
Tuesday Jul 09, 2024
Bill Crawford - Life from the Top of the Mind
Tuesday Jul 09, 2024
Tuesday Jul 09, 2024

Settle in for a fascinating conversation with 2019 Vistage Speaker of the year Dr. Bill Crawford. Bill is a licensed psychologist, author of 4 books, and has created over 3,300 presentations for Sprint, Shell, The American Medical Association, and many more esteemed organizations. While we are over-saturated with information, Bill realized early on that we are not necessarily sure of what to do with it. After taking a class on the biological basis of behavior, Bill came up with a tried and true system for taking advantage of the way our brains work in order to think at a higher level.
Reactions are due to the way we process information, and Bill shares why thinking in different parts of the brain causes different responses. By training our brain to think in the neocortex, our decision making process becomes more advanced and clear. Bill sheds light on what can happen when we try to see other people as allies instead of adversaries. While it may seem exhausting to aim for high level thinking all the time, Bill discusses why this process can actually be chemically energizing. Treat yourself to Bill’s exceptionally useful information.

Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
Tess Cox - Coaching: The 5 C's of Leadership & Life-Long Learning
Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
Tess Cox, Principal of Tess Cox and Associates, has a myriad of skills, but ultimately aims to assist others in personal and professional transformational change. She believes that choice, not chance, determines your destiny. Feedback is crucial to self-awareness, and self-awareness allows us to grow more effectively. Coaching is essential to maximizing our potential.
In her interview, Tess not only shares the 5 C’s of leadership, but also redefines the term leader. She stresses the importance of work-life congruency and aligning both to fit our personalities. Above all, Tess discusses the need to have a well-defined personal philosophy in order to continually make more confident decisions. Tess also shares a few examples of how she has helped her clients experience the outcomes they desire when working with and influencing others. The wisdom shared by Tess could improve your entire life, as well as your business, and should not be passed over.

Thursday Jun 13, 2024
Christine Miles - The Art of the Nudge (E1418)
Thursday Jun 13, 2024
Thursday Jun 13, 2024
Christine Miles is the founder and chief architect of CI Squared. CI Squared is a Leadership Development and Sales Training Company. We believe people and organizations have untapped potential, and we empower organizations and people to reach their potential through our proprietary communication framework called "The Art of the Nudge." People and organizations must continuously improve and innovate business processes and key activities. Our framework is designed to work within an organization’s current system, nudging them to pivot in an agile and adaptable way to achieve superior business outcomes; that is, increased revenue, Increased profit/reduced cost, increased employee satisfaction, increased customer satisfaction, all leading to increased shareholder value.

Tuesday Jun 11, 2024
Joe Bertotto -Building Enduring Significance through Your Strengths
Tuesday Jun 11, 2024
Tuesday Jun 11, 2024
Joe Bertotto of CU Services, LLC, is a consultant who helps develop high care, high performance, and high accountability cultures in the workplace. Joe’s work in this field began 25 years ago and his expertise is in leadership and culture development. His goal is to help leaders create a work environment where employees feel they get to come to work, instead of feeling they have to come to work. While everyone has their own unique strengths, we all can be exceptionally bad at identifying what they are.
Joe shares valuable insight on metrics for measuring strengths and weaknesses, as well as how this knowledge can be used to benefit the company and employees. He also explores the idea that individual well-roundedness may not be as important as we make it out to be. While weaknesses can’t be ignored, cultivating unique strengths can be potentially more fruitful. Joe’s tried and true process of helping coworkers understand, tolerate, appreciate, and eventually leverage one another is indispensable information for anyone who hopes to be a stronger team member.

Thursday Jun 06, 2024
Thursday Jun 06, 2024
George Smart of Strategic Development, Inc. discusses family business issues
Questions discussed:
a. You'd think that passing a business to a son or daughter would be easy. After all, there's no interview. But
it's not that easy, is it?
b. Why do family CEO's find succession so difficult?
c. What's the first step to make this easier, to clear away some of the very strong emotions people have about
their children, and vice versa?
Contact info:
Email Address gsmart@strategicdevelopment.com
Website www.strategicdevelopment.com

Tuesday May 28, 2024
Stephen Lynch - Strategic Planning for Small Businesses
Tuesday May 28, 2024
Tuesday May 28, 2024

Tuesday May 21, 2024
Christina Haxton - Are You Facing Burnout?
Tuesday May 21, 2024
Tuesday May 21, 2024
Founder and CEO of Sustainable Leadership, Inc., Christina Haxton is an expert at helping others transform stress into increased engagement. Christina is a licensed marriage and family therapist, and in her clinical time, her clients tended to be extremely burnt out business executives. She began her business after realizing she wanted to help more than just one person at a time. Christina has guided countless people toward better lives, both at work and home, by sharing this important information.
Many of the clients Christina was seeing were coming to her after a wake up call from a doctor or loved one. Her new goal is to prevent people from reaching the point of desperation, and instead educating about proactive measures that prevent burnout. Many business leaders have become distant from their colleagues, but connection is essential to managing stress. Christina shares 5 common warning signs of burnout and some changes you can make to help your team and yourself manage stress more effectively. Companies with a more cohesive and connected culture become more valuable, so don’t miss out on Christina’s beneficial information.

Monday May 20, 2024
Brad Leggett - Developing a High Performance Sales Team (C0718)
Monday May 20, 2024
Monday May 20, 2024
Brad Leggett is the CEO & Founder of The Leggett Group, Inc. Brad works with CEO's and VP's of sales to set the company's sales strategy and to build, lead and retain "high performance sales teams." Today, he will discuss how to develop your company's high performance sales team.

Friday May 17, 2024
Friday May 17, 2024
AmyK Hutchens, of AmyK International, specializes in teaching critical thinking for better performance, productivity and profitability. Previously working as an executive around the globe, she has seen countless people identifying problems, but not devising any solutions to them. This led AmyK to eventually start her own business using her passion of solving problems and igniting brilliance in leadership. She works with companies by constructing custom think tanks that are aimed to help improve business performance all around.
One of the first things AmyK will often ask her clients is “What would be your ROI if everyone in your company was thinking a bit better tomorrow?” In her interview, she explores this question from various angles and relates it to goal achievement. By breaking down the thought processes behind our behaviors, we can change both our behavior and results. AmyK stresses the importance of clearly defining the target before setting out on the hunt. She offers some tips for better understanding our customers' thought processes, finding the best prospects, and ways to improve the quality of meetings. AmyK’s knowledge is invaluable to any business owner hoping to get the most out of their time and efforts.

Thursday May 02, 2024
Andrew Ballard - Your Opinion Doesn't Matter
Thursday May 02, 2024
Thursday May 02, 2024
Andrew Ballard, Vistage Speaker and owner of Marketing Solutions, joins us with strategies for growing your business. He has held every position in the marketing food chain, from sales rep to CEO, and been running his own company for the last 18 years. Marketing Solutions uses research based growth strategies to build value in companies before they transfer ownership. By looking at the entire enterprise from the outside, the specialists at Marketing Strategies can be more objective than someone absorbed in the day-to-day operations.
In his interview, Andrew talks about the importance of a business having a North star, as well as how to follow it. He also hammers home the idea that the owner’s opinion doesn’t matter, it is the customer’s opinion that does. Andrew makes himself valuable by helping businesses drive up their value before succession. Listen for multitudes of strategic, fact-based knowledge and a special offer on his book, “Your Opinion Doesn’t Matter.”

Monday Apr 22, 2024
Stephan Liozu - Intentional Pricing Strategies
Monday Apr 22, 2024
Monday Apr 22, 2024
Stephan Liozu, Founder and Disruptor at Value Innoruption Advisors, is a designer of disruptive and innovative value and pricing strategies. With over 25 years in business, he noticed that people very easily get stuck in their comfortable, existing models, but leaders should constantly be innovating. Stephan defines disruption as learning to do things differently. Comfortability may be your enemy, and a bit of innovation can go a long way towards improving your bottom line.
In his interview, Stephan discusses common misconceptions in the field of pricing. While many business owners determine price based on cost, few base their pricing on the value brought to the customer. Stephan suggests moving from a reactive pricing approach, to a proactive pricing approach. Start catching more value in your market by working at the intersection of innovation and disruption, listen to Stephan’s expertise to learn how.
1-minute Sections:
- 6:27-7:35: Disruption and transformation, talking about unintentional approaches to pricing
- 9:09-10:20: Misconceptions in the field of pricing - cost-based vs. value-based
- 14:13-15:13: “Pricing Counsel” - establish a group dedicated exclusively to pricing, meet once a month

Monday Mar 11, 2024
Julie Ryan - Data Privacy and Security Simplified (A0118)
Monday Mar 11, 2024
Monday Mar 11, 2024
Julie Ryan is the president of Isaturn, Inc., a company invested in data privacy and security. Today, Julie will tell listeners how to easily and inexpensively protect themselves, their companies, their employees, and their clients from data breaches, and what to do in the event of one.

Wednesday Mar 06, 2024
Steven Snyder - Focused Passion (J1117)
Wednesday Mar 06, 2024
Wednesday Mar 06, 2024
Steven Snyder is a CEO Trainer, helping people reach paradise and attain emotional management. Today, Steven will discuss how his methods can help people become better, faster, smarter and happier.
Questions Discussed:
1) What is the state of Focused Passion?
2) How do people become better, faster, smarter and happier?
3) What is your lifelong mission?
Contact Info:
Email Address: steven.snyder@mac.com
Website: www.focusedpassion.com

Tuesday Mar 05, 2024
Christine Miles - The Art of the Nudge
Tuesday Mar 05, 2024
Tuesday Mar 05, 2024
Christine Miles, Founder of CI Squared LLC and Vistage Speaker, helps people and organizations reach their untapped potential. For over 25 years, Christine has been a behavioral psychologist, and she knows firsthand how difficult it can be to change. She is also the author of “The Art of the Nudge,” which details her gentle approach to inspiring large changes. Small nudges can lead to big results by gently getting people out of their comfort zone rather than immediately overwhelming them.
In her interview, Christine emphasizes the notion that you need to slow down in order to speed up. She relates this idea to sports and how we must always be mindful of the end goal. Christine explains how our brain pathways work and why dysfunction can be comfortable, but positive change can be difficult. Reflection is essential, and can help clarify communication across all levels in a business. Preparing for, accepting, and moving towards change is essential for making big differences, be sure to listen to Christine’s advice and reach your untapped potential.
- 5:30-6:35: Sports metaphor to explain “You have to slow down to speed up”
- 7:30-8:40: Describing of comfortable brain functions that limit our full potential
- 13:17-14:10: Dissonance between senior leadership and employees understanding of goals
- 14:42-15:46: Explains the importance of understanding what motivates your people and how it relates to growth

Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
Dr. David Leonardi of the Leonardi Institute in Lakewood, CO, talks about the current state of medical technology and how it is helping us live longer, healthier lives. Originally working as an emergency physician, he quickly realized that many of his most catastrophic cases could’ve been prevented by early action. Dr. Leonardi eventually shifted his focus to preventative medicine in order to help people avoid major, vitality-lowering health events. At the Leonardi Institute, his patients can invest one day into improving the quality of the rest of their life.
In his interview, Dr. Leonardi shares critical information regarding longevity, vitality, and maintaining a zest for life. He talks a bit about his hand-tailored process for creating nutrition plans for his patients, and also discusses some lifestyle tips you can use now. He also scientifically breaks down diet and disease causes, helping you make more informed choices about how you eat. Whether you want to be able to run your business for longer, or simply enjoy retirement with a cleaner bill of health, Dr. Leonardi’s expertise concerning wellness should not be missed.

Thursday Feb 08, 2024
Scott Bornstein - Memory Power: Your Secret Weapon
Thursday Feb 08, 2024
Thursday Feb 08, 2024
Scott Bornstein is a Chief Memory Training Expert at MemoryPower. Grab a notebook for this one, memory training is a universally useful skill and everyone can benefit from this information. Scott’s expertise is in making memory and recall as easy as possible for business leaders, managers, and sales people. Not only is it important to learn to remember, but to understand how to make yourself more memorable to people. Marketing is essentially memory training to get customers to remember your message.
Scott shares some useful skill sets you can profit from immediately and discusses his methodology that creates consistency and results. The brain is best wired to remember stories, and Scott walks us through a few examples of this practice. Our brains don’t remember as well when they’re racing, we need to slow down and take time to form meaningful connections. Give yourself a mental boost and listen to Scott’s valuable information. Scott shares an invitation link to discounted information for ECR listeners if you’d like to learn more.

Friday Jan 12, 2024
Jim Jubelirer - Have You Had Your Daily Huddle Today?
Friday Jan 12, 2024
Friday Jan 12, 2024
Jim Jubelirer of Jubelirer Results Group works with business owners on scaling up their business. Being around business his whole life, Jim has seen plenty of highs and lows, but he’s always been following how business and people work. Industry agnostic, Jim works with clients globally to increase value while practicing a very holistic approach. Additionally serving as an executive coach in training programs at Duke, he’s helped countless people find small wins that lead to big momentum.
Jim talks about not just what you need to do to reach your goals, but what you need to stop doing. He discusses the main predicting characteristic of successful people and why you should create a mindset of growth and well-being in all aspects of life. Jim also shares meeting strategies that improve team performance, including what he calls a “Daily Huddle.” Everyone wants to be on a winning team, help improve yours by listening to Jim’s vital information.

Monday Jan 08, 2024
George Wunderlich - Mission Awareness
Monday Jan 08, 2024
Monday Jan 08, 2024
George Wunderlich is the Executive Director at the National Museum of Civil War Medicine. In addition to being a museum, the site is home of the Letterman Institute which specializes in advanced military medical management training and corporate management and mission awareness training.

Tuesday Jan 02, 2024
Julie Anderson - Your Best Mind
Tuesday Jan 02, 2024
Tuesday Jan 02, 2024
Vistage Speaker Julie Anderson of Your Best Mind helps inspire positive changes in her clients by using a scientific approach. After studying psychoneuroimmunology, she created Your Best Mind as a medium to bring this mind-improving information to people of any background. Her work focuses on the science behind the psychology of why we are the way we are. By understanding our brain’s natural tendencies, we can use better practice when communicating.
Julie discusses the notion that we all have different brain personalities and how this can contribute to misunderstandings in the workplace. She urges business owners to look within before identifying problems with the group as a whole. A vast majority of employees don’t feel they are a part of their company. Communication tailored to brain personality may help in succession planning as employees will feel more connected and more likely to stick around. This information is something that could make or break your company over the course of years, don’t miss out on Julie’s interview.

Friday Dec 08, 2023
Dan DeMuth - Secrets of the Golf Whisperer (G1017)
Friday Dec 08, 2023
Friday Dec 08, 2023
Dan DeMuth is an author, PGA golf professional, and owner of Secrets of the Golf Whisperer. He uses his professional skills and experiences to help show business owners the power of focus and how interactive learning promotes effective change in people.

Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
Aleen Bayard - Planning Your Exit Should Be Part of Your Annual Planning (L2617)
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
Aleen is a leadership development and executive coach. Her coaching approach is to help the client use the
coaching process to accomplish specific business goals. The sale or succession plan is one of the most
complex and emotionally-laden business scenarios she encounters.
Questions discussed:
What is the biggest issue you see when working with business leaders, especially those in the process of
contemplating a transition or exit strategy?
Do you suggest the clients hire someone like you personally or do you work with a larger executive team?
What is the most important lesson learned you can share with our audience?
Contact Info

Thursday Nov 16, 2023
Alan Beaulieu - Prepare to Prosper Before the Next Great Depression (J2417)
Thursday Nov 16, 2023
Thursday Nov 16, 2023
ITR Economics is in the business of international economic forecasting and consulting.
Alan discusses the great depression coming to the US and what we can do to prosper by knowing this information.
Questions discussed:
Why is the Great Depression coming to the US?
Is it just the US?
When? Also, can anything stop it?
Contact info:
Email Address alan@itreconomics.com
Website www.itreconomics.com
Read his Book:
Prosperity in the Age of Decline
Print and ebook, Amazon and Barnes & Noble

Friday Oct 27, 2023
Dan Miller - Living a Longer and Healthier Life (G0817)
Friday Oct 27, 2023
Friday Oct 27, 2023
Dan Miller is a nutrition and wellness coach and today he will talk about making a plan to live a longer and healthier life.

Wednesday May 11, 2022
Thomas Young - How to Attract Qualified Customers (E1218)
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Thomas Young works with companies to help attract qualified customers by focusing on inbound and content marketing. His business is called Intuitive Websites and today, he will discuss how to implement these important strategies into your business.

Friday May 06, 2022
Steve Van Valin - Shaping a Culture that is Engaged to Innovate (A1818)
Friday May 06, 2022
Friday May 06, 2022
Steve Van Valin, Founder and CEO of Culturology, helps companies shape a culture that is engaged to innovate. At Culturology, they specialize in contemporary cultures where people need to be competitive, especially customer-facing businesses looking for a unique edge. A business’s culture is much like a personality and determines the common expectations people have when working together. By shaping the culture intentionally, you can help your team be more innovative and engaged.
In his interview, Steve discusses high-level tactics of culture design and how it can contribute to innovation. He highlights the importance of being an expert at the creative process in order to facilitate more creativity from your team. While the phrase may seem paradoxical, Steve encourages you to plan time for spontaneous interactions. Steve also proposed the idea of “addition by subtraction,” meaning sometimes it takes removing barriers in order to help employees become more innovative. Steve’s insight is a powerful tool for anyone hoping to get more cohesion and creativity from their teams through relatively simple means.
- 2:24-3:15: How Steve defines culture and how it is like a personality.
- 6:41-7:46: Consistencies in how companies of any kind drive innovation.
- 10:16-11:23: Good creative ideas can be small things involving constant problem solving.
- 14:23-15:28: Become an expert on the creative process itself in order to help your team think more openly.

Friday Mar 25, 2022
Terry Hawkins - Why Wait to be Great? (L2417)
Friday Mar 25, 2022
Friday Mar 25, 2022
Terry Hawkins, Founder and CEO of People in Progress Global, has been helping businesses build and use powerful systems, as well as shape workplace cultures, for over 25 years. Terry has been listed as one of the top 60 motivational speakers in the world and is also the author of “Why Wait to be Great? It’s Either Now or Too Late.” Originally finding success in Australia, after moving to the US, she found her old ways weren’t working. This led her to essentially restart from the ground up, and she has since come out the other side with a stronger business and even greater sense of purpose.
Her passion is making a difference, and in Terry’s interview, she emphasizes the importance of having very clear goals and passions. She dissects the process of mastery and cites routines and well-structured processes as key players in goal achievement. While Terry’s personality helped her business growth in Australia, she found it to be exhausting and not effective in America, which sparked her to reconsider business as a system of processes. Rather than putting people on a pedestal, Terry encourages leaders to put tried and true processes on a pedestal, and let trusted people run the processes. A business may seem highly successful, but Terry’s information may help you break your own perceived glass ceiling and achieve levels you hadn’t previously thought possible.

Saturday Jan 29, 2022
Casey Brown - You Are Probably Under-pricing Your Product (F1817)
Saturday Jan 29, 2022
Saturday Jan 29, 2022
Casey Brown is in the business of helping companies substantially increase profits through better pricing and
in this interview she talks about value-based pricing and some other key pricing best practices.
Questions Discussed:
1. Casey, companies in very competitive industries often say they have little to no pricing power and that they
must compete on price. What do you say to those companies?
2. Casey, in an average selling conversation, who is most focused on price: the buyer or the seller?
3. Casey, what do you say to companies setting prices based on a cost-plus model?
Contact info:
Email Address casey@precisionpricingllc.com
Website www.precisionpricingllc.com

Monday Jan 24, 2022
Steven Snyder - Focused Passion
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Steven Snyder is author of the book Focused Passion: How to be Better, Faster, Smarter, and Happier, with Far Less Stress, and Much More Passion.
Focused Passion: How to be Better, Faster, Smarter, and Happier, with Far Less Stress, and Much More Passion is available on Amazon in paperback and on Kindle.

Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Barry Moniak - Synergistic Culture (K2617)
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Barry Moniak is an Organizational Therapist at End In Mind. His topic is Synergistic Culture and he will discuss interdependence.
Questions Answered:
1) What does it take to have a synergistic outcome?
2) What is interdependence?
3) Why do we resist interdependence?
Contact Info:
Website: endinmind.com

Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Mike Aguilera - Connect with Anyone in Less Than 90 Seconds (B0718)
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021

Mike Aguilera is the President of Aguilera & Associates, an international training and coaching company specializing in rapport and communication skills to help you get more yeses.
Questions Answered:
1) Who would benefit from your system of training?
2) What makes your system different from other communication models and training?
3) Is it easy to learn and apply?
Contact Info:
Website: http://www.MikeAguilera.com
Email: mike@mikeaguilera.com

Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Dr Paul Schempp - The Expert of Experts
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Dr. Paul Schempp is a Professor at the University of Georgia. He is a research professor who studies experts and the development of expertise. Dr. Schempp has identified that a common characteristic among experts is having good mentorship. He has studied hundreds of experts and authored the book "5 Steps to Expert: How to Go from Business Novice to Elite Performer."
In his interview, Dr. Schempp dives deep on the value of mentorship, especially for those nearing their business exit. Mentoring a protege can help pass your values onto the next generation, and meanwhile, proteges seeking expertise will greatly benefit from having a mentor - the relationship is symbiotic. For our listeners who may hope to one day begin an expertise-based practice, Dr. Schempp also shares some tips to help you achieve elite performance levels. We all have the ability to achieve mastery, and guidance is essential in that journey, so don’t miss Dr. Schempp’s advice on attaining the level of success you desire.
- 5:23-6:18: Informal relationships between mentors and proteges can be most effective.
- 10:52-12:00: Tips for identifying good proteges and transferring your values to the next generation.
- 15:02-15:58: The greatest experts are not necessarily the greatest mentors.
- 18:45-19:42: Speaking about "5 Steps to Expert: How to Go from Business Novice to Elite Performer"

Monday Jul 12, 2021
Jack Scherer - What It Takes to Hire Proven Talent (L1017)
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Monday Jul 12, 2021

Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Michelle Tillis Lederman - Relationship Networking (G1518)
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021

Thursday May 27, 2021
Thursday May 27, 2021
Jillian Murphy is a Speaker for Vistage and The Syncretics Group. The Syncretics Group is a consulting firm specializing in leadership, executive coaching, and teamwork development through the use of drawing comparisons to compelling, true survival stories. The lessons learned at “The Edge” can be applied to business and help put operational challenges into perspective. Keeping the long term goal in mind is critical whether it is for survival or for achieving business goals.
In her interview, Jillian shares some adventure stories from a few flagship books where people came together, beat the odds, and managed to overcome extremely dire circumstances. The lessons learned by understanding their trials and tribulations can be universally applied, but help make drastic improvements in business situations. Jillian shares some powerful tips that help with achieving long term goals and stresses the importance of tenacious creativity. Jillian’s insight is relevant to everyone and can help dramatically improve your results, don’t miss her fascinating interview.
- 5:08-6:10: Some metaphorical but practical strategies for both leaders and teams.
- 7:50-8:46: These survival challenges put business challenges into perspective.
- 9:30-10:34: Vision and victories - set short term goals that lead you to the long term goal.
- 12:02-12:55: Optimism and reality - be positive and confident, while staying grounded in reality.

Saturday May 22, 2021
John Boyens - 6 Secrets to Market Dominance (I0717)
Saturday May 22, 2021
Saturday May 22, 2021
Get your notebook ready for our interview with John Boyens, of Boyens Group, Inc. John is a bona fide expert in sales and management consulting and training. After over 20 years in the corporate world running sales and marketing for various Fortune 1000 companies, he and his wife co-founded their company. They specialize in sales productivity, management leadership effectiveness, and business strategy.
John has repeatedly made the top 100 productivity experts to follow on Twitter and has some truly indispensable knowledge to share. As a leader, it is critical to focus on strategically growing the business, rather than just tactically running the business. In addition to discussing 6 strategies for market dominance, John also emphasizes why business leaders should leverage their strengths and outsource their shortcomings. John’s exuberant knowledge is absolutely essential to anyone hoping to dominate their market.

Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
Clair Billingsley is a much-in-demand Speaker for a very simple reason - she helps Leaders develop thought and communication techniques that go beyond the competition.
Contact info:
Email: BillingsleyConsulting@gmail.com
Website: www.BillingsleyConsultingGroup.com

Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Mary Anne Kochut - Power vs. Perception (A1618)
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Mary Anne Kochut, of Champions For Success, LLC., is an author, motivational speaker, coach, adjunct professor, and management development professional. She specializes in the areas of leadership, communications, executive coaching, change management, and career transition and is also skilled in group dynamics, consultation, and facilitation. After a lengthy stay in the corporate world, she eventually became a “reluctant entrepreneur” and went on her own, rather than continue fitting into someone else's mold. Mary Anne’s passion is inspiring others to be productive and live the life they truly want to, evident in her book “Power vs. Perception: Ten Characteristics of Self-empowerment for Women.”
Mary Anne always encourages the people she coaches to be unstoppable. In her interview, she talks about the limitations we put on ourselves and how they stop us from attaining the success we desire. Mary Anne talks about inherent drives present in everyone, and how understanding these can help reveal your passions. She discusses some of her tried and true methods for reshaping people’s perceptions regarding what they may have previously considered to be impossible. Mary Anne’s inspiring conversation is useful to anyone hoping to shift their perspective and make the impossible possible.

Saturday Apr 10, 2021
Barry Moniak - Begin With The End in Mind
Saturday Apr 10, 2021
Saturday Apr 10, 2021
Barry Moniak, Vistage Speaker and Organizational Therapist at End in Mind, helps leaders build synergistic, independent teams and systems. Barry’s specialty is helping business leaders break free from the day-to-day and keep their focus on the end goal. His method for achieving this, is to help construct a business model which can run without the leader constantly needing to keep their hands on the wheel, allowing them to build an identity beyond the workplace and more fruitfully retire. By assembling the right team, the results can be far greater and more profitable than individual efforts could be on their own.
In his interview, Barry dives deep on the value of creating a culture of synergy. When done correctly, the sum of the whole can be far greater than its parts. Barry also talks about how exit planning should be viewed like flipping a house - you are aiming to build the best house on the block. By gradually letting go of the wheel and testing the systems you’ve built, you can ensure your company can keep running without you there and thus be more valuable to potential buyers. This information can help not only your business, but also everything about your well-being in life, you don’t want to miss Barry’s expertise.
- 3:39-4:38: Drawing analogies to business using the example of someone preparing for a backpacking trip, as well as pilots.
- 7:29-8:23: Discusses common business goals and “what would it take to make that reality happen?”
- 14:03-15:16: “Corporate structure, in a way, stole the heart and sole of humanity...” and Barry also redefines business.
- 18:54-20:15: Synergy, the sum being greater than its parts, and an analogy to basketball.
We've built a special collection of 20 minute interviews from members of Provisors and Vistage speakers. To see the directory and choose an interview visit ExitCoachRadio.com
Are you and your Company Transition-Ready? Click Here for a free report & assessment!

Friday Mar 26, 2021
Jim McComb - Certain Success in An Uncertain Future
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Jim McComb, a Pathfinder at Wild Card Strategy, is in the business of helping others find certain success in an uncertain future. Wild Card Strategy evolved as he began to work with business owners, and found their biggest problem was dealing with future uncertainties. He specializes in working with leaders to strategically plan, develop, and execute business tactics that factor in plausible wild cards. Jim defines “wild card” as anything, either positive or negative, that may disrupt life as we know it, and therefore change the way we can do business.
Though Jim’s interview has been resurrected from a few years ago, his information is more relevant than ever. The only thing we can be certain of is constant change, and Jim proposes that by identifying possible wild cards, we can plan ahead and prepare strategies for these events ahead of time. The most successful people are able to anticipate the future and get there before their competition does. Jim shares various examples of forethought and innovation that led to revolutions in how we do things, as well as ways of looking at negative change as an opportunity for positive growth. Additionally, Jim shares the one thing that truly drives all business, and how you can find it. Jim’s impressive foresight and wisdom may be the key to growing and adapting your business in ways you never imagined.
- 5:56-6:51: In a chilling moment from the past, he talks of the ebola outbreak and how diseases can potentially affect business in the future.
- 9:13-10:14: Defining success in your own terms as a path to becoming a “winner.”
- 11:52-12:47: “Those who can anticipate the future and get there first are the winners...”
- 12:58-14:13: Describes “The Crystal Ball” - the one thing that will drive all business.
- 17:24-18:40: An example of how to find success despite the negative wild card event happening
- 18:58-19:56: What opportunities may be created by a plausible wild card? Disruption can fuel new ways of doing business - extremely relevant to today’s crisis.
We've built a special collection of 20 minute interviews from members of Provisors and Vistage speakers. To see the directory and choose an interview visit ExitCoachRadio.com
Are you and your Company Transition-Ready? Click Here for a free report & assessment!

Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Scott Hunter - Unshackled Leadership
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Scott Hunter, President of Unshackled Leadership, helps leaders reach a mindset of success and helps improve communication within the workplace. Originally starting as an engineer studying law, eventually Scott was working as an IP lawyer but couldn’t keep a secretary and lost his wife. He knew something had to change, so he became devoted to learning all he possibly could about improving his communication and life skills. In an effort to turn full-time learning into a viable career, he founded his coaching company, Unshackled Leadership.
In his interview, Scott shares extremely valuable tips for more effective communication. When communicating, we all want to be acknowledged, appreciated, heard, and known, so the most important component of effective communication is being an empowering listener. Scott talks about the importance of turning off your own internal voice, and giving people your undivided attention. To Scott, success is based on having a group of happy, excited people working towards a clear, common vision they’ve all committed to. Scott’s information is vitally important to helping improve your own attitude, as well as employees’ perception of their workplace.
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Saturday Mar 06, 2021
Marty Jacknis - Opportunity Blindness
Saturday Mar 06, 2021
Saturday Mar 06, 2021

Marty Jacknis, President of Opportunity Maximizers, Inc., is a highly rated professional speaker, author, entrepreneur, and trainer who helps individuals and organizations gain and maintain a competitive advantage in their chosen markets and endeavors. He’s previously worked for companies like IBM and has worked among the top business leaders in the world. Marty’s life was changed when he realized he needed to figure out why what he was doing was working, and he became proactively introspective. Marty has experienced first-hand the value of identifying and seizing opportunities.
In his interview, Marty talks about self-limiting belief systems and how often you can do things just because you didn’t know they couldn’t be done. Marty also mentions a few ways to find new opportunities right away. Looking at the whole picture, rather than just one department, is also essential according to Marty. He shares various tried and true methods for improving negotiation and collaboration. The minute we slow down, our competition will catch us, listen to Marty’s interview for ways to constantly innovate and take advantage of new opportunities.
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Saturday Jan 16, 2021
Craig Weber - Conversational Capacity (L1817)
Saturday Jan 16, 2021
Saturday Jan 16, 2021

Monday Nov 30, 2020
Claire Billingsley - Brainstorming Secrets of Top Performers
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Clair Billingsley is a much-in-demand Speaker for a very simple reason - she helps Leaders develop thought and communication techniques that go beyond the competition.
Contact info:
Email: BillingsleyConsulting@gmail.com
Website: www.BillingsleyConsultingGroup.com
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Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Dierdre Maloney - Building Bliss (G2017)
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Dierdre Maloney, President of Momentum, LLC., is a “bliss-builder” who helps people live a more authentically happy and successful life. She has a storied background and is also a published author and national speaker. Dierdre’s approach is largely based on what she calls mildly audacious leadership, and she shares leadership lessons that people don’t usually talk about. She knows from experience that being a leader can get lonely, and it is important to develop ways to thrive in all aspects of life.
In her interview, Dierdre discusses the necessity of authenticity. Authentic living means more easily connecting with others, being very comfortable with yourself, and being aware of your own limitations. Dierdre speaks of the importance of having a trusted circle of people for meaningful feedback, and also identifying leaders you admire to model yourself after their example. Striving to be someone that others aim to model themselves after can help you and your business thrive. Listen to Dierdre’s expertise to jump start your well-being.
- 3:56-4:51: Be willing to be who you are and say what others won’t say, it is refreshing to others.
- 6:22-7:12: The correlation between living authentically and success.
- 14:19-15:19: Talks about the importance of making sure employees feel heard in a company.
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Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Michelle Tillis Lederman - How Relationships Drive Business Growth
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Saturday Sep 05, 2020

Michelle Tillis Lederman, CEO and Founder of Executive Essentials, is a Communications and Likeability expert. Formerly managing business loan allocations, Michelle realized that most business owners don’t understand the value of likeability, and wanted to explain how they could leverage their relationships to help business growth instead. This led her to start Executive Essentials, where she creates custom programs, uniquely tailored to each business, geared to aid in growth. Michelle has seen firsthand the value of likeability and how it directly correlates to the bottom line.
In her interview, Michelle explains why likeability and cultivating meaningful relationships are so valuable. People will pay a premium to do business with someone they like, over cheaper or better services. She highlights the importance of authenticity, and the notion that everything you do in business must be from an authentic place. In addition to sharing a few laws of likeability, Michelle also offers some tips on asking better questions that lead to more fruitful responses. Being liked and being respected are not mutually exclusive, Michelle’s information will help you achieve both and drive up business growth.
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Friday Aug 28, 2020
The Ultimate Diet Revolution - Jim Karas
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Jim Karas, of Jim Karas Personal Training, accidentally became a fitness instructor in 1986 and now has been a lifestyle expert for over 30 years. He’s authored several books, including “The Ultimate Diet Revolution,” and additionally secured his place as a well-sought after keynote speaker. Jim is a frequent contributor to shows like Dr. Oz and Good Morning America - he even was Diane Sawyer’s personal trainer and helped her lose over 25 pounds. While some may consider his approach to getting the best out of your mind and body to be controversial, he is prepared to tell you what others may not.
Coming from the business world, Jim approaches well-being as though it’s a business plan. He knows the value of an individual’s time and that they’ll have a better chance for success when they’re most efficiently allocating their resources. Jim sheds light on how we should be eating to help our metabolism function best, as well as what exercise methods will prove to be most effective given a limited amount of time. He warns of weight loss methods that don’t necessarily keep the weight off, and may actually make it harder to lose weight again. As a TV spokesperson, he knows firsthand that mainstream media can be sensationalized and not 100% accurate, listen to Jim’s interview for the truth about diet and well-being.
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Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Brandon Miller - Building Your Strengths (B1718)
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020

Brandon Miller is a CEO of 34 Strong, Prominent Vistage member, and Gallup Certified Strengthsfinder Coach. He is in the business of building enduring strengths-based interdependent organizations through developing strong people, strong partnerships, and strong teams. The Strengthsfinder assessment has been gaining popularity, especially among Fortune 500 companies. Brandon is an expert at using these results to help teams communicate more effectively and improve all around.
In his interview, Brandon connects the dots between leveraging employee’s natural strengths to increase in morale, retention, and engagement. Brandon explains how the Strengthsfinder assessment is different by focusing on what is right about people rather than what is wrong. People who are using their natural talents will become more engaged, and when this is applied to entire teams, they will enjoy a healthy boost in morale. Brandon shares measurable results as well as anecdotal evidence that prove the effectiveness of his claims. As a business leader, it’s crucial to remember that your best assets go home each night, invest some time in learning to strengthen your teams by listening to Brandon’s expertise.
- 2:25-3:30: Brandon explains Strengthsfinder and talks about how to improve engagement and collaboration by leveraging strengths.
- 12:10-13:30: How to begin to build your strengths and align strengths to help reach your goals.
- 14:17-15:22: Who is this for? Strong teams attract strong players and help retain them.
- 16:20-17:30: Stats and stories about engagement before and after the implementation of Strengthsfinder and how it relates to morale.
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Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Toby Needleman - Keys to Audacious Aging
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Toby Needleman, Vistage Speaker and Positive Psychologist, has been a Life Success Coach for over 4 decades. Toby helps people unlock their true potential and live lives full of purpose, passion, and meaning. Her expertise is in helping people grow younger and making the rest of your life the best of your life. Aging is inevitable, but a decline in the quality of your life is not, and Toby has the keys to audacious aging.
In her interview, Toby shares ways you can create a quantum leap in your health, vitality, and fulfillment. She discusses strategies for designing the life you dream of going forward, in order to live the best years you can imagine. Toby describes the extremely powerful value of imagination and its position in helping reprogram your thoughts. Our minds have a vital role in determining our future, Toby explains the science behind this and how to leverage it to help achieve your dreams. You’re never too old to start living your dream life, and your future self will thank you for listening to Toby’s interview.
- 2:11-3:12: Personal awakening that she needed to either retire or rewire - and needed help doing it.
- 4:58-5:59: With a clear mental picture of success in mind, we can beat the inaccurate notion that aging means decline.
- 6:19-7:15: Importance of the imagination and its tremendous value.
- 10:02-11:10: Thought exercise for changing your preconceived notions about aging.
- 13:30-14:38: Chemical feedback of emotions - the health benefit of having a good mood.
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Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Eileen Stephens - Taking Over and Growing Your Business
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Eileen Stephens is a Consultant at Culture Index who is an expert at assembling successful teams. She is in the business of helping business owners put together a strong team that will help them both take over their business and allow it to grow in the future. Using proven assessment tools, Eileen helps make sure people are in the right seats on the metaphorical bus. As Baby Boomers are exiting the workforce, it’s crucial we prepare the next generation to fill their seats.
In her interview, Eileen shares tips regarding business succession and the importance of making good choices regarding leadership staff. She shares relevant examples proving the wrong choice can be a costly one, as well as ways to avoid bad decisions. Eileen also talks about family members and their potential role in business succession. She shares assessment tools that will help ensure everyone is in a position that fits their skills and will help everyone thrive. Eileen’s tips could make or break your transition process, be sure to listen to her valuable knowledge.
- 8:35-9:33: It’s easy to hire someone persuasive, but making the wrong choice can be more expensive than you think.
- 10:38-11:40: Tips for getting the highest payout when you decide to sell.
- 14:34-15:24: Your child may not be the best fit for running the business - not doing anyone any favors if you put someone in a role they aren’t wired to do.
- 17:00-17:45: Most people want to do a good job and are aware of their own strengths.
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Saturday Jul 11, 2020
Bill Ross - The Fitness Puzzle
Saturday Jul 11, 2020
Saturday Jul 11, 2020
Bill Ross is a Vistage Speaker, Personal Trainer and Founder of Major League Conditioning Centers (now called Bill Ross Fitness Solutions), author of “The Fitness Puzzle,” and avid fan of hamburgers. He was one of the first strength and conditioning trainers for Major League Baseball players and knows how to get results. Bill’s personal training center focuses on individual attention and education. Bill was ahead of the curve on utilizing 30 minute workouts, and has plenty more cutting edge philosophies on nutrition, habits, and exercise to improve your fitness and well-being.
In his interview, Bill describes his tested theories on what he calls “The Fitness Puzzle.” While we have been conditioned to think of calories as the key player in fitness, there are actually many other factors involved which must remain in balance with one another. Bill explains what happens to our bodies when we exercise and why 30 minutes is the ideal amount of time. He also dispels some myths about caloric intake and explains the science of how our bodies metabolize energy. Bill shares the key to proper health and why it's more important to control how we eat rather than what we eat. With Bill’s advice, you will have the tools to unlock a lasting happy, healthy, and successful lifestyle.
- 3:42-5:02: The truth about exercise and what it does to your body.
- 6:09-7:17: Dispelling myths about calorie intake and their role in metabolism.
- 10:16-11:28: Weight regulation is not about what you eat, but how you eat.
- 17:32-18:35: The role of enzymes in digestion, and how processed foods impact this system.
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