to protect them from unnecessary losses. This requires strategy, however, and financial planning expertise on an expert level.
Tax Breaks
To clarify that point, let's look at those CFP survey respondents who reported that they were, in fact, saving for their children's higher education. Among them, the majority (61 percent) said that they were doing so through a savings account, while 40 percent said they were using a 529 plan and 33 percent said they were using "investments." Now, these strategies may all be ideal for these individuals depending on their situations, and provided they are part of a comprehensive plan that also incorporates retirement and other long-term goals. If not, then these individuals may not be saving for college nearly as effectively as they could be. They may, for instance, be losing out on tax breaks or opportunities to maximize returns on their 529 plans and investments. Also, hopefully these parents are aware that certain investment tools undercut financial aid eligibility while others do not. That's important when you consider 56 percent of people surveyed said they were"counting on" some level of financial aid to help cover their children's college costs.
The bottom line is that with so many unprecedented financial challenges facing Americans as they plan for retirement, it's understandable that for many, the prospect of saving for college might seem too daunting to even think about. But the fact is,professional guidance and comprehensive financial planning can help you not only put the kids through school, but simultaneously prepare for a comfortable retirement marked by financial security and dependable, lifelong income.
Visit ExitCoachRadio.com for Audio, Videos, Books and Interactive Tools to Grow Your Business Value, Protect Your Family and Prepare for your Future Transition.
New! Get our iPhone app at the App Store - search for Exit Coach Radio. Grow your business value by up to 71% - take a free assessment at www.BizGrowth123.com

Sunday Jul 03, 2016
Kate Azar - Philanthropic Advisors
Sunday Jul 03, 2016
Sunday Jul 03, 2016
Kate Azar is in the business of philanthropy advising and is going to talk about using strategic philanthropy to build yourbusiness and personal legacy.
Questions Answered:
1) What does the future hold for the philanthropic industry? What's new and exciting?
2) What is your biggest challenge?
3) Why does anyone need a philanthropic advisor?
Contact Info:
Website: www.socialgoodstrategies.com
Email: kate@socialgoodstrategies.com
Visit ExitCoachRadio.com for Audio, Videos, Books andInteractive Tools to
Grow Your Business Value, Protect Your Family and Prepare for your FutureTransition.
New! Get our iPhone app at the App Store - search for Exit Coach Radio
Grow your business value by up to 71% - take a free assessment atwww.BizGrowth123.com

Tuesday Jun 07, 2016
Jim Immel - What Are Answers to the 5 Questions Your Spouse Will Ask if You Die?
Tuesday Jun 07, 2016
Tuesday Jun 07, 2016
Jim Immel, Founder, Immel and Associates, Inc. discusses his experience as a Trusted Advisor and the need to prepare to have the answers to critical questions that spouses have of their Advisors when a death occurs.
Jim: One of the things that a lot of business owners are doing, is that they're heads down, they're growing their business, they're focused on the day-to-day. And they're, again, back to being very optimistic and looking at what they can accomplish. And risk management is just not natural to most business owners. One of the questions I like to ask to get business owners to just slow down for a moment, and to think, is to imagine for a moment that you had passed away, and week after your funeral, if I'm your most trusted advisor, your widow calls me and says, "Jim, I have a few questions, do you have a little bit of time?" What are those 5 or 6 questions that I should be prepared to answer that your wife might be asking me when she gets here? What are the things that we should prepare for? When I've asked that question to a lot of business owners, they realize that they're not ready for that event. The risk management planning, the contingency planning is pretty important, because what that really does, is it helps us start down the path of making sure the business is prepared in so many different ways. Because, if you think about it, it helps you prepare for a living buy-out, as well.
We add new content daily, so come back often!
To hear more tips from over 750 Advisors, visit exitcoachradio.com
Text "Exitcoach" to 44222 and get a copy of 100 Words from 20 Advisors!

Thursday Jun 02, 2016
Katherine Wertheim - Learn How to Fundraise
Thursday Jun 02, 2016
Thursday Jun 02, 2016
Katherine Wertheim is the President of Werth-It, a resource for business owners that want to learn how to fundraise when they serve on a non-profit board of directors.

Sunday Apr 10, 2016
Mark Jaffe - Peripheral Opportunities Are The New Frontier
Sunday Apr 10, 2016
Sunday Apr 10, 2016
Mark Jaffe of Strategic Growth Consulting discusses the value of paying attention to peripheral opportunities.
We add new content daily! Listen on iTunes: iTunes.ExitcoachRadio.com .

Sunday Apr 03, 2016
Tony Arnold - 4 Constituents to a Strategic Objective
Sunday Apr 03, 2016
Sunday Apr 03, 2016

Monday Mar 07, 2016
Greg Melia - The Rise of Robo-Advisors: Should You Use One?
Monday Mar 07, 2016
Monday Mar 07, 2016

Tuesday Dec 09, 2014
Kingsley Grant - Making Your Dream Come True Without Risking Everything
Tuesday Dec 09, 2014
Tuesday Dec 09, 2014
Kingsley Grant has a great story and asks a very interesting question -- "Are you comfortably miserable?" He discusses how he helps people define and decide on how to maximize their lives with a simple philosophy - "No Jump, No Glory!"
Do you want to work on your business but you don't know where to start? Visit www.ExitCoachRaio.com and click on "Get My Sellability Score" under the "ACT" section. It's free and it will help you understand where you need to work to make your business more valuable.

Thursday Nov 27, 2014
Joe Siecinski - How to Make More Money and Have More Time
Thursday Nov 27, 2014
Thursday Nov 27, 2014
Joe Siecinski is an Action Coach, and has been helping business owners recapture time and increase profits for years. Listen to his tips, ideas and precautions to learn how.