
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
Rod Hatley - Essential Tips for Stress-Free Estate Planning
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
Back once again is Rod Hatley, of Hatley Law Group, one of the top firms in San Diego. Rod is an estate planning attorney who dealt with a 7-year probate when his father passed away. Now his passion is helping families avoid probates and courtrooms when the inevitable happens. Rod’s approach to estate planning is viewed through the lens of asset protection and he aims to help his clients make informed choices. Rod knows how stressful the transition after death can be and he hopes his clients don’t have to go through what he has.
In his interview, he discusses estate planning in reference to the current pandemic and what you should be doing now. Estate planning isn’t just about what happens after death, but also planning for the transition process if you or a loved one were hospitalized and no longer able to make decisions or conduct business. Rod describes various necessary documents for a wide range of circumstances, as well as the importance of regularly updating your existing plan. When fear takes over, logic goes out the window, so it is important to be responsible and well-informed. Estate planning will not cause your death to come more quickly, so be proactive in preventing unneeded stress and let Rod’s expertise help you.
1 minute sections:
- 6:54-7:46: Talking about the necessity of building a dynamic plan and maintaining it
- 16:20-17:23: Explaining how he puts his clients first and projecting some upcoming needs regarding estate planning
- 18:07-19:08: Starts describing his top 3 tips - explains the difference between will and trust
- 19:55-20:48: Estate planning doesn’t make you die any more quickly, but instead is the responsible choice to leave your family in a better position
We've built a special collection of 20 minute interviews from members of Provisors and Vistage speakers. To see the directory and choose an interview visit ExitCoachRadio.com
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Friday Dec 18, 2020
Andrew Bennett - Transformational Leadership (E0217)
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Andrew Bennett believes a business's ability to thrive flows from its leaders. Leaders create the conditions for people to access their potential. Through consulting, coaching, speaking, training, and writing Andrew helps leaders create workplaces that unlock the power of the human mind and spirit. Today he’ll be talking about Transformational Leadership.

Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Nat Read - How Your Company Can Prepare for a Natural Disaster (K1017)
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Nat Read is the principal at Read Communications, which provides counsel on government relations and crisis management. More information can be found at www.natread.com.
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Saturday Dec 12, 2020
Nina Stillman - Estate Planning for Business Owners
Saturday Dec 12, 2020
Saturday Dec 12, 2020
Nina Stillman is an estate planning attorney, Provisors member, as well as CEO and Owner of The Stillman Law Group. Nina helps business owners keep the promises they make about taking care of their families using estate planning and business law. Being raised by an entrepreneurial father, Nina got her MBA at the dinner table and has unique insight into the business aspect of estate planning. Many business owners tend to forget that the business is a part of their estate, and leaving this out can cause a nightmare for your family.
In her interview, Nina discusses why you should take some simple steps now in order to avoid disaster down the line. The emotional toll of losing a family member can be dramatically amplified by not having a plan worked out. Nina shares some insider tips for ensuring your assets are distributed with growth in mind. Without careful consideration, you may inadvertently leave your loved ones with a mountain of taxes or other responsibility they may not be prepared for. Estate planning is an inevitable fact of life, take the time to be informed and use Nina’s expertise to your advantage.
- 7:15-8:27: Talks about necessity of estate planning early along with what considerations to make.
- 13:44-14:47: Emotional toll of losing a family member can be amplified by not knowing what to do with the business.
- 15:19-16:35: All assets are not equal - careful planning and distribution is essential.
We've built a special collection of 20 minute interviews from members of Provisors and Vistage speakers. To see the directory and choose an interview visit ExitCoachRadio.com
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Saturday Dec 05, 2020
Lisa Walker - Getting Your Business to Run Without You (E0317)
Saturday Dec 05, 2020
Saturday Dec 05, 2020

Lisa Walker is an executive and business coach with ActionCoach.
Questions Answered:
1) What challenges do you typically work on with a business owner on?
2) What are the keys to getting my business to run without me?
3) What areas of the business are key for systemization?
Contact Info:
Website: www.actioncoach.com/lisawalker
Email: lisawalker@actioncoach.com

Friday Dec 04, 2020
Mikki Williams - Pivoting During COVID-19
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Download a PDF Transcript of this interview: Click here
Our next guest, Mikki Williams, is a self-proclaimed “sequin in a world of khaki,” a transformational storyteller, and has a lengthy list of esteemed achievements. Mikki is a Hall of Fame and TedX Speaker, Master Chair for 2 Vistage Advisory Boards, listed as one of the best speakers in the country by Meeting and Convention Magazine, noted by Forbes as one of the most sought-after executive speech coaches, serial entrepreneur, and has spoken on every continent except Antarctica. In this time of change, Mikki has been re-energized by the opportunity to pivot her business model. During these rare circumstances that forced her to pause and think about the future, Mikki asks us to do the same.
In her interview, Mikki suggests taking a step back and looking at your business to find what you already have that is relevant now and may not have worked before. It is crucial to identify what today’s situation has done to magnify previously untapped opportunities. She shares the importance of identifying your mentors and truly learning from them. As a professional storyteller, Mikki also has some indispensable tips for improving your virtual presentation techniques. You do not want to miss this conversation with Mikki.
We've built a special collection of 20 minute interviews from members of Provisors and Vistage speakers. To see the directory and choose an interview visit ExitCoachRadio.com
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Monday Nov 23, 2020
Jeremy Lurey - Strategies for Building Your High Performing Virtual Team
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Back with us again is Jeremy Lurey of Chief Exec Coach and Family Legacy First. He aims to increase job satisfaction and personal fulfillment in companies, and make a difference in businesses that make a difference. He got a jump start on building successful virtual teams after an earthquake in 1994 rendered many employees’ commutes impossible. Jeremy has found that ultimately, our virtual teams are still just teams, but they require more structured processes and increased dependence on technology.
During this time of reinvention, Jeremy’s knowledge is invaluable for those trying to navigate the virtual environment. He shares ideas on inspiring productivity and high performance from afar. Jeremy also expresses the importance of flexibility and understanding during this time where everyone is adapting to drastic change. As virtual workplaces quickly become the norm, it is essential to adapt, don’t miss out on Jeremy’s methods for doing so with success.
We've built a special collection of 20 minute interviews from members of @Provisors and @Vistage speakers. To see the directory and choose an interview visit ExitCoachRadio.com
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Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Leisa Reid - The Key to Mastering Your Mind in Business
Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Leisa Reid, Trainer and Speaker at Productive Learning, is in the business of personal and professional development through mind mastery. In her darkest place, Leisa took a workshop through Productive Learning and it turned her life around, eventually she started working for them to help others do the same. When faced with unknown circumstances, such as the current pandemic, we all have natural reactionary tendencies that can cause us to be less productive than we could be. Leisa is an expert on overcoming these obstacles and helping people harness the power of their own mind.
In her interview, Leisa discusses how thoughts lead to results and explains the significance of meta-cognition. Specifically, she shares a model for how we can take control over our thoughts with self-inquiry in order to garner the results we desire. Leisa also expands on the fear responses of fight or flight, to include freezing and fainting as well. By slowing down and becoming aware of how you respond to a crisis, you can catch yourself in these thoughts, overcome, and ultimately become more productive. Lisa also offers some free tools to our listeners for their own mind mastery journey. Wherever you go, your mind goes with you, so don’t miss out on Leisa’s indispensable, extremely relevant information on mastering your mind.
- 5:12-6:12: “Thoughts lead to feelings, lead to actions, leads to results.”
- 6:56-7:55: The root of worry and importance of slowing down and controlling your own thoughts.
- 9:02-10:08: Fight, flight, freeze, or faint - different ways of coping with fear and your awareness of your own response.
- 16:27-17:35: Your mind always has a goal, but sometimes your unconscious mind can prevail and get in the way by fulfilling its own goals.

Saturday Oct 24, 2020
Kathleen McEntee - Reach Your Target Markets
Saturday Oct 24, 2020
Saturday Oct 24, 2020
Here with us once again is marketing expert Kathleen McEntee. After spending over 25 years in sales, she shifted to marketing with the goal of helping privately held companies up their game. Her specialty is in brand development and creating hand-tailored messaging that reaches their target market. During the current crisis, Kathleen’s expertise is especially beneficial.
In her interview, Kathleen talks about the way messaging has been shifting and new trends emerging during the pandemic. She also sheds light on the importance of communication, both with customers and employees. The means of communication should match the demographic you’re trying to reach, and attention to this factor can make a campaign more or less successful. It can be difficult to decide how to approach a marketing campaign during a time of crisis, but Kathleen’s knowledge provides much-needed clarity.
We've built a special collection of 20 minute interviews from members of @Provisors and @Vistage speakers. To see the directory and choose an interview visit ExitCoachRadio.com
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Friday Oct 23, 2020
John Dini - The Missing Factor in Exit Planning (K0717)
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
A new 15 minute online tool for business owners and their advisors to discuss preparedness for exit.

Saturday Oct 17, 2020
Patrick Renvoise - How to Show up Brilliantly to Zoom Meetings
Saturday Oct 17, 2020
Saturday Oct 17, 2020
Back with us once again is Vistage member Patrick Renvoise, Chief Neuromarketing Officer and Co-Founder of SalesBrain. Normally, Patrick is traveling the globe teaching people about how the brains of customers work, and he has trained over 200,000 executives to be more persuasive. Lately, however, he has had plenty of time to think about how the science of human persuasion is relevant in the evergrowing virtual world. The effectiveness of remote selling has not yet been proven, and Patrick’s research is revealing that virtual encounters can be a severely limited form of communication.
To many people, Zoom is brand new, and we have not yet mastered the art of capturing our audience’s attention within this medium. Due to the way our brains process information, Patrick suggests a few unique communication rules when using platforms such as Zoom. The human brain isn’t used to digital lag, and even in the best conditions, video conferences can cause our attentiveness to drop rapidly. Zoom calls require powerful visuals and carefully structured variation in events in order to be most effective. In his ubiquitously relevant interview, Patrick explains how to strengthen your video conference tool kit in order to keep an audiences’ attention in a virtual space.
We've built a special collection of 20 minute interviews from members of Provisors and Vistage speakers. To see the directory and choose an interview visit ExitCoachRadio.com
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Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Don Rheem - Thrive by Design
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Get your notebook ready for this one, Don Rheem, CEO of E3 Solutions, is in the business of increasing workplace engagement through a science-based approach. Don is a nationally recognized TedX Speaker, former White House Correspondent, and Science Advisor to Congress. He is also the author of “Thrive by Design: The Neuroscience That Drives High Performance Cultures.” Don started E3 Solutions 12 years ago and his methods have proven to boost engagement, which results in higher productivity, profitability, and retention.
In his interview, Don emphasizes the importance of understanding how employees feel at the workplace, as this is the true mark of a company’s culture. Don comments on the importance of graciousness in the time of Covid, as memories made in fear will last a lifetime and retention may be dependent on thoughtfulness. He shares ways to create "emotional velcro" and discusses why compensation doesn't necessarily correlate with engagement. Don's insight is critical to building a more engaged and productive team, do not miss this fascinating conversation relevant to all.
- 3:24-4:34: We know the conditions which make brain function thrive, we need to design our workplace around this.
- 6:32-7:48: “What does it feel like to work here?” - That is your true work culture.
- 9:27-10:35: Compensation does not necessarily correlate with performance.
- 15:08-16:15: Factors that correlate with engagement and how the brain behaves.
- 17:01-18:07: Specific considerations regarding productivity and metabolic capacity during times of crisis.
We've built a special collection of 20 minute interviews from members of Provisors and Vistage speakers. To see the directory and choose an interview visit ExitCoachRadio.com
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Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Richard Lau, named “Domainer of the Year” in 2004, is the Founder of Logo.com, Resume.com, and NamesCon. He is in the business of building well-structured software companies which turn a profit. A business sale is not just dependent on good ideas, but good execution as well. Richard has generated millions of dollars of revenue in the domain industry and knows the value of starting with the end in mind.
In his interview, Richard explains why you need to start your business with a future exit in mind. A buyer will scrutinize every detail of the business, so it is critical that you don’t take any shortcuts and do your due diligence along the way. Richard shares some strategies he’s used in the past as well as things to avoid when considering this aspect of planning. He also discusses some of the metrics of a successful exit strategy that go beyond just a high valuation. Richard’s insight is valuable to anyone hoping to smooth out their exit planning process.
- 8:49-9:52: Why you need to set up your company with a future exit in mind.
- 11:04-12:12: Necessity of not taking shortcuts and doing your due diligence along the way.
- 14:09-15:28: Some of Richard’s various experiences selling businesses.
- 18:22-19:44: A successful exit isn’t just measured by earnings of sale.
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Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Kathy Dawson - Making a Difference One Job at a Time
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Kathy Dawson, esteemed Provisors member and CEO of Dawson & Dawson, is passionate about getting people into the right job and is a sought after talent broker. She’s been in the Search and Staffing industry for over 35 years and is a Certified Staffing Professional. In 2008, Kathy started her company in order to create a one-stop shop for employment service. Kathy has helped thousands of business owners hire the right employee at the right time, and aims to make a difference in people’s lives one job at a time.
In her interview, Kathy shares valuable information for both business owners and individuals. She discusses some new practices coming to life due to Covid regulations, as well as potent insight regarding the economic outlook from her industry-agnostic perspective. Kathy explains why it is essential to see people as individuals with unique skills in order to find their best fitting job. Impactful hiring can and should be mutually beneficial, and a positive attitude goes a long way. Kathy’s giving spirit and deep wisdom on this subject cannot be missed.
- 5:29-6:36: Many people become entrepreneurs by identifying a need and starting a business which addresses said need - this is how Kathy started Dawson & Dawson.
- 10:47-11:57: New programs and job placement related to new Covid practices.
- 13:17-14:16: Status of the current economic outlook and unemployment statistics.
- 16:21-17:36: Valuable wisdom for entrepreneurs from Kathy’s 30+ years of experience.
- 18:31-19:30: 10% of Kathy’s business’ budget goes to people who need help without a fee.
We've built a special collection of 20 minute interviews from members of Provisors and Vistage speakers. To see the directory and choose an interview visit ExitCoachRadio.com
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Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Leslie Groene - Strategies for Navigating Sales During Crisis
Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Leslie Groene, President of Groene Consulting, is a Sales Coaching Consultant who provides the tools needed to enhance sales team skills and effectiveness. She serves as an industry agnostic, outsourced sales manager and trainer and has worked with many big companies. Leslie is extremely passionate about helping others create organic revenue growth. She has valuable information on how salespeople can and should continue despite the larger crisis.
In her interview, Leslie discusses why it is essential to understand the needs of your client. She also highlights the importance of knowing the long term value of your customers rather than just being focused on a one-time sell. Leslie suggests we now must shift from being sales representatives, to being resources for our client in order to help them remain in business through these challenging times. People need to feel understood before they will listen to you, and everyone has been impacted differently - intentional empathy is critical right now. Leslie’s tips are extremely useful to anyone trying to understand how to communicate during the ongoing crisis.
- 3:12-4:31: Long-term relationship selling by thoroughly understanding your client.
- 6:21-7:32: Speaks about strategies to use in this uncertain time of crisis and keeping focus on the clients.
- 9:59-11:10: Take the approach of finding your clients’ needs and find where you can help.
- 11:30-12:37: Identify what you can bring to the table to help your client remain in business, and other different things you can do now.
- 17:24-18:22: Identify your perfect client, consider your new prospects, and keep your existing clients.
We've built a special collection of 20 minute interviews from members of Provisors and Vistage speakers. To see the directory and choose an interview visit ExitCoachRadio.com
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Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Harley Bjelland - Have You Made Illegal Promises to Key Employees? (E1118)
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Harley Bjelland of www.TheErisaLawFirm.com is an experienced ERISA attorney. He shares some examples of Executive Compensation practices that he sees regularly that may be illegal under current IRS Section 409A and strategies to retain and reward key employees.

Monday Oct 05, 2020
Nicole Nuzzo - Family Law Resources During COVID
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Nicole Nuzzo, Attorney at Bremer Whyte Brown & O’Meara, joins us today with insight on how family law has been affected by COVID. Nicole is a certified family law specialist and has been named one of the top 10 attorneys in California by the American Institute of Legal Counsel. She believes in open, honest communication, and engages in assertive, thoughtful, and compassionate representation. Times are changing rapidly, but Nicole is still finding ways to help families find creative solutions to settle.
Nicole shares extremely valuable resources to anyone struggling to deal with settlement or support amid this crisis. While the world has, in some ways, stopped entirely, domestic disputes have not, and still need to be addressed. Despite courtroom shutdowns, Nicole details various alternatives to reach a settlement - and likely save you money in legal fees as well. Courts may be far from reopening, but filing a motion may prove valuable in terms of retroactivity. If your life is unraveling due to a family law related dispute, it can be especially confusing and daunting during a pandemic, but Nicole’s resources and expertise will provide some much-needed guidance.
- 5:43-6:48: Discusses some of her core beliefs, including exploring mediation before litigation.
- 7:49-8:52: How the COVID shutdown is affecting court-ordered support.
- 12:52-13:46: Discusses her COVID resource page full of FAQs regarding family law.
We've built a special collection of 20 minute interviews from members of Provisors and Vistage speakers. To see the directory and choose an interview visit ExitCoachRadio.com
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Monday Sep 28, 2020
Ken Queen - Income for Baby Boomers
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Ken Queen hosts the popular podcast "Income for Baby Boomers" on iTunes. In this interview he discusses how Baby Boomers can develop income and the concept of "Riches and Niches".
At ExitCoachRadio.com, we upload new interviews and tips every day! Share this episode with your friends and be sure to check out our episodes on iTunes!
Bill Black, Host of the Exit Coach Radio Show, is a Certified Exit Planner and President of Exit & Retirement Strategies, Inc, a planning firm that develops written Exit and Succession plans for Business Owners so they are remembered for their planning (instead of their lack of planning). He can be reached at (866) 370-3774.

Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Dierdre Maloney - Building Bliss (G2017)
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Dierdre Maloney, President of Momentum, LLC., is a “bliss-builder” who helps people live a more authentically happy and successful life. She has a storied background and is also a published author and national speaker. Dierdre’s approach is largely based on what she calls mildly audacious leadership, and she shares leadership lessons that people don’t usually talk about. She knows from experience that being a leader can get lonely, and it is important to develop ways to thrive in all aspects of life.
In her interview, Dierdre discusses the necessity of authenticity. Authentic living means more easily connecting with others, being very comfortable with yourself, and being aware of your own limitations. Dierdre speaks of the importance of having a trusted circle of people for meaningful feedback, and also identifying leaders you admire to model yourself after their example. Striving to be someone that others aim to model themselves after can help you and your business thrive. Listen to Dierdre’s expertise to jump start your well-being.
- 3:56-4:51: Be willing to be who you are and say what others won’t say, it is refreshing to others.
- 6:22-7:12: The correlation between living authentically and success.
- 14:19-15:19: Talks about the importance of making sure employees feel heard in a company.
We've built a special collection of 20 minute interviews from members of Provisors and Vistage speakers. To see the directory and choose an interview visit ExitCoachRadio.com
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Friday Sep 18, 2020
Hattye Knight - Against Company Policy (K2917)
Friday Sep 18, 2020
Friday Sep 18, 2020
Hattye Knight, is a Human Resources professional, published author of Against Company Policy, a HR suspense novel, speaker, radio show host, and trainer. She is going to speak today about an employee relations issue on conducting a fact finding investigation.
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Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Michelle Tillis Lederman - How Relationships Drive Business Growth
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Saturday Sep 05, 2020

Michelle Tillis Lederman, CEO and Founder of Executive Essentials, is a Communications and Likeability expert. Formerly managing business loan allocations, Michelle realized that most business owners don’t understand the value of likeability, and wanted to explain how they could leverage their relationships to help business growth instead. This led her to start Executive Essentials, where she creates custom programs, uniquely tailored to each business, geared to aid in growth. Michelle has seen firsthand the value of likeability and how it directly correlates to the bottom line.
In her interview, Michelle explains why likeability and cultivating meaningful relationships are so valuable. People will pay a premium to do business with someone they like, over cheaper or better services. She highlights the importance of authenticity, and the notion that everything you do in business must be from an authentic place. In addition to sharing a few laws of likeability, Michelle also offers some tips on asking better questions that lead to more fruitful responses. Being liked and being respected are not mutually exclusive, Michelle’s information will help you achieve both and drive up business growth.
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Friday Aug 28, 2020
The Ultimate Diet Revolution - Jim Karas
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Jim Karas, of Jim Karas Personal Training, accidentally became a fitness instructor in 1986 and now has been a lifestyle expert for over 30 years. He’s authored several books, including “The Ultimate Diet Revolution,” and additionally secured his place as a well-sought after keynote speaker. Jim is a frequent contributor to shows like Dr. Oz and Good Morning America - he even was Diane Sawyer’s personal trainer and helped her lose over 25 pounds. While some may consider his approach to getting the best out of your mind and body to be controversial, he is prepared to tell you what others may not.
Coming from the business world, Jim approaches well-being as though it’s a business plan. He knows the value of an individual’s time and that they’ll have a better chance for success when they’re most efficiently allocating their resources. Jim sheds light on how we should be eating to help our metabolism function best, as well as what exercise methods will prove to be most effective given a limited amount of time. He warns of weight loss methods that don’t necessarily keep the weight off, and may actually make it harder to lose weight again. As a TV spokesperson, he knows firsthand that mainstream media can be sensationalized and not 100% accurate, listen to Jim’s interview for the truth about diet and well-being.
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Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Brandon Miller - Building Your Strengths (B1718)
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020

Brandon Miller is a CEO of 34 Strong, Prominent Vistage member, and Gallup Certified Strengthsfinder Coach. He is in the business of building enduring strengths-based interdependent organizations through developing strong people, strong partnerships, and strong teams. The Strengthsfinder assessment has been gaining popularity, especially among Fortune 500 companies. Brandon is an expert at using these results to help teams communicate more effectively and improve all around.
In his interview, Brandon connects the dots between leveraging employee’s natural strengths to increase in morale, retention, and engagement. Brandon explains how the Strengthsfinder assessment is different by focusing on what is right about people rather than what is wrong. People who are using their natural talents will become more engaged, and when this is applied to entire teams, they will enjoy a healthy boost in morale. Brandon shares measurable results as well as anecdotal evidence that prove the effectiveness of his claims. As a business leader, it’s crucial to remember that your best assets go home each night, invest some time in learning to strengthen your teams by listening to Brandon’s expertise.
- 2:25-3:30: Brandon explains Strengthsfinder and talks about how to improve engagement and collaboration by leveraging strengths.
- 12:10-13:30: How to begin to build your strengths and align strengths to help reach your goals.
- 14:17-15:22: Who is this for? Strong teams attract strong players and help retain them.
- 16:20-17:30: Stats and stories about engagement before and after the implementation of Strengthsfinder and how it relates to morale.
We've built a special collection of 20 minute interviews from members of Provisors and Vistage speakers. To see the directory and choose an interview visit ExitCoachRadio.com
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Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Toby Needleman - Keys to Audacious Aging
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Toby Needleman, Vistage Speaker and Positive Psychologist, has been a Life Success Coach for over 4 decades. Toby helps people unlock their true potential and live lives full of purpose, passion, and meaning. Her expertise is in helping people grow younger and making the rest of your life the best of your life. Aging is inevitable, but a decline in the quality of your life is not, and Toby has the keys to audacious aging.
In her interview, Toby shares ways you can create a quantum leap in your health, vitality, and fulfillment. She discusses strategies for designing the life you dream of going forward, in order to live the best years you can imagine. Toby describes the extremely powerful value of imagination and its position in helping reprogram your thoughts. Our minds have a vital role in determining our future, Toby explains the science behind this and how to leverage it to help achieve your dreams. You’re never too old to start living your dream life, and your future self will thank you for listening to Toby’s interview.
- 2:11-3:12: Personal awakening that she needed to either retire or rewire - and needed help doing it.
- 4:58-5:59: With a clear mental picture of success in mind, we can beat the inaccurate notion that aging means decline.
- 6:19-7:15: Importance of the imagination and its tremendous value.
- 10:02-11:10: Thought exercise for changing your preconceived notions about aging.
- 13:30-14:38: Chemical feedback of emotions - the health benefit of having a good mood.
We've built a special collection of 20 minute interviews from members of Provisors and Vistage speakers. To see the directory and choose an interview visit ExitCoachRadio.com
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Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Today we have two guests from Family Business Performance Center, Pete Walsh and Marc Ottestad. Marc has been working primarily in the Christian leadership development space and is a prominent Convene member. Before moving into coaching, Pete had dealt with a lot of firsthand pain and frustration working in a 90 year old family business. They both seek to smooth out the tender familial relationships and lead families to lasting peace and prosperity.
In their interview, Marc and Pete discuss some of the strategies they use when coaching. Their model is based on intentional practice and rehearsal, citing the NFL as an inspiration. They discuss the importance of having an objective voice in the room when dealing with issues within a family. At the end of the day, we all want to have success in our home and business lives, and if these two areas intersect, be sure to tune into Marc and Pete’s expertise.

Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
Vince Mastrovito - Evaluating Business Expenses
Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
Back with us once again is Vince Mastrovito, Exit Planner at Prometis Partners. Vince is a serious succession planner: he’s a certified business exit consultant, CBEC, a certified exit planning advisor, CEPA, a certified value builder, CVB, a certified disc plus coach CDVC, and 2019 Member of the Year at the Exit Planner Institute. He brings enthusiasm to finding creative solutions for each of his clients and helps them understand and identify what their value is to move them forward. Vince offers some ways to increase business valuation by lowering your bottom line.
In his interview, Vince discusses the importance of evaluating your business expenses, especially during COVID. He outlines some areas that may seem small but can add up to big savings on your bottom line. Vince also discusses why it is crucial to separate business expenses from personal expenses. He also suggests getting your debt taken care of well before planning an exit, as it can prolong the succession process. Lessening your expenses and debt can make the transition out of your business easier, so don’t miss out on Vince’s valuable insight.
- 4:59-5:57: How you can generally cut down on overhead costs by examining small-medium sized day-to-day expenses.
- 6:26-7:26: COVID and cash burn rate in relation to profits and losses.
- 9:03-10:05: Evaluating technology tools and productivity.
- 15:36-16:31: How overuse of discretionary expenses can bring the value of your business down.
- 17:10-18:12: Business owners need to distinguish between business expenses and personal expenses.
We've built a special collection of 20 minute interviews from members of Provisors and Vistage speakers. To see the directory and choose an interview visit ExitCoachRadio.com
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Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Paul Wirth - How to Inspire Client Loyalty
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Paul Wirth, Founder and Chief Facilitator at CEO Axxess, is in the business of helping companies create clients for life. Originally trained to facilitate CEO round tables, he now has over 35 years of experience, from working with start-ups to Fortune 500 companies, and so much more. 68% of clients will leave due to indifference, and it costs 6-7x more to get a new customer than it does to retain an existing one. These statistics can be daunting, but Paul has crucial strategies for keeping your clients on board.
In his interview, Paul discusses the client experience and how it relates to their retention. While technology can aid, creating a unique experience for customers is key to get them to keep coming back. Paul explains the EOS Software and how it can contribute to customer loyalty and he also shares practical examples of companies that do this right. Paul also dives into the importance of being a part of Mastermind Groups and how they contribute to heightened success. In our time of commodity-based economy, it is crucial to cultivate a unique customer experience, and Paul’s knowledge will help you do just that.
- 4:06-5:05: An overview of EOS and what it can do.
- 7:09-8:23: Why it’s so important today to create client loyalty.
- 10:35-11:39: Technology can help, but creating an experience is key.
- 13:50-14:56: The important role of Mastermind Groups.
- 19:43-20:55: How CEO Axxess helps businesses develop by forming Mastermind Groups.
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Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Landon Yoshida - The Planning Everyone Needs
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Click here to read this episode's transcript.
Landon Yoshida, Principal and VP of Wealth Management at Apriem Advisors, believes in serving first and selling second. Apriem has been named on Financial Times FT 300 list for the past two years. They attribute much of their firm’s success to the firm’s dedication to customer service, focusing on retiring industrial workers in Southern California. Landon used to work at a larger firm but sought instead to work in a setting in which he could really get to know his clients and their needs.
In his interview, Landon discusses reasons why a solid relationship with your wealth manager and other advisors is crucial. He talks a bit about what led him to Apriem and why it is more fulfilling for both client and advisor. Landon also sheds light on what it takes to make a successful retirement plan. In a time full of insufficient, impersonal automated services, hands on customer service from people like Landon is essential.
- 5:50-6:54: Cold calling vs. establishing a relationship - serve first, sell second.
- 10:48-11:56: Can you actually retire nowadays or will you have to get another job?
- 14:09-15:18: How to make the plan actually work and how it engages the next generation.
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Monday Jul 20, 2020
Julia Wuench - Career Coaching and Connections
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020
To Read This Episode's Transcript: Click Here
Julia Wuench, Founder of The Authenticity Guide, and Contributor to Forbes, is passionate about helping her clients find more fulfillment in their work life. She does this by introducing more human connections, both externally and introspectively. The Authenticity Guide is a career coaching firm that specializes in problem-solving in the business world. Julia focuses on a more human-centered approach, utilizing tools like connection, communication, and collaboration.
In her interview, Julia discusses the extreme value of human connection. She related this to the current COVID crisis and how you can improve your connection, both to others and yourself. Julia shares some ways she’s helped people pivot their careers to a passion they can monetize, regardless of age. She shares valuable advice for anyone who is unhappy with their work-life, as well as a generous offer for our listeners. Do yourself a favor and listen to Julia’s advice on how to boost your connection and fulfillment.
- 3:47-5:00: The significance of human connection in the business world.
- 5:44-7:02: COVID and its effect on connections - why we must be intentional.
- 7:51-8:46: How to connect during COVID time whether you are thriving or struggling.
- 10:49-11:30: Career changes late in the game, you can monetize your passion.
- 13:30-14:39: Two pieces of advice for anyone who is unhappy with their work life.
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Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Eileen Stephens - Taking Over and Growing Your Business
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Eileen Stephens is a Consultant at Culture Index who is an expert at assembling successful teams. She is in the business of helping business owners put together a strong team that will help them both take over their business and allow it to grow in the future. Using proven assessment tools, Eileen helps make sure people are in the right seats on the metaphorical bus. As Baby Boomers are exiting the workforce, it’s crucial we prepare the next generation to fill their seats.
In her interview, Eileen shares tips regarding business succession and the importance of making good choices regarding leadership staff. She shares relevant examples proving the wrong choice can be a costly one, as well as ways to avoid bad decisions. Eileen also talks about family members and their potential role in business succession. She shares assessment tools that will help ensure everyone is in a position that fits their skills and will help everyone thrive. Eileen’s tips could make or break your transition process, be sure to listen to her valuable knowledge.
- 8:35-9:33: It’s easy to hire someone persuasive, but making the wrong choice can be more expensive than you think.
- 10:38-11:40: Tips for getting the highest payout when you decide to sell.
- 14:34-15:24: Your child may not be the best fit for running the business - not doing anyone any favors if you put someone in a role they aren’t wired to do.
- 17:00-17:45: Most people want to do a good job and are aware of their own strengths.
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Friday Jul 17, 2020
Peter Tentler - Is a Reverse Mortgage Right For You?
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Friday Jul 17, 2020
To Read This Episode's Transcript: Click Here
Back with us again is Peter Tentler, Certified Reverse Mortgage Professional and Owner of Independence Reverse Mortgage Solutions. Many of his clients introduce him as "The Financial Locksmith®" because he can unlock the equity in your home and help secure your financial future. While reverse mortgages may have a negative stigma, Pete knows this isn’t true. He’s been helping people unlock their wealth since 1994 and carefully listens to each client’s individual needs in order to best assist them.
In his interview, Pete gives a comprehensive overview of when a reverse mortgage might be the right solution for you. He dispels some myths regarding reverse mortgages and explains why it may be the first time you get excited about higher interest rates. Pete talks in detail about credit line growth rates associated with reverse mortgages. He also shares some case studies where reverse mortgages overwhelmingly helped families. In a time where the market is down but you still may need to leverage your liquid assets, understanding this tool is both relevant and powerful. Be sure to tune into Pete’s interview.
- 3:06-4:05: Some of the biggest myths in reverse mortgages.
- 6:48-7:54: Features of reverse mortgages and their relevance in Covid times.
- 13:01-14:11: “The Sandwich Generation,” and when you should consider a reverse mortgage.
- 16:25-17:35: A case study of a couple wanting to downsize while still having a large mortgage.
- 20:22-21:39: Anecdote explaining to an attorney how reverse mortgages can save people’s livelihood.
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Thursday Jul 16, 2020
David Greco - Protecting Your Business and Family From Probate
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
To Read This Episode's Transcript: Click Here
David Greco, Attorney at RMO, LLP., and Provisors member, is an expert in the realm of trust and estate litigation. Specifically, David focuses on helping business owners protect their business in the event of a tragedy before they retire or sell. A knowledgeable expert in this field is essential to ensuring you, your family, and your business are well-prepared. David has useful strategies for avoiding courtrooms, especially during the extreme backlog of hearings due to the Covid shutdown.
In his interview, David goes over a variety of proactive measures that can help you avoid probate and protect your loved ones. He explains why probate can be costly and extremely emotionally taxing, offering alternatives for both before or after catastrophe strikes. He shares the documents that you should absolutely have in place and keep updated in order to prevent a litigation nightmare. David also debunks why you shouldn’t simply use a template and should always opt for professional guidance. Do yourself and your loved ones a favor and learn from David’s expertise.
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Saturday Jul 11, 2020
Bill Ross - The Fitness Puzzle
Saturday Jul 11, 2020
Saturday Jul 11, 2020
Bill Ross is a Vistage Speaker, Personal Trainer and Founder of Major League Conditioning Centers (now called Bill Ross Fitness Solutions), author of “The Fitness Puzzle,” and avid fan of hamburgers. He was one of the first strength and conditioning trainers for Major League Baseball players and knows how to get results. Bill’s personal training center focuses on individual attention and education. Bill was ahead of the curve on utilizing 30 minute workouts, and has plenty more cutting edge philosophies on nutrition, habits, and exercise to improve your fitness and well-being.
In his interview, Bill describes his tested theories on what he calls “The Fitness Puzzle.” While we have been conditioned to think of calories as the key player in fitness, there are actually many other factors involved which must remain in balance with one another. Bill explains what happens to our bodies when we exercise and why 30 minutes is the ideal amount of time. He also dispels some myths about caloric intake and explains the science of how our bodies metabolize energy. Bill shares the key to proper health and why it's more important to control how we eat rather than what we eat. With Bill’s advice, you will have the tools to unlock a lasting happy, healthy, and successful lifestyle.
- 3:42-5:02: The truth about exercise and what it does to your body.
- 6:09-7:17: Dispelling myths about calorie intake and their role in metabolism.
- 10:16-11:28: Weight regulation is not about what you eat, but how you eat.
- 17:32-18:35: The role of enzymes in digestion, and how processed foods impact this system.
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Friday Jul 03, 2020
Loreen Gilbert - WealthWise Financial Services
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Loreen Gilbert, Provisors member and CEO of WealthWise Financial Services, is in the business of wealth management and financial planning. Forbes recently named her one of the Top 1000 Female Advisors of 2020. Loreen’s focus has been working with business owners, key executives, and women, finding ways to help them with income and estate tax mitigation. She started her firm almost 25 years ago and has ambitious visions for her company of expanding through acquisition and merging wealth management practices.
In her interview, Loreen explains the importance of building a collaborative, cross-disciplinary team to manage your wealth. While her firm focuses on financial planning, she has the resources to connect her clients to the additional resources needed and aims to expand into an all-encompassing financial service firm. She shares some insight into the global market right now and has some much-needed guidance to offer investors. Loreen’s expertise is not to be missed.
- 3:18-4:35: Status of the market and what investors should be looking at now.
- 12:08-13:05: 10 year goals for WealthWise and financial service industry.
- 14:09-15:01: Importance of building a collaborative team spanning across various disciplines.
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Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Eric Seropyan - Essentials of Search Engine Optimization
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Eric Seropyan, President of This is My South Bay, is an SEO expert at his digital marketing agency. Eric also teaches part-time at Orange County Search Engine Optimization Academy. By taking advantage of Google’s algorithms, you can get free traffic to your website. Eric knows that this traffic can be a game changer for small businesses.
In his interview, Eric gives an overview on search engine optimization and why you need to consider it. Without proper SEO, it will be extremely difficult to have a successful online presence. In the increasingly digital age, this aspect of your business is absolutely worth spending some time, money, and effort. Eric shares some tips for getting the attention of both your clients and Google’s algorithms in order to boost your search ranking. The next level of marketing will be marked by the ability to drive people to take digital action, so be sure to get ahead of the curve and listen to Eric’s knowledge.
- 2:02-2:56: What is Search Engine Optimization and why is it important?
- 3:30-4:34: Discusses metrics which Google uses in Search Engine Optimization.
- 7:07-8:13: Optimization requires getting the attention of both Google and the person clicking to your site.
- 14:18-15:16: The next iteration of marketing is driving people to take digital action.
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Saturday Jun 27, 2020
Ben Krueger - Fundamental Principles of Podcasting
Saturday Jun 27, 2020
Saturday Jun 27, 2020
Ben Krueger, Founder of Cashflow Podcasting, is a podcast educator who helps people develop their own podcasts. After an internship, Ben took over production on the company’s podcast and eventually found himself helping others start their own. This marked the start of his company, Cashflow Podcasting, where he helps topic experts with the processes which enable a successful podcast. Ben knows the value of a podcast for maintaining a strong network of relationships.
In his interview, Ben explains why now is a great time to start a podcast and shares an overview of the fundamental principles of podcasting. He discusses why podcasts can become an important branch of your marketing department. Ben shares tips on how to be a successful podcast host regarding mindset and intention, as well as the recent transformation of the state of the world for notorious speakers and why they should turn to podcasts. He also explains why podcasting can help build trust within your network and how this eventually translates to increased business. In a time where the digital space is becoming potentially even more important than the public space, be sure to educate yourself on this fascinating area of communication and use Ben’s wisdom to your advantage.
- 7:25-8:42: Why now is a great time to start a podcast.
- 9:42-10:43: People may not start a podcast because they want to do it right.
- 12:43-13:54: The value of having the proper mindset when starting a podcast and how you can attain said mindset.
- 17:28-18:32: Why you should definitely start a podcast even if there are already shows on your chosen topic.
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Friday Jun 26, 2020
Ryan Skinner - Life insurance and Annuities in Exit Planning
Friday Jun 26, 2020
Friday Jun 26, 2020
Ryan Skinner, Founder and Co-Owner of Summit Financial Partners, is in the business of dedicated retirement consulting. Ryan also is the author of best-seller “Taking Stock.” He took an early interest in the stock market and sought to help people find financial security. Ryan eventually decided retirement planning was his passion and he now helps ensure families can protect their wealth and live comfortably when retired.
In his interview, Ryan shares a variety of reasons why business owners can benefit from using insurance policies. There are so many different types of insurance policies, and it is crucial to use a competent professional who can build a plan that best fits your needs. Careful planning can protect and create a legacy for your loved ones. Ryan truly puts people first in his work, tune into his expertise for an overview on how insurance can impact exit planning.
- 7:53-9:01: Comments on the many reasons why business owners should use insurance policies.
- 12:34-13:22: People who fail to plan are planning to fail - importance of estate planning.
- 15:18-16:33: Using life insurance to plan a legacy for your loved ones.
- 16:50-17:45: Discussing his book “Taking Stock: Protect Your Wealth and Create Reliable Income for a Happy and Secure Retirement”
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Monday Jun 15, 2020
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Alison Gokal, of Gokal Law Group, Inc. is a Personal Injury and Trust Litigation Attorney and Provisors member. She is a self-proclaimed warrior for the injured and wronged, seeking to bring justice through litigation. After experiencing trauma caused by a manufacturer’s negligence as a child, she has made it her personal mission to ensure manufacturers are held accountable and aims to right their wrongs with all means available. Alison uses a business model which enables her to provide justice not only for those with the means to hire an attorney, but for anyone who has been wronged.
In her interview, Alison speaks to the importance of justice. If a business or individual has put their own greed and interests over the safety and well-being of people, they must be held accountable. Alison knows they can’t undo what happened, but knows they can ensure it won’t happen again. She provides useful tips for what you should do if you may have been wronged by a manufacturer and identifies patterns that may reveal a misuse of trust funds. If you understand your rights, you’re able to be a better advocate for yourself, so don’t miss out on Alison’s valuable information.
- 4:53-5:53: An explanation of the episode topic title.
- 6:35-7:47: Alison explains that she seeks to provide justice and not clog up courtrooms with litigation.
- 12:51-13:47: Patterns to look for in protecting a trust fund.
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Friday Jun 05, 2020
Karen Sparks - Divorce and Finances
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Karen D. Sparks, CDFA, Provisors member, and Owner and Founder of Divorce Financial Strategists, has valuable insights to share regarding the divorce financial analysis process. Before starting her own practice, Karen noticed too many people questioning the choices they made during the divorce process and sought to provide a solution. The goal of her practice is to eliminate the “whys” that may follow a divorce. In particular, she highlights how working with a CDFA will help to provide education and sound strategies that will help you avoid divorce remorse.
If you or someone you know is contemplating divorce or currently in the divorce process, Karen’s interview is for you. Karen outlines the full-scope of the divorce process and why starting with strategic financial planning is essential. Everyone’s situation is unique, and Karen does not take a cookie cutter approach in finding solutions that work for everyone. In a life-changing situation such as divorce, you need a grounding, neutral, expert voice to guide you through the process. Getting a handle on your finances first is essential to the rest of the process, and if you or someone you know is going through a divorce, be sure to learn from an expert like Karen.
- 7:53-8:44: Three things she prioritizes in her practice.
- 10:34-11:41: Importance of planning in a divorce and full-scope of divorce process.
- 15:33-16:33: Discusses some areas where her work intersects with other aspects of law - collaborative law.
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Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Lauren Mullee - All About Marvin Actions
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Back with us again is Lauren Mullee, Attorney and Partner at Buncher Law Corporation. She specializes in Marvin Actions, or non-marital cohabitation cases. With the rise in popularity of non-marital cohabitation, this information is likely very important to you or someone you know. There is a lot of confusion regarding Marvin Actions and Lauren is here to clarify.
In her interview, Lauren outlines the origin of Marvin Action and compares this field to family law. The laws that apply to married people do not necessarily apply to those who have amassed an estate while cohabitating and unmarried. Despite the vagueness of the law in these situations, Lauren knows firsthand that there still may be disputes to settle. Lauren always keeps her clients’ bottom line in mind and shares some ways to settle outside of the court system. Until changes are made to the law surrounding non-marital cohabitation, a strong and knowledgeable advocate like Lauren is essential in these situations.
- 3:56-4:56: A brief background of Marvin Action and its origins.
- 13:20-14:23: The differences in legal meaningfulness for non-marital agreements vs. marital agreements.
- 18:06-19:23: What would need to happen for law development of non-marital cohabitation cases.
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Thursday May 21, 2020
Steve Chevarria - Building a Culture of Health (A2018)
Thursday May 21, 2020
Thursday May 21, 2020
Steve Chevarria, CEO of Pansalus Consulting, works to cultivate productivity and a culture of well-being in the workplace. With his background of sports therapy and wellness coaching, Steve saw a great need for improved workplace culture. Steve and his team of behavioral engagement experts work with businesses to inspire positive changes across all levels, aiming to surround employees in an environment that naturally facilitates health and productivity. Employees who are healthy and productive contribute to business growth.
Healthcare is the number one rising cost in businesses, and preventative healthcare is far more affordable than reactive healthcare. Steve shares examples of how he gives purpose to changes to help them stick long-term. He discusses the importance of meaningfully listening to the values and beliefs of everyone in the organization, as every level may have a different goal, vision, and purpose. Accountability is crucial for achieving goals in the workplace, and Steve is the expert at leading companies to an improved culture of health and productivity.
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Friday May 15, 2020
Brad Davidson - The Limitless Executive (F2817)
Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
Brad Davidson, VP of Metabolism and Performance Research at Stark, has an understatedly important job. He works with a group of highly-trained specialists to help rejuvenate high performing people, let them move more freely, look better, and have limitless energy. Energy is a leader's greatest asset and Brad’s expertise is in teaching executives which lifestyle choices they make that are limiting them from reaching their full potential. Even if you think you’re performing at your highest potential, chances are you can still improve, and Brad’s knowledge is invaluable.
In his interview, Brad explains why people who are experts at recovery are the most successful, and why dedicated downtime helps increase productivity. He also analyzes different kinds of stress and how to avoid unnecessary stress with simple changes to lifestyle choices. Identifying good sleep habits and being nourished as the most important factors in living with limitless energy, Brad takes the time to share some tips for achieving both. Your life will completely change when you learn that exercise and nutrition are not punishments, but actually incredible rewards that give you power.
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Friday May 08, 2020
Nathan Mumm - Technology Leadership In the Time of Covid-19
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
Today’s guest is Nathan Mumm of Elite Executive Services. His company provides high end IT CIO services on demand for small to midsize businesses, while also hosting technology leadership groups across the US. Nathan has worked in a variety of tech leadership positions, most notably for Microsoft. He serves companies by acting as an outsourced CIO and can provide greater reaching expertise in his field than if he were a full-time employee at a single company.
In his interview, Nathan shares some of his experiences developing game-changing technology like the Xbox and Sharepoint. Additionally, he shares insight on how technology is rapidly advancing due to Covid-19. Nathan points to some real-world examples and speaks to what kind of innovation we may see in the near future. This acceleration is largely made possible by his technology leadership groups, which bring leaders in technology together to help speed the spread advancements across businesses. Listen to learn more about these groups, gain a network of tech experts, and help find strategic alliances.
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Tuesday May 05, 2020
Dane Maxwell - Start From Zero
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Dane Maxwell, author of “Start From Zero” and founder of The Foundation, has a unique perspective on entrepreneurship that has brought him and his students' financial success. Today, he shares some of his ideas with us. Dane began his venture into business after finding he was unfulfilled with being an employee and realizing he wanted to build passive income streams. His passion is helping underdogs start their own business. Dane’s unconventional approach to business growth may be revolutionary information for those hoping to become successful entrepreneurs.
As we see drastic changes in consumer habits due to the pandemic, new business opportunities are becoming present - the time is ripe for starting your own business, but be sure to do it in a contemporary way. Traditionally, people have created a product and hoped it would find its market, but Dane stresses the importance of listening to potential clients’ needs and then producing specifically what they would buy. People buy results and not mechanisms, therefore by ensuring you have clients that would pay for precise results, your business risk is reduced. Listen to Dane’s interview for valuable tips on finding success as an entrepreneur while being your unique self.
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Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Doug Anderson - Using Intellectual Property to Create Value (E2417)
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
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Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Michelle Robin - Happiness: Your Wellness Advantage
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Sunday Mar 29, 2020

Michelle Robin is a Chief Wellness Officer at Your Wellness Connection. Your Wellness Connection helps individuals, families and corporations connect with the innate ability to be well.

Saturday Mar 21, 2020
Larry Bell - Plan Your Unique Solution
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
Larry Bell works in the field of benefit planning for Non Profits after final regs.
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Saturday Mar 14, 2020
Ross Givens - How to Build a Wealth Empire
Saturday Mar 14, 2020
Saturday Mar 14, 2020
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Friday Feb 28, 2020
Nellie Akalp - The Importance of Business Structure
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Friday Feb 28, 2020

Nellie Akalp is the CEO and Founder of CorpNet.com, an online legal document filing service that helps entrepreneurs start their businesses. Nellie is here today to chat about the importance of registering a business. She will share some basics about business structures, what structure is best for which type of business, why it is important to incorporate,when to incorporate and in what state to incorporate.
Contact Info:
Website: www.corpnet.com
Email: allison@matryshkamedia.com
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Monday Feb 10, 2020
Kaaren Hall - Self-Directing an IRA
Monday Feb 10, 2020
Monday Feb 10, 2020
Kaaren Hall is the President of uDirect IRA Services in Tustin, California. Kaaren helps people use their retirement accounts to invest outside of wall street into real estate, private stock, loans and much more!
Questions Discussed:
1) Is self-directing for everyone?
2) What are the steps to self-directing an IRA?
3) How long does the process take?
Contact Info:
Email Address: KHall@uDirectIRA.com
Website: www.uDirectIRA.com
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